An Spirituality of the Earth, channeled by Pamela Kribbe

  • 2013

Dear friends, I am the voice of the Earth. I greet you all with great joy! I am here with you, within you, and in everything that surrounds you, and this creates a deep bond between us. I help them express your soul through your body, through matter. Together we perform a dance, a dance of Heaven and Earth, a dance of the soul and body. However, for many this dance has become a battle, a laborious effort. Being a human has become a struggle for survival, and this makes me sad. In me there is a deep desire to receive you and to play together with you in this short life on Earth. Dance, enjoy, and fully allow in your consciousness what you are in your core: a star of Light - a divine being who is here to take on the adventure of the incarnation.

You descended into my sphere and took a body of flesh and blood. Why did they do it? What is the importance, the meaning of this adventure? Ultimately you are doing this for love . For love they were born from the womb of God, from where they embarked on a long journey - you as a unique soul - to discover and experience everything in creation that has a rich potential. In this long adventure you have chosen to come to Earth and here to revive your Light. It is right here on this planet, on me, the Earth, that so many different influences are at stake, including those influences that have discouraged them. It is here on Earth that the many contradictory forces - Darkness and Light, life and death, etc. - play their roles in the great "game" of life. The memory of who you really are, who you were when you were born from the sphere of the Divine, is veiled by this "game." When you became human, you got lost along the way.

At this time there is a call that can be felt in people's hearts. There is a sincere desire to find, deep within you, who you are and not to be determined by external influences; not to be manipulated by everything they are told from outside, but to return to the core of your being: a soul, a star of Light.

I want to tell you something about this adventure that you are having on me, the Earth. It is in the interaction with me that you develop and meet. You are, here and now, a human being, and the art of living on Earth is to allow your soul energy to flow completely into your human nature; fully receive your soul on Earth. In the past you have been told that the soul was something elevated that you could only achieve by suppressing your human nature. In the past, your earthly human nature has been judged very strictly. Precisely because of the religious and spiritual traditions that speak and teach about the soul, people have become alienated from their nature: from their desires, from their passions and from their sexual desires.

How many admonitions and judgments are there that are directed against human nature? You, as a soul, have been endowed with a wonderful instrument in which to live as a human being: your body, with its spontaneous natural emotions. And what happens if they are taught from a young age that they should not trust this instrument; Instead, they should align with doctrines and principles they receive from the outside: through the upbringing your family has given them or in school or in the church or through your culture? The roots of these traditions extend deep into many people, even if they think they no longer believe in that; there is still a negative judgment within them about their own natural humanity.

What happens if many people are alienated from their deepest emotions, desires and feelings? I see loneliness in people, isolation and deep nostalgia, and not knowing where that nostalgia comes from. There is a nostalgic yearning for harmony and balance in which you are able to be yourself in a calm, spontaneous way, as a child does. In each one of you live this desire - this nostalgia - and at the same time alienate yourself from the most capable instrument that you have: your body, with its feelings and your original nature. It is from this part of you that I would like to speak. It is this part that shows you the way out - back to the Home, where the Home corresponds with who you are and with a feeling of unity. Accept who you are - love yourself! - and by doing this they spread love and harmony around you - it's as simple as that.

I encourage you to experience the fluid nature of your soul. Many of you want to connect with your soul and yearn to be able to live on Earth with joy and passion. It is the case for many of you who first awaken the flow of your soul through your head. They are looking for a greater meaning in what they see and experience around you, and it is through your head that they become familiar with the new ideas. Then a break follows in your heart and in your feelings, where they become more deeply acquainted with the Light of your soul. Then it happens that great changes take place in your life. Your soul asks you to examine everything that seemed obvious, and perhaps it turns out that things turn around and are turned upside down. See if you can experience, in your heart, an opening to that soul flow that wants to come to you; Not only stimulate your head, but also open your heart. It is through the body that you experience the flow of the soul.

But let this desire descend even further - within your abdomen. The abdomen is the seat of your emotions and your feelings. Your soul can only really anchor on Earth when it is allowed to flow through your abdomen. To really reach Home in yourself means that you allow the flow of your soul to settle completely within your entire body, and especially within your abdomen.

Observe for a moment with your imagination a boy or girl sitting in the area of ​​your abdomen. This boy or girl is a symbol of your original nature and your emotions when they are not affected by what they have been taught . You were once a child, carefree and happy, and this child carries a very original part of your soul. See if you can find this boy or girl sitting on your abdomen. How does it look? Do you feel happy and cheerful, or sad and scared? Or maybe, do you feel misunderstood, resentful and angry? Here in this part your very human, in this human child, lies the key to your Home. Watch the child, connect with him or her, and extend your hand towards him or her. Ask the child: “What do you need to be able to relax? What do you want, here and now, right now? Allow yourself to see each other - I encourage you to do so. ”Take this boy or girl by the hand and then accept him in his arms. He or she wants to be yours and that you take care of him.

Now pay attention to a problem or issue that you are experiencing in your daily life; There is always something they are dealing with, or what they are fighting for! These struggles often arise because you think too much: you care about what you have to do and how you have to come up with a solution, or there is a persistent critique you have regarding yourself. They want to change something in yourself or in your life, and they almost never succeed. When you think too much about a problem, there seems to be no way out rather you squirm in a tight knot. Thinking does not give you a way out, because the thinking process is often fueled by ideas outside of yourself.

Turn to the inner child. How does the child experience this problem? How are your emotions about this? And what does your boy or girl need from you? Take the time, space and silence to find this part of you.

Many of you are so wrapped up paying attention to matters outside of you that there is little time or space dedicated to finding the inner child within yourself but there lies the key for the transformation. Generally, when the inner child tries to connect with you through his anger, sadness or loneliness, nothing changes because you are not aware of the source of those emotions. Only when you become aware of your deepest emotions and your origin, symbolized by the child, can you understand yourself better and be true to yourself.

Many of you feel, deep down, the feeling of being in the wrong place and homeless, and you are looking outside of yourself for a temporary solution and relief from your pain. No one wants to experience the pain of loneliness and the feeling of being lost! You want that pain to disappear, and because of that desire you turn to external things: to impulses, to stimulation, to distractions, to relationships or situations that fill this void in you, although The relief is only temporary. Be honest with yourself and watch how often you do this. But also have compassion for that impulse in you that you are always looking for, but that always moves away from the center and goes outward, and try to understand why this reaction happens. There is pain in the soul of human beings, and it is very difficult to face that pain completely. If they were there, it would be like falling into an unfathomable black hole. It might seem easy to turn to the inner child that lives in your abdomen, but it is not easy. It demands total honesty and releasing the external world as a solution to your problems.

The last coming home for you is something that happens inside. It means a total S to all that they are. Not only what happens externally, or feels safe and secure in your life, but also turning internally to the dark parts: pain, loneliness, not knowing and not understanding. Embracing those hidden parts requires courage and determination. That is what your desires and your soul ask of you. And why does your soul crave this? Because only by observing your nostalgia and deeper pain can the soul really illuminate from within.

Today many people are intrigued by spirituality and a search for the meaning of life. Very often they see that it starts in the head through reading books and exchanging new ideas, and over time it also begins to open the heart. But then the soul wants to descend more deeply - inside the abdomen - and that is where they meet the resistance of your most difficult parts; the parts that have been deeply hurt being a human being, or being a child, or in your youth, or maybe even further back in other past lives. The journey within the soul goes far and deep; however the solutions are very close. The truth, the answer to your desire of Home, lies right in front of your feet, so to speak.

By establishing the connection with your earthly humanity and with your emotions, although restricted and blocked, lies the possibility of a return to what I call Paradise. There is an old story in the Bible that says people have been removed from the Garden of Eden. That Garden of Eden, or Paradise, was the earthly nature in its most pristine state: free, wild and green; and also humans: free and being themselves effortlessly. Then, at some point, the judgment came - the darkness might say - of being thrown out of the feeling of unconditional love, of following your own nature effortlessly.

So where is the Garden of Eden? Have you ever been here on Earth? I tell you, the Garden of Eden lies as a promise in your hearts. In these difficult times the intention is that you give birth and expression to the Paradise of ancient times, but here and now on Earth. That process begins when you dare to descend into the deepest corners of your being, and dare to let your Light shine there and do not shy away from that Light. You do this by releasing the mediocre and becoming extraordinary; And know that your soul and your deepest desire are extraordinary!

It usually happens that when they first hear the call of your soul in your head, and only to a certain extent in your heart, that your life becomes unstable . You have a sense of the existence of your soul, but you go back when it comes to really shaping your cry of the deepest heart. There is a huge fear, a fence that must be passed over. That is where you collide with your fears, the resistance that lies hidden in the abdomen area.

This is why spirituality demands a different way of seeing what it means to be a human. It requires that you make peace with your emotional nature and not be afraid of your deepest emotions, passions and desires, and really dare to observe them. Do not live on the doctrines that are dictated from outside or from theories, even if they sound high and spiritual, but really live from your heart, from your abdomen and from your humanity - allow your soul to shine inside.

This is what is happening now on Earth and this is what is calling you all. It gives a person a great joy to step back from the external to the internal, to return to the Home. I encourage you all to do this, and to make it simple and easy. Walking this path requires courage, but at the same time it can be a joy, because at each step you become more attuned to the signals of your body and your emotions and gain confidence in who you are. Listen to the inner child; Dare to stand up for who you really are; don't hide anymore - they are necessary!

At a particular point in time, your soul decided to follow its desire to embody its Light on Earth and to make its Star of Light shine and spread here . That incarnation gives you joy, and gives others joy as well, because an inspired human being arouses motivation in others - but doing this requires courage. Trust in the Light of your soul and feel the wisdom and strength you have. Make peace with your human nature and dare to embody your power completely here on Earth. I am here for you; Feel my power - the power of nature. See in your imagination a tree whose powerfully developed roots grow deep within the Earth. Become that tree and trust the land that sustains you. Feel the power in the trunk and branches, and see how this power extends to an abundant foliage that gives the flowers of spring and the fruits of summer.

Ask your soul to give them a message and manifest it through your feelings and through your body. Truly, the language of the soul is very close. You cannot find that wisdom in the most academic books but you can find it in yourself. See again the wonder of who you are and the body that carries you - you are beautiful! They are a child of Earth and a child of Heaven, and a bridge between them. Feel great reverence and respect for being who you are. I ask you to do so and not to be more dependent and to build trust again and become your own guide. And from that trust, take each other's hands and connect with your beauty looking beyond the external. Feel the beating heart of the people around you and in this way connect with each other. Through humanity a new spirituality is being born, a spirituality of the Earth .


An Spirituality of the Earth, channeled by Pamela Kribbe

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