Channeling of Adamus St - Germain on the attacks in Paris

  • 2015

LINDA: Welcome to this special session of the Crimson Circle. I'm Linda Benyo Hoppe here with Geoffrey Hoppe ready to channel Adamus Saint-Germain.

This session of the Crimson Circle is called special as a result of the activities that have taken place in Paris - the bombings and the tragedies that are happening there . We have received many requests from people wondering if there would be a way for the Crimson Circle, that Adamus could give us some insight into this situation. That is why we have created this special session to try to offer more perspective on what it is and what has been going on in these events in Paris.

So, welcome, Adamus. We would love to hear from you. What is your perspective?

ADAMUS: Indeed. I Am Who I Am, Adamus of Sovereign Domain.

The situation with the attacks in Paris has asked me to talk about this. I would first like to acknowledge that, in my last life as the Count of St. Germain, I spent many, many of my years in France. It was one of the most charming places on the planet, and to date, even though I am not living in human form on Earth now - I am what many would call an Ascended Master - I still have a deep love for the people of France and A deep love for the earth. But I also understand that this situation goes far, far beyond the borders of France and even Europe. It is a global situation.

So I came here today to talk about this, and I understand that there is no bias towards a group, towards one thing or the other. I am there in Paris, shortly after this tragedy, to provide advice, love and support to all who were affected by this incident. I am focusing my energies on Paris, in particular, but also making them available to anyone in the world who is afraid, to anyone who wonders what is happening in the world right now, and not only to those who were victims of the attack., not only those who are what you would call non-terrorists, but for anyone at this time. And I am accompanied by many, many other angelic beings. Those angelic beings who have walked on the face of the Earth before and who are now considered Ascended Masters ; those angelic beings who serve humans from the other realms helping humans through their journey here on this planet.

So I want to make it very clear that, although I have a tremendous love for France, for everything related to France, I am also here in service to the entire planet and humanity, as so many others are at this time.

LINDA: Thank you. In our PROGNOST 2015 session in January 2015, you said something was going to happen in the last part of 2015 that would force the world leaders to meet to talk about the future of this planet and about true freedom and peace. Is this what you were referring to in January?

ADAMUS: There is no being, whether human or not, that can actually predict the exact events. We tend to look at trends. We tend to look in the directions in which the world is entering, and you are referring to our session that we made earlier this year, our annual session where we talk about the trends of the planet. And what I said at the time was that 2015 would be a year of many different events, one after another. Perhaps none of them huge by itself, but a year that was going to be very tiring for human beings, because just when they start to feel comfortable again, suddenly another event like This happened in Paris; Suddenly when that seems to diminish, another event takes place. Therefore, it was not the knowledge that there would be attacks in Paris, but it was a knowledge that there is enormous discomfort on this planet at this time.

This basic malaise derives from the global trend of the planet and the desire for freedom . Humans around the world are having awakenings. There is more desire for true freedom. However, at the same time this is creating a reaction, an opposite effect, because there are also those who are trying to return, trying to go back in time, trying to return to the old values, trying to return to the old traditions. They fear freedom for themselves and for others. They fear this awakening of humanity, so what they are trying to do is lie back and literally restrict freedom.

But there is another important element that comes into play here, because at times like this when there is the transition in what many would call the New Energy or a new consciousness, also There is a lot of power play on this planet. There is a tremendous search for power, and those you call terrorists have found that this is not only a cause for them, but that it is a great way to acquire power.

But in the last instance, in the last instance, the desire for freedom will triumph or surpass all the desires for power. Ultimately, whether in the next few years, this world will come to realize that power is really an illusion. Power is an old human game, and it no longer has a place on the planet.

LINDA: Is this a religious war?

ADAMUS: It comes under the veil or the facade of a religious war. Of course, there are religious factions at play here, but in the end, it's really more about power than anything else; but a great way to get power with this religious front, this religious facade. So, ultimately, no, it really isn't, but it is a great way to strike sabers, it is a great way to incite people and it is a great way to recruit many for their cause. But, no, really, ultimately it is not.

Now, having said that, it has a great deal of origins in religions, in Christianity, in the Muslim faith and other elements of religion. It goes back - what we are seeing on this planet with events like what happened in Paris - is not just an old situation of a decade or a century old. It goes back thousands and thousands and thousands of years. For example, the attacks in Paris occurred on Friday the 13th. This is really very synchronistic, because there was the original Friday the 13th, which happened more than 700 years ago, there with the Knights Templar.

The Knights Templar were a Christian group that helped pilgrims heading to Jerusalem, protecting them from robberies and thieves, but also, the Knights Templar, ultimately, with the authority of the Pope, gained great power and a enormous wealth

Well, there was a certain king in France who didn't like what was going on with the Knights Templar, he didn't like the fact that they were relatively sovereign, so he created a situation in which the knights were called, in various parts of Europe, on Friday the 13th, under the auspices of a meeting and a banquet, and they were really executed.

You could see that it has many threads and connections with ancient religious events, because Friday the 13th, since then, it has been considered a superstitious day. Most people do not even understand the origins of Friday the 13th, but it is in consciousness and is also in the superstitions of the planet. So, yes, it is a very, very old situation, once again under the facade of religion, which is now emerging on this planet once again.

LINDA: Many people want to know, is this the time to pray for world peace?

ADAMUS: It's a very interesting question, and it's a time to be aware of what's happening on the planet. It is a time to be aware of your balance. It is a time to be aware of why things are happening - not only based on the headlines of the news or what the commentators will tell you, but the underlying causes of what is happening. And, again, I bring these underlying causes to the very simple element of freedom, the desire of human beings to be free - but how many human beings really understand what that means and how many are really ready for freedom? - and all this element of power that is being carried out.

In a way of saying, is this a time to pray for world peace? Frankly, from my point of view in the other realms, there are human beings who pray and are not really aware of why they are praying or who they are praying for. Are you praying to God? Does God really regulate and supervise the activities of the planet? Are they really praying for their own agenda? Are you praying for compassion towards the victims? Are you praying for your own safety? So it leads us to a very, very big question about what prayer is.

That is why, I encourage all of you who are listening to this, to really come to the understanding of your own Self in this, your own consciousness, your own understanding of this. Get to the place of understanding that the greatest service you can do for this planet, right now, is to serve yourself.

Now, this may sound very strange to the arrival of these recent activities, but if you are allowing your own enlightenment - you are integrating your darkness and your light, your masculine-feminine, you are integrating all parts of yourself and you are allowing enlightenment of themselves, while remaining in the physical body - this has a profound effect on the consciousness of the planet. It has a profound effect on the potential futures of this planet, because what this planet really needs, at this moment, is from incarnated and enlightened living Masters ; beings like you who have allowed the divinity to enter this physical and sometimes very dense and rough 3D environment.

What this planet needs right now is no more gurus, and no more preachers and no more spiritual masters, but those who are truly, truly enlightened. They set the example for everyone else.

So, although it is good to have compassion and understanding for those who were involved in these attacks in Paris, it is good to have compassion for the entire planet at this time, what is really needed is to take this opportunity to allow your own enlightenment.

LINDA: Oh, thanks. It is very sweet advice . Another question that arose was why does something need to happen in the western world, when such things happen in the Middle East and other countries all the time and they are never given almost any attention? They almost don't make headlines. Why is it that this has caught people's attention?

ADAMUS: You take a place like Paris, known as the City of Lights, a place of romance, a place of good wine and good food; It is a place that people around the world are aware of. No matter where they live, what kind of culture, they are aware of the glamor of Paris. So, in a sense, an incident of this kind, which was not incidental, in any way, but an incident like this brings awareness. It brings awareness. It makes shock waves go all over the world and makes people more aware. Instead of just continuing on their path of everyday life and actually being quite unconscious of the world around them, for a moment they become much more aware. And they ask themselves: “What do I want from life?” They see the potentials of humanity and say: “What do we want? What changes? “They enter very deeply within themselves.

So in a case like this, where terrorists are really trying to bring fear and trying to take joy away from life, trying to make people withdraw back to the small, what really happens, what they don't They understand that this is what really makes conscious people more aware, that good people are better people. It makes people stop for a moment and see their families and say, "This is what is important to me . " Let them look around and say, "This is our planet ." Look at humanity and say: "These are the beloved souls of the whole world who deserve freedom, who deserve compassion, who deserve abundance."

So it is actually almost counterproductive to the terrorists' desire to bring fear, to try to make things small again. Actually, it makes consciousness more conscious.

I am not saying that this is the way to do it, no, not at all, but what I say is that, really, truly contrary to what the terrorists thought was going to happen, they thought they were going to keep people out from the streets and from celebrating life and from having the freedom to sustain the religious or spiritual values that they want, in reality, this makes them focus more on that. Rather, it causes a wish in the last instance of this freedom.

What is happening on the planet at the moment is all this change towards freedom. And again, as I said, most people don't really understand freedom, but they have a sincere desire in the heart of more freedom.

What is happening in this great planetary change at the moment is that the institutions and organizations and belief systems that have been suppressing freedom, that have kept humans in their small human world This is changing. This has to change. I am not saying that there are villains here or something sinister. It is only the way humanity has grown over the centuries. But there are banking systems that are outdated right now; banking systems that are really holding power and preventing true energy from being distributed smoothly throughout the planet.

I am not talking about giving money here, but I am talking about making the energy flow channels of finance around the world, much more open so that they become a potential for everyone, not just for a few.

The banking system on the planet at the moment is very, very old. When you take a look at what has happened to technology only in the last 30 or 40 years, the banking system is five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred years ago. In reality, the current banking system literally goes from the time of the Knights Templar of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and to some extent even further back than that . That needs to change.

Politics, the political systems even in what you would call the most developed countries on the planet, is time for a change in those. They are not really free systems. People talk about democracy and think they are free because they have the right to vote, which is a democratic process. But it is a very, very controlled process by a small number of people who are basically making the decisions of the two or three, by which you can ultimately vote.

All these things are changing. All these things have to change. And, again, I am not saying that there is any conspiracy here. It is only the way in which human consciousness has evolved over the decades, centuries of time.

The way business is organized and working at this time. Businesses do an incredible job - In fact, I would almost prefer business to govern a country more than politicians to govern a country - but companies are still focused on the final results, on profits.

Now, there is a change in companies. Many more of them are becoming much more aware - aware of the environment, aware of their customers, aware of the good they do with their product - but there are still too many that only focus on the final results and profitability for the investor. And in the coming years, in the short years to come, you will notice a departure from this. They will realize that it just doesn't work anymore. Companies that are only focused on final earnings are going to have problems that they could never have imagined before. This will make them either disappear or become aware.

Companies that survive in the future will have a heartfelt understanding, not only of the economy of their business, but of the way they serve the planet, how they maintain and preserve nature, how they have to do with providing, ultimately instance, freedom for people without the use of abuse of power.

LINDA: One thing that people find difficult to imagine is how these extremely violent cruel behaviors, which have not been seen like this for hundreds and hundreds of years, how is it that this happens, that someone recoils so much in their behavior?

ADAMUS: Well, you're basically talking about how any being can be so violent and have such contempt for human life and ultimately for human freedom. But the fact is that they believe in their cause. They do not understand that their cause is a cause moved by power and really moved by fear. They hide under this veil of religion. They say that Allah, God wants them to do this, and sentient beings know that this is not true. God has no preferences. God has no preference in religion. God does not care if you are an atheist or a devoted parishioner, he does not care at all, but there are those who have been in power and continue to use power to control other people. Power is their food, and once again, they hide under the masks of religions or business or politics or anything else, and will do anything for that. They justify it by saying: "This is the will of God" when in reality it is not.

So they are in such a narrow conscience, so narrow that violence is justified for them. But this is not going to hold on the planet for much longer. There are those who will no longer tolerate it and will not take up arms against these terrorists. What they are going to do is become aware within themselves.

Consciousness is very different from thought or belief - very, very different. Consciousness is light, which ultimately creates everything. Consciousness is the light that attracts energy and manifests; Create reality . Consciousness is the light that is now being brought by humans, not a large group, but by enough human beings from all over the planet. This awareness simply will not tolerate this type of violence.

It doesn't have to be aggressive. You don't have to fight terrorism, because the light of consciousness shines so brightly on everyone - without an agenda, without trying to change them, but simply a potential, a light - and what happens in a case like this, say, that you have terrorist groups that don't care about life, that are really looking for power only. But when consciousness presents itself in their midst, it will really make them do things like fighting each other, destroying themselves from within. Consciousness is that light that will change the planet.

And please understand, conscience is not a religion. It is not the New Age. It is not spirituality. It is the Presence I Am. It is the total consciousness that does not need energy, that does not need religions, that does not need money or anything. It is only consciousness, and it is being allowed on this planet by more and more and more people every day. This is what will change the planet.

LINDA: Wow, I have to say, I think everything that was on my list of questions seems to have been covered here. Is there anything else you would like to add to this?

ADAMUS: I would like to say that there is a lot of pain and sadness with an event like this.

LINDA: Absolutely.

ADAMUS: For those of us who are in the other realms, what you call the angelic realms, that we have walked on the human journey, that we have been in the physical body before, brings us a high degree of sadness, because we know that this It doesn't have to be done. We know that there were lost innocent lives, and I do not subscribe to the theory that everyone who is involved in this somehow chose this in their path. I simply do not, because while it may have been an element or a potential in their path, there are other potentials as well, and they did not need to be subjected to this cruelty.

So there is sadness in the other realms, but it makes us be drawn to humans on this planet who are working for freedom, who realize that power is really an illusion, and when there is power, there is abuse. And we are working more closely now with all those who are allowing consciousness in their life, allowing their I Am in their life.

These events will continue, whether for the next five years or ten years, because there is such underlying confusion on the planet at this time. There is an imbalance in religions and in companies and governments . There is so much control and deception. Things like the Internet now make it possible for all these things to come out, because what has been hidden will come out. So people are less and less tolerant of the abuses of power, of the imbalances of politics, of the wars that are taking place on the planet.

So because of this, we are not simply going to have some miracles of the night in the morning that stop the violence, but as the violence increases, this will bring more awareness, more He is aware of what humans really want. It will bring more attention to power and the abuses of power on the planet, and it will put the question, Est s before the face of human beings across the planet ready for freedom?

And while the answer to that question might seem obvious, when he stands before you Are you ready for freedom? Are you ready for responsibility? - No more blaming others. No more even blaming your past. No longer fearing the future, but knowing that what comes to you in your future, is absolutely appropriate, because you are the one who is creating it. So when that question comes to you Are you ready for freedom? It is not necessarily an obvious answer, since it requires great responsibility. It requires recognition that you are a creator. You are the creator of your life.

Therefore, this will bring this question to everyone tonight, tomorrow night, the next night. This will make conscious people more conscious; and it will make people who remain victims or play the role of victims fall further into a victim consciousness.

In the next five, ten or more years on this planet, there will be more than an abyss or a division between those who are allowing their sovereignty, their freedom, and those who are still playing the old power game under the guise of religions, business, politics, victim or anything else.

So I would like to ask each and every one of you to see yourselves in a lovingly compassionate way. Take a look at your own life and what you are choosing for yourself - not what you are choosing for the rest of the planet or for your family or for your community, but what you are searching for his own life; use an opportunity like this, when the energies are high, when the media is having so many stories, even the dramatic stories about an event like this; seize this opportunity where there is fear yes, there is fear; many wondering if you should get on a plane again, if it is safe to go to a movie theater or a nightclub take this opportunity to take a look inside yourself and see what you You are choosing and what you want for your life, because that light that you discover within yourself is the same thing that will eventually change the planet.

So, with that, I am honored to be here to answer some questions. Maybe I didn't give logic to what is happening. I didn't give any kind of rationalization, or anything like that to the situation. But understand that right now you live in very surprising times but nevertheless very challenging on this planet Earth .

And also, please know that in all this you are not alone. There are other beings, related spirits from all over the planet who have feelings, who have views as you do. And understand that there are legions of angelic beings, many of us who have been in human form before, that we are adding our compassion and our love to this planet, even during these dark hours.

With that, I am Adamus of Sovereign Domain.

LINDA: Thank you, Adamus. We appreciate your perspective and support. Thank you.

Thank you Geoffrey for channeling Adamus.

AUTHOR: Adamus

CHANNELS: Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe


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