Message of the Essenes by Olivier Manitara (PDF)

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 Only when the last tree is dead, the last poisoned river, and the last fish caught, will you realize that you cannot eat money 2 The message of the Essenes. 3 Books published by Oliver Manitara (PDF). 3.1 Mary, the Virgin Esenia. 3.2 Words from the San Miguel Arc. 4 Everything that happens to the earth will happen to the children of the earth. Indian Chief Seattle.

Message of the Essenes by Olivier Manitara The Essenes are a group of souls that travels the world bringing their wisdom to the other peoples of the earth and Olivier Manitara pdf is one of them. The Essenes have their origin in Palestine at the same time of Jesus Christ. Through all ages of the earth they have walked through it through the multiple resurrections they have performed. The books that Oliver Manitara published pdf along with thousands written in the past manifest the divinity of the Earth, raise awareness about the preservation of the world and life.

Only when the last tree is dead, the last poisoned river, and the last fish caught, will you realize that you can't eat money.

Master Olivier Manitara

The message of the Essenes .

Oliver Manitara is a man with a golden will, who has dedicated himself in this life to transmit messages through books, music composition, dances and ritual movements. He has left a great legacy in the plastic arts, since using the lines and colors he managed to capture part of his Essenian wisdom in more than 300 mandalas, he made around 50 drawings for meditation based on hidden knowledge of lost arts, but that the Essenes have preserved, he outlined pedagogical methodologies based on beauty.

Oliver Manitara has published more than 40 copies in pdf format, has published 150 books on the methodology of good living and has held around 1000 conferences on humanitarian and environmental issues. During his career he has made clear the existence of a life after this and has explained the importance of carving a better future for humanity, so he creates the Esenia Foundation in the United States.

Books published by Oliver Manitara (PDF).

What Manitara wrote are real events, lived experiences since not only the words that count on them are valuable but the events that are narrated there, because they occurred as described and anyone can do it. The road is traced just go through it . Among his books are:

Mary, the Virgin Esenia.

It reveals a little more about the history of the Virgin Mary, which was not just any girl but a follower of the arts of the Essenes, her life is narrated, as she began to follow the doctrines of the Essenes, the teachings she left and her Amazing departure to the next life. It is an easy-to-read book full of wealth for the soul and joy. All information was taken from sacred books of mankind.

Words of the Archangel Saint Michael.

It is a short book of only 100 pages where the 12 messages that the Archangel Michael has left so that humanity can speak with the angels are reflected. Explain the importance and good that it brings to the soul and life of a person to communicate with the beings of light, help through ancient techniques to establish the hemodynamic and spiritual balance . He invites people to live with the truth, to have convictions as well as to reveal part of the wisdom of the Essenes in the chapter "Carrying the seal of the archangel cycle and an alliance with an angel."

Among other books are: Dialogue with Mother Earth, Enoch, The Mystery of Christmas, Healing Thought and also is Homage to Animals that are also very famous and are available in several languages .

Message of the Essenes by Olivier Manitara.

"Everything that happens to the earth will happen to the children of the earth." Indian Chief Seattle.

The works of Olivier Manitara pdf is available to read in the download link. We invite our community to read his words, since this writer is considered the living representative with greater knowledge of the Essene culture and the documents of the Dead Sea, he came to move the world by revealing that information and has changed people.

The Gospel of the Essenes

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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