Cosmic Cross - part 3 "written by Aguila Azul

  • 2014

While the eclipse is happening and everyone expects to see the Red Moon and apocalyptic manifestations, our life continues in the universe. We are responsible for receiving and transforming these energies into useful manifestations for the change of consciousness planetary and spatially our personal change.

In the previous reports, part 1 and part 2 we explain how the changes would take place, accompanied by planetary energies. In this report we offer a vision of how to take advantage of the changes to start a new stage of evolution.

We review some concepts from the previous reports:

"March and April are two months to review what place we are occupying within the Earth Evolution Plan"

"We don't need more revolutionaries, we need Evolutionaries, beings willing to open up to a sense of conscious integration."

“The planetary forces that move until the end of April will teach many things to sleeping humans. There is no longer time to be disregarded ”

“Assume your planetary commitment. Energies of transformation and change are activated in each individual and in all humanity. ”

“Eclipses are confrontations of energies between aspects of human nature that hinder spiritual progress. We move from comfort and routine to make the great leap of evolution. They are opportunities to transcend old stories. ”

“April is the month of definitions. We encourage people in conscience to immerse themselves in their spiritual rebirth. There is no other place to go, the earth is dying if we do not begin the sowing of light. Open your heart to the resonance of your true Self. ”

After the eclipse and Full Moon of Aries, April 15

If you feel your life devastated, do not fear, you are establishing new foundations for the new path. It may seem that everything is fragmented, depending on the point of view you approach. Relationships that seemed solid dissolve. Projects in progress are stopped and change course. Interests lose strength and new orientations arise.

Unfounded agreements do not find support. Unconscious contents emerge, releasing the repressed.

Time for a deep introspection, talk alone with ourselves and be honest, where do I lead my life? Just look inside, don't compare yourself to anyone outside.

Just do what you feel inside. Be consistent between what you feel, what you say and what you do. It is no longer a time of dualities or lies, everything comes to light.

If our external reality does not coincide with our internal reality, it will collapse or be forced to transform. Just take what goes into your hands and leave what you don't need today. Open the door well, let out what you want to leave, receive what comes.

The key is not to get caught in the Cosmic Cross, to be in the center to integrate all possible aspects, accept what is going on and take the new.

Focus the heart and focus from the spirit, so the frequency rises and the vision expands

Our place in the New Earth

The Earth has reached a point of change never before experienced and is purifying itself.

The Archives of Nature and the Galaxy are opened emitting new pulsations of Light and Truth.

We receive new information to interpret our place, they arrive in the form of codes of light and energy and impact our brain.

We are redefining our internal contracts. Silence and listen to the voice of the heart, there are the codes of the new program that touches each one. We are receiving a new life program, do we recognize it? Do we accept the change? Do we update the operating system?

Follow the truth of your heart every day, so you will discover your life purpose and find satisfying activities. It is the time to act, to do what they always dreamed.

The new energies that radiate after the eclipse and Full Moon help us take our personal power to make the great quantum leap of our own history.

The quantum leap is

Learn to create our world without mental limitations. Thoughts create reality.

A broad and spiritual look at the reality we live daily.

Hold the vision of the changes towards the New Paradigms.

Focus on self-realization. Bring projects to life with the force of intention.

To cross the challenges in conscience, without claiming for what it touches to live, transforming the experiences into overcoming learning.

We are sowing the quantum field of infinite evolutionary possibilities.

When we take our place in the Cosmic Plan we generate the mass awakening of humanity

"Cosmic Cross - part 3" written by Aguila Azul

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