Distance Course and in the presence of "Antaya Therapy

  • 2011


ANTAYA Therapy can be done remotely and in the presence -.

Cycles can also be done remotely without any problem.

It is a form of healing that was used in very remote times in the continent of Lemuria.

The people of Lemuria were a very advanced civilization and used this Therapy for the healing of the body and the Soul.

This Therapy is very advanced for our time since it begins in the 5th Dimension but it can reach much more as people move forward and evolve.

It consists of 8 cycles:

* First Cycle: Close past patterns and eliminate fears

* Second Cycle: It is the Opening of the Heart and the Expansion of Consciousness

* Third cycle: Pure Love and Compassion

* Fourth Cycle: Transformation

* Fifth Cycle: Reconnect with our start to find the way back

* Sixth Cycle: Find the Soulmate to work together in different dimensions

* Seventh cycle: Fullness Status

* Eighth cycle: Walking towards the Light.

Each cycle consists of 8 sessions.

As we work and move from one cycle to another we realize that we are moving forward.

There are 8 cycles with 8 sessions each cycle - in total 64 sessions - The duration if followed cycles are about 3 months or one cycle can be done per month. They seem like many sessions but little by little it connects with Antaya Therapy and once it is finished, the person is prepared to work it. On a spiritual level there is a great opening in these 8 cycles.

For more information you can visit my blog http://terapiaantaya.blogspot.com/

To do the 8 cycles you must do the following:

Send the money through Western Union if it is from outside Spain and through the bank making an income if it is from a place in Spain - Once the money is received the cycle will begin.

Choose by mutual agreement the days and hours to do the session.

During the session prepare to receive ANTAYA Therapy.

-being alone - without telephone, or anyone who bothers you - you can put an incense and a candle and / or music of whales and dolphins, in short this is to facilitate your relaxation and connection.

3. Once the session is over between 40/45 minutes - you must send me an email with your comments of that session and I will answer you

4. Once finished the 8 cycles I will send you the diploma and the manual to work with Antaya


Monday: July 4/11/18/25
Monday: August 1/8/22/29
from 20h to 20h50 - Spanish time Price per person and cycle 80 euros. For reservation and payment send email to with:
  1. full name
  2. place of residence
  3. cycle price per person 80 euros

There are no minimum or maximum people

THANKS TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WRITE ME AND THAT ALLOW ME TO DO THIS WONDERFUL WORK A HUG OF LIGHT AND LOVE FOR ALL OF THEM Mari Carmen Mari Carmen Pérez Diploma in Massage and Ayurvedic Nutrition Master and Therapist of Traditional Usui Reiki -Tibetan and Karuna MAESTRA ANTAYA (FOUNDER AND CHANNELER OF THE ANTAYA THERAPY Travel Organizer to India, , previous appointment phone + 34 971794371 // mobil +34 626 80 15 95 http://terapiaantaya.blogspot.com/ facebook:

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