David Topí: Evolutionary change update. Manipulating the concept of time

  • 2015

A few days ago, we had the opportunity to meet again with colleagues to make a connection session with those who assist us from other planes, and ask some questions about the current state of the evolutionary process in which we are immersed. We raised, for a thousand circumstances of personal changes, some time that we had not had any of these sessions, so we looked forward to seeing what answers we were going to get.

The last few weeks have been somewhat rare, as it seems that the global timeline of the planet was diverted again to scenarios that are “further away” from the “ideal line”, where, even among us, we commented that this evolutionary level change had vanished from our lives, since we didn't feel connected to him. I personally blamed it on my personal state and associated with my internal fluctuations, but it seems that it was a global movement where all or almost all the mass of humanity moved to a lateral timeline that could only be recovered a week and a half ago. So, it seems, that the road to the “new Earth / reality / matrix” has once again straightened the course despite the tug of war to avoid it :—).

Algorithms that manipulate time

How this timeline has been diverted has been very interesting, because as you will see in the transcript of the session, it seems that the concept of time has been manipulated in our common psyche, disappearing or “hiding”, the timeline to which We were hooked. Possibly this explanation is very simple, but keep in mind that, those who assist us, always adapt their responses to the level of compression that server, in this case, has, since otherwise it would be impossible for me to understand it and then explain it, so Take it as a simple explanation to something that, at least to me, escapes me in its entirety.

In addition, you know that when we put “guidance” in the answer, it is to use a generic term that simply identifies the function performed by that / those with whom we connect. It has a name or not, whether this or that, it never matters, so it seems better to leave it simply as a "guide".

David: [...] well, I suppose it is best to ask yourself as always at the beginning about the current state of the process of evolutionary change ... what has happened since the last time we were able to connect?

Guide : This time I will answer you with another question ... what has happened in your realities at this time?

David : It has been an intense, very positive time, the process that we are living inwardly, of cleanings, of changes ... of many things ...

Guide : [laughs] Well that's exactly what is happening globally too.

David : [laughs] How do you get on the tangent… [laughs] (today's session has had a sense of humor that is difficult to perceive and transmit in words, but I will try, because on the other side of the “link” they were very good humor and has been contagious).

Guide : Always what will happen on a large scale, externally, is what happens to you inside ... and now you have been left without knowing what to say [laughs]

David : I was waiting for another answer [laughs]. But, in fact, a few weeks ago, we were thinking, and we had talked to each other, that it seemed that this evolutionary change was completely gone, because it seems that the timeline on which we are was completely modified, or quite ...

Guide : Yes, it is complex ... those who can manipulate this ... [pause] I am trying to summarize it ... to put it understandably ... those who today on your planet, elites and others, can control the concept of time ... ... wanted to modify it ... for your benefit, and what happened had a physical manifestation in the form of the disconnection sensations you had, but it was modified to other levels ... [pause] ... but being able to explain it is really very complex. We must look at it, both globally and manipulation suffered at the level of race, as the individual effect that has had on each of you, to disconnect, move, or move away from the most ideal line ...

D : ok ... wow ...

G : Basically, certain codes, or algorithms, necessary to move the timelines, laterally, were introduced in a way in which ... [pause] ... is that it is really complex to explain David, how these manipulations are done ...

D : Do you mean that they moved humanity to a different timeline of events than the “ideal” line we have talked about other times?

G: It's what you tried. They have a way of manipulating with some codices [algorithms], the structure of reality, using, so to speak, very advanced mathematics, which, depending on the combinations of these codices or algorithms, the time or your perception of time varies ... it is very complex to explain it to me to you, but on the other hand, it is very easy to do for those who know how to use it and understand how the structure of the matrix in which you live works. You could see it as a computer, where the programs of your reality are executed, in which one programs are installed, that give an order or give another order, and that executes things.

D: Ok, and so was some kind of energy change that manipulated the perception of time?

G: What he executed was a change in your psyche so that the change that the planet is making, was not perceived or visible to people who are within this change or are anchored to it, so that human beings, despite that there are constant changes, you could not see or notice them.

D: I understand, and as you said, your personal outer reality depends on your inner reality, if in your personal inner reality you don't notice or perceive anything, you yourself manifest your world of "out there" as if nothing happened.

G: Of course, because as you know, who is really carrying what you call a change of evolutionary level, it is not the human race, it is the planet, it is the being or beings that make up the “soul” of this planet that is the Earth, and you are all dragged by him and that is why you have the great opportunity to make the change. You are in an important time for which you are going to reverse your current condition, what we have already spoken on other occasions, what was done to the human race at a certain moment, to return it to its origin, such and as it was initially before the manipulations suffered and that is the opportunity that the planet gives you as a race while it follows its own evolutionary path.

D : we only go on the passenger ship, we contribute to its direction, but the ship, the planet, is the one who carries the singing voice and always directs the course.

G : Correct, what has happened then .. during the time you have come to notice this disconnection and lateral movement

D: It looks like it was just a couple of weeks alone.

G: Yes, what happened is that certain codes were introduced that changed your programs and you could not see or feel that the change towards which you wanted to go was going to happen.

D: That is exactly what we experienced, the feeling that all evolutionary processes, all frequent changes in reality, had completely disappeared from our lives.

G: Yes, and on the one hand it was, for some, like a desolation to feel that [feel that everything had vanished], on the other hand, it serves to realize how you are so programmed too On an individual level, so that you had different reactions, but, also be aware, that most people, many, did not even realize it, because the Virtual origin program, your reality, is so inserted in you that you don't notice any variation.

D: Where are these codes, algorithms, manipulations that modify these time lines seemingly so simple for some?

G: They are introduced into the programming of the human being, at the individual level as a bounce, so to speak. To understand each other, we can say that in the collective unconscious, the matrix itself already does, as each individual is hooked to that matrix, there it is already automatically downloaded to each one once the program is activated . And what happens, and I am not telling you anything new, is what change your planet is doing, is modifying its frequency in a way that is affecting you more and more and that was tried hide with the introduction of this program that we have talked about. Imagine that your timeline was going straight, and during these weeks, it moved laterally, not forward.

D: and then it reversed

G: Yes, then, who has reversed it, it was those who are working to help the planet in its change, who are collaborating, and wish, that the process continues, even, A part of this is yourselves, which you are doing, although you cannot understand it at all, but parts of yourself from another point, temporary, are also collaborating.

D: The humanity of other points or times or “planes” helping current humanity?

G: Yes, we can say it this way, because now you are in a period where time is not a “linear” concept, you are in the “out of time” era, which you have already heard other people talk about. You are not living any linear progress of time, you live in non-time now ...

D: ... that still escapes me a little ... that it is simultaneous I have it clear, that it is a period of not-time not so much ...

G: If you are hooked to the matrix program, and we will continue to call it that because it is easy to understand us, you continue to perceive time as past, present and future. Outside the matrix there is no such perception, and what you are living is not true, it is not happening, it is not real, it is no longer, it is not so ...

D: You mean that outside our virtual reality, the story is another ...

G: Of course, this is not happening, the planet, outside your reality, has already changed, has already implemented or reached its new evolutionary level. But, just as you are going to live it within your reality, you are going to live it with events that will seem linear, physical external changes that will lead you to leave this matrix throughout a process that is giving little to little and then see the "new", which already exists ...

D: That does resonate with me, because we have already had perceptions of that new reality several times, it is like being in a bubble inside another bubble, and having to “petar” my current bubble to be able to access the larger bubble…

G: That is already happening, you are already seeing that the physical, geopolitical movements and at many levels are changing the situation of your planet, the countries are changing their games, they are positioning themselves differently… everything is still working as usual, but there will be changes ... and you are going to live it as linear changes that will finally lead you to live a change of "reality", but that reality is already there ...

D: Yes, we had already spoken on many occasions, the changes of power within this reality that are happening

G: Right, we had already talked about how a counterposition to the power of the United States and its allies is emerging, and now how the weight of that power is changed towards China and Russia and those countries that align with them

D: Although it is still the same game within the current manipulated reality, changing the dominating role of it

G: Yes, but the changes in that game within the current matrix, will change or will be the trigger to make things change. Remember that you are still on the same planet, remember, you already know it well, that your new reality is not in any other place, but "superimposed" on the current one, on another frequency. So if there are changes in your current reality that allow you to connect with the new one, then you can disconnect from the current system ... and you see that the reality in which you live will change ... or is already changing ...

D: I have been representing it like this more or less, as if an “earth” were embedded or superimposed on each other, but vibrationally separated, which are separated each becoming an independent reality.

G: Yes, it is a way of expressing it and seeing it. It is a way of understanding it linearly as processes that occur one after the other. I repeat again that everything happens simultaneously, that what you see is happening now, has already happened, that your new reality already exists. Only, for you, this change is gradual. You will not go to sleep one night and you will wake up the next morning with the change of reality, that is impossible. People will see that change of reality at the individual level, as they make important internal changes. If I remember correctly, the last time we were talking, we did it precisely about that, about the changes that are necessary in people for the jump to occur.

And to cut at some point, that the session was long, we leave it here with the link to the article of the last session where we were talking about that. Then, the conversation continued on this and other topics, which I will expand later. The question is, for those who have noticed something, explain what has happened in these weeks, where for a few days, our perception of reality vanished from the perception of any change, as if it had never existed, or as if we had departed of him completely.

Source: http://davidtopi.com

David Topí: Evolutionary change update - manipulating the concept of time

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