2012 - Danger or Promise? - by Gregg Braden

We are living the end of time. Not the end of the world, but the end of a world era a time cycle of 5, 125 years and in the way we have known the world throughout that time. The present world era began in 3114 BC and will end in 2012 AD. Because the end of anything also marks the beginning of what comes next, we are also living the beginning of what follows at the end of time: the next world era, that ancient traditions called the great cycle.

From the epic poems of the Mahabharata of India to the oral traditions of the Native Americans and the biblical history of the Apocalypse, who have come before us knew that the end of time was coming. They knew it, because it's always like that. Every 5, 125 years, the earth and our solar system reach a point in their journey through the heavens, which marks precisely the end of such a cycle. With that ending, a new world era begins. Apparently, it has always been that way.

For at least four of these cycles (or five, according to the Mesoamerican traditions of the Aztecs and the Maya), our ancestors endured the changes in the global magnetic fields, climate, diminished resources and the rising sea level that come with the end of time They did it without satellites or internet, or computerized models that help them prepare for such a radical change.

The fact that they lived to tell the story stands as a powerful testimony of an undeniable truth: it tells us beyond any reasonable doubt that the inhabitants of our planet have survived the end of world ages in the past. Beyond simply surviving, our ancestors learned from the difficulties that may accompany the change. With the words of their day, they went out of their way to tell us what it means to live such an exceptional moment in history. It is good that they have done it, because these phenomena are very rare and distant from each other. Only five generations in the last 26, 000 years have experienced the change of world ages. We are going to be the sixth.

The present world era is not something that will simply vanish in the twilight of a time that seems to persist perpetually somewhere "out there" in our future. On the contrary: our world era has an expiration date. It ends at a specific time, with a specific event, on a day that was marked on a calendar more than 2, 000 years ago. There is no secret about that date. The Maya who calculated it also registered it as a permanent record for future generations. The date is engraved on stone monuments that were built to last until the end of time.

When the date is translated into our family time system, the message is clear. It tells us that our current world cycle will end with the winter solstice that takes place on December 21 in 2012. It is on this date that the mysterious Mayans identified the amazing astronomical events that will mark the end of our era ... and they did more from two millennia ago.

To put into perspective how rare the end of a cycle like this really is, consider that the last humans to change from one era to the next lived in 3114 BC, approximately 1, 800 years before the time of Moses and the Biblical Exodus .

The Mayans saw our emergence towards a post-2012 world as the beginning of a new cycle of history. From this perspective, the solstice of December 21, 2012, becomes a powerful window for our collective emergence towards our greatest potential. This moment is so rare that we have been preparing for it since the end of the last world era, and another 26, 000 years will pass before the same cycles of opportunity come back again for our descendants.

The possibilities of such an emergence bring to mind the ancient stories of the Garden of Eden, a place that once contained all the possibilities of our greatest joys and desires of the heart. If we are going to believe in the calendars, myths and prophecies, it is precisely that potential that awaits us after 2012. We could create a second Eden that begins again where the first one ended.

Biblical correlations do suggest, in fact, that the last time an Eden appeared on earth was about 5, 000 years ago, at the end of the last Great Cycle. During that time, the inhabitants of the planet had everything they needed to live in balance with the earth, enjoying healthy and vital lives. As the elections of our post-Eden ancestors planted the germinal events for everything that would develop as the cycle that followed, they set in motion the patterns that define our world today. Some, such as forgiveness and peace, serve as powerful reminders of what is possible in our lives; while others, such as betrayal and war, have become the great challenges that divide us as people, families and nations.

From the cycles of the climate to the balance of carbon dioxide between the oceans and the atmosphere, nature shows us that a pattern will be repeated until something new replaces it. The change that accompanies the convergence of 2012 cycles is a rare opportunity to erase the patterns we have overcome from the past. At the same time, it is also a valuable point of choice to establish new healthy patterns for our future and the future that belongs to our children ... and theirs.

Copyright © 2008 Gregg Braden


by Gregg Braden

September 24, 2009

Translation: Margarita López

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