Walking between two worlds - A leap of consciousness - Kristen Neiling

A leap of consciousness

Brad Hunter interview with Kristen Neiling

Based on astronomical data, the study of human behavior and the legacy of ancestral cultures, researcher Kristen Mariana Neiling - a member of the United Nations Planetary Council for Peace - anticipates an evolutionary leap in human consciousness.

Not every day one has the opportunity to talk with people who handle a wealth of information as complete as Kristen Mariana Neiling. Psychologist and Sociologist, with a PhD at MIT, and a Bachelor of Image and Communication, Dr. Neiling participated in seminars at NASA and is currently a member of the United Nations Peace Council, the Disaster and Catastrophe Group of the International Red Cross and the Open University of Complementary Medicines based in New York.

Editor and founder of the Council for Planetary Peace in South America, organizations and written and digital publications such as 'Earth United', 'The Way' and 'Planetary Changes', her study of human behavior took her to other fields of research, making it one of the main references on planetary changes.

How did you come to unite psychology with the study of external influences on the human psyche?
I always thought that it was not the recurring repetition of a traumatic situation that solved the problem, but that it had to do with another level of understanding. Otherwise it would be very simple, the last 50 years of psychoanalysis would have solved most of the problems of human beings in the West and we would be a different civilization; But this has not happened. The study of the psyche is a specialty that, although it seems to handle a holistic vision of the human being, does not.

Living in Brazil, through a psychologist friend I became interested in the study of psychoastrology, a specialty that helped me to give another sense to the understanding of human behavior. I studied astrology in London with those considered popes in the field, Liz Greene and H. Sasportas. I used psychoastrology in an office with patients and the therapeutic support was more dynamic with the holistic vision that I was missing before.
However, it also did not work, people achieved a certain level of understanding of their personal history and better manage their daily lives, but without the balance, understanding and the axis or center that people have to have to live and face the different challenges of the personal and society life where we live.
From psychoastrology to climatic changes ...?

Everything and everyone is going through cycles, studies progress and we learn and understand more and more. It is not possible to remain detained and handle presumptions when, in plain sight, things tend to get worse and not better. The collapse of the economy, the labor, political and cultural collapse of social, educational, etc. behaviors, all over the world, led me - together with my work colleagues in different countries of the world that raised the same questions - to look for the reason for this collapse; and we concluded that there were several factors that had a great influence.
I dedicated myself to studying solar activity as the main subject and discovered its incidence in the climate, temperature and especially in the behavior of all living beings, without neglecting seismic and volcanic activity, global warming and the earth's magnetic field.
To deepen I had the opportunity to get in touch with the staff that studies space weather at NASA / NOOA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)

What significance does NASA give to these issues?

NASA is a large complex where many disciplines related to the system called planet Earth are studied. There are dozens of sectors and subsectors; those who study the Sun, seismic activity, hurricanes, tornadoes and storms, tides, tsunamis, asteroids, meteorites, ancient texts, soil composition, seas, oceans, atmosphere, ionosphere, magnetosphere of the planet, its geology, geological eras, alternative medicines; in short, a giant where everything is related to life inside, on and off the planet. Since everything is related to life and my academic training related to the humanistic, I was able to access certain seminars and courses that were of interest to me.
The Mer-Ka-BaA, at the beginning of the 90s, comes something new to us, but very old in the history of the planet; It refers to some exercises that are now known as Mer-Ka-Ba technique. It is discovered in historical ruins and ancient writings almost everywhere in the world.
The interesting thing, as Kristen describes, is that this knowledge also appears in the Dead Sea Manuscripts decoded by the corresponding area of ​​NASA. This confirms in a reliable way that these were very old exercises in the history of mankind and their rediscovery indicates that for each historical moment of the planet there are solutions for that particular time and that by this time we have a solution that allows us be in harmony while planetary changes are underway.
With the practice of this exercise on a daily basis and only for a while, the Mer-Ka-Ba or electromagnetic field is activated and consequently the human being remains in sync with the field Earth's magnetic that is currently changing for a natural cycle of the planet, because of solar explosions, global warming and the decrease of the Earth's rotation.

The practice of this exercise results in changes and improvements in psycho-physical health, he explains, and adds that a few years ago he was presented at the School of Alternative Medicine of the United Nations, where it was validated by the institution. A specialization in PTSD (post-traumatic stress) and with the Mer-Ka-Ba exercises could apply this knowledge in hundreds of crisis situations of the most varied with one hundred per One hundred improvement in each and every one of the situations, both individual and group.

What is Mer-Ka-Ba in essence?

The electromagnetic field of human beings and that of Earth. The word is a composition of three others, each with its own meaning: Mer, means energy fields in rotation of opposite turns in the same place ; Ka, is the body; and Ba the soul. In other words, we have a soul that has a body, and that has a rotating field of opposite turns in the same place, that is, around the physical body.
Earth reorders its electromagnetic field by itself, animals also, but man does not.
Those exercises that were practiced by our ancestors thousands of years ago were left aside over time, so that man lost synchronicity with the planet and its magnetic field.
While the Earth's magnetic field did not change for centuries, now it changed; and this is happening for more than a decade. We realize now because the change is not perceived until it is installed, and what ultimately matters is that the wisdom of the Universe for each historical moment has an answer to the problem of that moment.
Today is the only known way that allows people to align with the Earth's magnetic field and get out of symptoms such as irritability, panic, anguish, fear of the future, loss of sense of life, tachycardia, feeling dissociated, having pain, depression and being aggressive, among others.

How does all this relate to the change of consciousness?
NASA studied different historical periods and their relationship with the fluctuation of Earth's magnetism. Studying ancient texts and making projections of the past with simulators, science has discovered that throughout history the cycles of the Earth and their corresponding civilizations were strongly influenced by the variation of the Earth's magnetic field. In times of low magnetic fields there was a higher level of consciousness in individuals, and with higher fields the level of consciousness was lower.

How could we understand this change in human consciousness?

As the Earth's magnetic field decreases, the dimensions change and it is at this point that a definitive change of consciousness will occur. Each human being and human society as a whole reflect this change, which is expressed by people according to the environment in which it operates. What is missing is information that clarifies the dynamics of this process, since the Earth is producing a change, and this includes all the people who inhabit it. ”

Is it an irreversible process?

It is irreversible because it is part of a larger cycle called Presession of the Equinoxes and this would happen even if there were no human beings on Earth.

Reproduced Note from the El Planeta Urbano Magazine, June 2005 Edition
Source: www.thecamino.com.ar/

The future ... and we If we have to reflect on what we can say about the coming year, we must take into account several factors and use our discernment. The researcher Kristen Neiling anticipates some upcoming changes. Our solar system is entering a new place in the Universe and highly charged with an energy that science cannot distinguish until now, but which manifests itself in many ways. Everything is changing in frequency and vibration.

SCIENCE AND SPIRIT Two divided fields are clearly noted: one follows the status quo that says or proceeds according to “do not make waves so that the ship does not shake” and the masses are startled with things they should not know or understand. The other ship sails in its entirety of serving and educating people. This is the reason why there is so much difference and variety of opinions. This also happens because many scientists do not understand quantum physics, the mind body connection, where matters of the spirit and consciousness enter into the same and unique picture. True science and spirit are one, they complement each other. In the days to come Spirit and Science will emerge without separation. It is the vibration of the 'continuum', where the mass when accelerated is transformed into energy, energy becomes light and light is transformed into consciousness. Likewise, consciousness when it falls in frequency or vibration becomes light, then energy and finally mass. So, mass is nothing more than condensed consciousness or light. Light is like a package of consciousness.

What happens when huge amounts of light flood the planet? What happens when CME (ejections of the Sun's corona mass) or solar explosions reach the Earth and are absorbed by the poles? What happens when cosmic energies of unknown origin flood the poles?

The human being is also multidimensional and exists in a vibrational continuum. We are more than a body and a personality or ego. We are a spirit that has a body and a personality, however very few realize this.


All scientists agree that we can measure less than 1% of the world we live in. But what about the other 99%?
What is happening right now that affects the world we know?

A lot is happening and it is affecting us all. There are subtle energies, microwaves, radio waves, psychotronic scalar waves that can sedate, excite or change people's minds all together; what a whole book in itself. There are also cosmic waves, light waves that invade our minds and personality with good intentions, and others with not so good intentions.
There is a whole spectrum of activity out there testing whether we have the ability to know or not and the ability to use our sensitivity and whether or not we are awake.
Is there a higher consciousness that we can access? Can we put this in a test tube and analyze it?

There are huge potentials in science that allow us to measure and know about these subtle energies, unfortunately not available to the general public.


What does this have to do with solar explosions and cosmic energies flooding the planet? These subtle energies have no such innocent effects. Solar explosions and other energies that enter the Earth affect the bioelectric field of the human body.

At Stanford University it was discovered that when monkeys are subject to fluctuations in their magnetic fields, they show mood swings and emotional changes that cause from comatose state to self-mutilation.

Are we living changes in the Earth's magnetic field?

Yes, and especially because we have passed the maximum of the Sun's equilibrium point; therefore aggression and violence increase in parallel to depression and lack of meaning in life.

Is our consciousness being affected by the great flow of light and energy?

Of course yes.

Does this huge amount of energy that comes from the Sun and other sources and is absorbed by the Earth produce other types of changes?

This is creating severe climatic changes, an increase in tornadoes, hurricanes, weather and erratic temperature. It also creates heat and pressure that must be released through earthquakes and volcanic activity. When this happens we have tsunamis and tidal waves. Let's add the greenhouse effect that increases the increase in temperature and consequently the severity of changes on Earth increases, the change in sea currents, changes in fauna and flora throughout the planet, whose climbing has no point of return.


Well, now you know the dynamics, a part of the story.

Where are we within these changes that affect the whole as a whole?

We can be aware, tune in with our inner wisdom and insight to have a guide and flow with these changes; or fall asleep thinking that we only have one body and a personality that they caught by surprise with some unexpected event and complain yet because certain serious things like the Indonesian tsunami “fair” have to happen for the end of the year, like I have already heard the end of last year, or that we are victims of some external and defenseless circumstance. It all depends on each one.

Unless governments take urgent action to prevent global warming, billions of people around the world could face severe water shortages as a result of an alarming melting rate of glaciers. The human impact on the climate is melting the glaciers of the Andes and the Himalayas, causing long-term threats of higher sea levels that could sink the islands.

Officials from 190 nations will meet to discuss international efforts to curb a rise in global temperatures, product, according to scientists, of gas emissions from factories and cars that are covering the planet. "The simulations project that a rise of 4.0 degrees Celsius in temperature would eliminate almost half of the world's glaciers, " said a spokesman for the World Wildlife Protection Foundation (WWF).

The Himalayan glaciers feed the seven great rivers of Asia that cross China and India, the most populous nations in the world, ensuring the annual supply of water to 2 billion people.

Sea levels could rise more if two
of the largest ice caps in the world, in Antarctica and in Greenland, they melt.

Glaciers are ancient rivers of compact snow that stretch across the landscape, shaping the planet's surface.

They are extremely important because they respond rapidly to climate change and their loss directly affects human populations and ecosystems.


The Hopi prophecies say: “When the Earth is sick and the animals dying there will come a tribe of people from all cultures who believe in words and actions that will restore the Earth's beauty. This tribe will be known as the rainbow warriors. ”

And that this will happen when the eagle of the North and the condor of the South together and together will wake up on Earth to a new era. Peruvian native people talk to Earth. When consciousness awakens, we can fly high like the eagle, or like the condor ...
Finally, we are native because the native word originates from nature, and we are all parts of Mother nature. She is within us and we are within her. We depend totally on the Earth, the Sun, and the water. We belong to the evolution of nature in our physical bodies.

Final message for 2006 onwards. This is the first generation of which is recorded in the history of mankind that has the power to destroy or preserve what he loves and is most precious to him. May our legacy, for those who consider us their predecessors, be that of Peace.

Author: Kristen Mariana Neiling
Reproduced Note from the El Planeta Urbano Magazine
Source: www.thecamino.com.ar/planetax/

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