6 nutritional steps to avoid depression due to lack of serotonin

  • 2014

Deficiency of a neurotransmitter called Serotonin, which the body creates from tryptophan, can cause a type of depression characterized by sadness, irritability or aggressive outbursts, anxiety, sleep problems and obsessions.

Tryptophan is an amino acid found in the proteins we eat with food. Once in our body, it is transformed into 5-HTP which, in turn, becomes serotonin, a neurotransmitter that controls mood, sleep (serotonin is a precursor to the sleep hormone, melatonin), the sexual impulse, appetite and pain threshold, among other functions. Both tryptophan and 5-HTP can be purchased at any herbalist.

Symptoms caused by serotonin deficiency

The lack of this neurotransmitter can produce a wide variety of symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, irritability, panic, premenstrual syndrome, sleep problems, or muscle pain. Some people have only some of the symptoms, while others may suffer from many of them.

Negativity When serotonin levels are adequate, your brain is capable of producing positive emotions and thoughts, while when they are too low, negativity predominates, you tend to think about what you need to do or what you have done wrong instead of taking pride in your achievements, you see the negative side of everything and you easily get irritated by anything.

Anxiety and obsession. Serotonin deficiency can cause a type of depression in which the person feels agitated and anxious. She is worried, becomes obsessed thinking about a problem or negative experience and her behavior can also become obsessive or rigid (for example, she is a perfectionist, she has trouble leaving something for later even if she is exhausted, etc.).

Irritability. The person feels irritated, impatient, may have violent outbursts that cost him control, or respond badly to loved ones, with criticism and intolerance.

Sadness. Negative thoughts and feelings appear frequently, he feels unhappy and thinks he will always be unhappy and nothing will ever improve, he sees everything black, he does not see a happy future, his thinking is pessimistic and he can think of suicide.

Low self-esteem. They also tend to have low self-esteem, lack of confidence, fears, panic, shyness or social anxiety, and a tendency to criticize themselves harshly, think that they are not doing enough, that they are not worth enough, and feel guilt and / or shame or get to feel hate towards themselves.

Sleeping problems. They have trouble falling asleep at night or wake up too early in the morning, or several times during the night.

Causes of serotonin deficiency

This deficiency can occur due to lack of tryptophan in your diet because you do not take enough protein, or because it is being inhibited by alcohol, caffeine or artificial sweeteners such as aspartame.

Chronic stress can also lower your serotonin levels since your brain must use more to keep you calm and focused on moments of stress.

Women produce less serotonin than men, so they are more likely to need supplements.

Serotonin is stimulated by sunlight, in a way that lack of sun can affect you, feeling depressed especially in winter. Thus, a serotonin deficiency can produce a seasonal affective disorder.

Many of the foods we consume today are of poor quality because the soils for crops are poor in minerals, as opposed to organic products, whose quality is much higher.

Sometimes, this may be enough, but you may also have other deficiencies of amino acids, vitamins or minerals, or that you also need psychotherapy. However, correcting possible nutritional deficiencies should always be the first step in any type of treatment.

6 steps to reverse depression through nutritional support

one . Eat protein with a complex carbohydrate for breakfast every day

This step is truly your anchor, your base for the rest of the day. It is important that you eat enough protein for your weight. To do this, divide your weight in half in half to give you the total number of proteins in grams that you should eat every day. Eat a third of that amount at each meal. So if you weigh 135 pounds (1 kilogram = 2.2046 pounds), you will eat a total of 67.5 grams of protein per day and 22.5 grams per meal.
Eat foods rich in proteins such as fish, egg, cottage cheese, protein powder in a smoothie, nuts or nut butter, beans. SEE: The 7 main sources of vegetable-based protein HERE
Eat a complex carbohydrate next to your protein. If you are a small person, 1/2 cup will make enough, if you are larger 1-2 cups will be a good size. Eat whole grains such as oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, skinned potatoes, sweet potatoes, whole grain tortillas, or beans. Avoid the consumption of refined carbohydrates such as white bread, cakes, cookies, etc.
Eat an hour after waking up.

2 . Eat all meals with a portion of protein.

In the first step you learned how much protein you should eat according to your weight. Eat that amount of protein for food.
Include a complex carbohydrate in your meal, once again, remember the portion corresponding to your weight.
Eat meals with no more than 6 hours between meals.
Be sure to include a wide variety of fresh vegetables and some fresh fruit in each meal.

3 . Include essential supplements to your daily diet


Magnesium is a must for those who want to recover from depression. Promotes deep and restful sleep, ideal to combat sleep disturbances. Sleep is very important to maintain adequate serotonin levels. The magnesium supplement form will be in the form of a powder that is added to the liquid.


Because depression and stress affect calcium stores, it is important to take a calcium supplement or calcium-rich foods. Most quality calcium supplements are combined with magnesium for proper assimilation.

Vitamin D3

It has been shown that adequate levels of vitamin D3 prevent depression and also treats it. You can get it by supplementation with cod liver oil and having a whole food source; You can also get it for free by exposing the skin to the sun for 15 to 20 minutes a day.

Cod liver oil

Cod liver oil is rich in two important acids, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Low levels of DHA and EPA have been linked to depression and other mental health problems. DHA is essential for the proper development of the brain and its function, while the EPA supports healthy behavior and mood. Cod liver oil is also anti-inflammatory, a central nervous system tonic and is compatible with nerve regeneration through neuronal wall regeneration.

Vitamin B12 in the vitamin B complex

Vitamin B12 is important to support the proper function of the central nervous system, behavior and mood. It is very helpful for those who have a type of depression that keeps them stunned and fogged and with excessive daytime sleepiness known as hypersomnia. Be sure to take B12 in the form of a vitamin B complex supplement to avoid vitamin B imbalances.

Four . Keep a food diary of what you eat and how you feel after eating them

A food diary can be a resource to achieve the relationship between what you eat and how you feel. It will give you a clear idea of ​​your progress and the areas that need to be improved. Be sure to write down the date and time of your entry, what you eat and drink, supplements and herbs you are taking, and how you feel emotionally and physically.

5 . Reduce or eliminate sugars, alcohol and caffeine

These three indulgences greatly impact insulin levels, the nervous system can cause vitamin and mineral deficiency which contributes to depression and hormonal imbalance. While these are consumed regularly, any of them, or all of them on the same day, there will be a roller coaster in insulin levels. It is almost impossible to cure depression if these are part of your diet. It is common to feel a little outside of yourself or not being yourself while eliminating these from your diet, do not worry, this is a normal reaction of your body to detoxify them.

6. Eat a potato before going to bed

You may be thinking that this is crazy, but research is not. According to Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D., author of: Potatoes not Prozac, the potato changes the chemistry of the brain. He says: "The potato creates an insulin response that affects the movement of the amino acid tryptophan from the blood to your brain. Your body uses tryptophan to produce serotonin, the chemical in the brain that makes you feel sweet and happy. Serotonin also helps you simply say no to sweets and other things by curbing your impulsiveness. ”

Dr. Desmaisons' guidelines are quite simple: eat a potato with the skin (mashed, baked, roasted, potato croquettes) 3 hours before going to bed. Avoid accompanying the potato with a protein. Good options to accompany it are olive oil, mustard, spices, garlic. The potato does not have to be large, it can be the fingelings or elongated, or Yukon gold.

For those with low serotonin levels, the introduction of a potato before bedtime can cause wild dreams, headache or the feeling of a hangover. This is a sign to reduce the size of the portion of the potato you are eating. The larger the portion, the larger the serotonin shot. More is not better, start with a smaller portion until you feel perfectly and are sleeping well and your moods stabilize during the day. The goal here is to get your body to produce and regulate serotonin levels, so you can feel your best.

Sources: motivacion.about.com, natural-fertility-info.com
Spanish translation of the source in English: Vida Lucida team www.unavidalucida.com.ar All Spanish translation with rights reserved.

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