The "Miracles" Of the Right Hemisphere of Doctor Shichida

  • 2013
Table of contents hide 1 The right hemisphere or brain of the images 2 Alpha and beta brain waves 3 The five senses of the right brain and the extrasensory perception function 4 Resonance function 5 Children “antennas” and love 6 Bibliography 7 33 Pedagooogia 3000 pedagogical notebooks 8 These practical notebooks can be downloaded for free from 9 Long live the new Education! 10 The “Miracles” of the Right Hemisphere of Doctor Shichida

The Shichida learning method, used in the educational institutions of Dr. Makoto Shichida in Japan, is extremely interesting in terms of the education of children and youth of the third millennium. Thanks to Dr. Shichida's studies, some faculties that seem implausible in children and young people of the third millennium are scientifically proven.

The right hemisphere or brain of the images

Dr. Shichida has shown that there are two different types of brain functions that produce two different types of memory and mental operations.

- A type of brain function is what he calls the left brain, which operates in the frequency of beta waves (between 14 and 30 hertz), which is used most frequently during our waking cycles. The left brain remembers mainly with words . It is the brain with which we are most familiar since we have developed it in traditional academic fields. It requires more review of information and conscious learning.

- And the other type of brain function is what he calls the right brain or brain of the images. It suggests that the brain of the images works in the frequency of the alpha waves (between 8 and 13 hertz), frequency of the brain that is related to a state of alertness and relaxed of the mind, like the one that occurs in meditation, just before getting out of bed or while listening to music.

Alpha and beta brain waves

It is not so much the kind of brain activity that determines whether a teaching is of the left or right brain, but the brain wave that is operating at the moment (alpha or beta) . Thus, the same activity, such as listening to music, can be carried out with the left or right brain, but with very different results. The left brain, for example, would analyze the musical work and the right would "experience" the music.

Dr. Shichida teaches that meditation and deep breathing are necessary bridges to enter the right brain. In a few minutes children can easily move from the state of beta waves, to that of alpha waves.

He has found that even though some children may have difficulty using their left brain and are diagnosed with learning difficulties, they can be helped to learn by awakening the latent abilities of their right brain. When the right brain is strengthened, sometimes the conditions diagnosed in the left brain disappear. There is some exciting evidence to indicate that certain hyperactive children can pay attention when information is transmitted using an approach to the right brain.

Dr. Shichida believes that when children are born, their right brain skills are present and active. With disuse they atrophy and become recessive.

From his multiple observations, Dr. Shichida postulates that the optimal time for the development of the faculties of the right brain is between zero and three years, because more or less at this age, he observes that the brain begins to change naturally its right and left hemisphere.

The five senses of the right brain and the extrasensory perception function

Dr. Shichida states that there are five internal senses of the right brain: sight, touch, hearing, taste and smell, which correspond to the external senses of the left brain, but can operate independently of the physical apparatus. Dr. Shichida believes that the skin is the re Information sensor that goes to the right brain and that often the child can see by processing the information that comes through the skin, in addition s of the one he receives through the other senses. The information is discerned by the vibrations emitted by the objects. This theory helps explain the reason why blind children can see the objects in their environment.

This concept is based on the theory that cells radiate energy and receive radiation from the environment (resonance function). Perception of images is essential for the ability to use extrasensory perception functions. Receiving information in the womb is one of the capabilities that results from the extrasensory perception function of the right brain.

Resonance function

According to Dr. Shichida, the right brain works independently of conscious memory. Acting as a high performance computer, it has a fundamental function, which is the resonance function.

This function is based on the idea that all things in the world exist as subatomic particles that vibrate at an ultra high frequency. Thus, the physical body is constantly being bombarded by frequencies emitted by all objects, thoughts and feelings in our environment. The right brain is equipped with a kind of tuning fork to receive and process these frequencies that are perceived as thoughts, images, feelings and sensations, but not necessarily on a conscious level.

The right brain has the following functions:

  • High-speed automatic processing function (for example, making instant mental mathematical calculations)
  • Image display function (photographic memory). It is the brain's ability to capture and retain a mental image exactly as it is in the environment. Children who have developed this image display function can imagine an object they have seen with their eyes open, recreate the image mentally and manipulate it at will. Dr. Shichida teaches that the ability to see images is essential for all other right brain skills to develop. A child can send and receive telepathic images or have premonitions about future events. The teacher mentally sends that image to the child, who tries to guess what the image the teacher has in mind. With this ability, children can often tell the teacher the color and even the shape of the image the teacher is sending.
  • Mass memorization function at high speed (for example, for fast reading).
  • Extrasensory perception functions. When fully developed, it possesses the skills of intuition, telepathy and clairvoyance.

To which we must add:

  • Perfect musical ear.
  • Capacity for language acquisition. Sound-based learning is more powerful when introduced at an early age. Patterns, frequencies, tones, timbre and accents are all absorbed and recorded. If there are five languages ​​in the environment, the child will master all five languages.
  • Skill for the arts.

The left brain is linguistic, analytical and goes from the parts to the whole. The right brain learns through images, is intuitive and sensitive to music and absorbs the whole without understanding the parts.

Dr. Shichida writes: “ Generally speaking, people believe that children's intellectual abilities grow as they store memories through learning, acquire logical thoughts and learn methods of explanation. We generally think that recognition is a repetitive habit in which people repeat what they have experienced in the past. .. However, when we see babies four or five months of age doing arithmetic operations that are not supposed to be found in their memories or when we teach arithmetic using “the point system” to children immediately after birth, these general beliefs about the experience disappear quickly. The brain of man has an inherent high-performance computer function that allows him to automatically handle sophisticated arithmetic calculations at high speed (Shichida, 1993: 12). ”

Children “antennas” and love

Dr. Shichida believes that the brain is wired to respond to a range of frequencies of matter both visible and invisible to the five senses. There is an infinite number of frequencies that cross our bodies at all times. Some of these frequencies can be perceived by humans consciously and others unconsciously. People who have the ability to perceive a greater range of frequencies are called "multi-sensory people."

Dr. Shichida says: " If you love your child, you are already teaching him ."

The expression "sensitive child" has also been used to describe children who appear to be ultrasensitive to the frequencies of light and sound that are beyond the range normally perceived by humans.

Telepathy is possible when the frequencies that pass through the organism are changed by mental images in the state of alpha waves.

Love is the key for anyone to do well, especially for children. In Shichida children's academies, parents and teachers work together to meet the child's integral needs: heart, mind, body and soul. When this base is provided, children become eager to learn.

Dr, Shichida states that: “ More than children who reason (Homo sapiens) are children whose sensitivity is so acute that they can perceive feelings, what one thinks, what they are going to ask, the atmosphere of a place, the past, the future and what happens at a physical, emotional, mental and astral level and are able to work simultaneously at all these levels . ”


Shichida, Makoto
1995. Right Brain Education: The Education of Mind and Affection . Shichida Child Education. Japan.
1994. Science of Intelligence and Creativity . Shichida Child Education. Japan.
1993 a. Right Brain Education in Infancy: Theory and Practice. Shichida Child Education . Japan.
1993 b. Babies Are Geniuses. Shichida Child Education . Japan.

See also the pedagogical pedagogical notebook 3000 # 16, The right hemisphere and the 4th brain and its annex

33 pedagogical notebooks of Pedagooogia 3000

This bulletin presents the summary of one of the 33 pedagogical notebooks of Pedagooogia 3000, which are:

1. What is the integral development of Being in education?

2. General recommendations for children and youth of the Third Millennium

3. Integral Physical Development

4. Integral Emotional Development

5. Integral Cognitive Development

6. Integral Ecological Development

7. Integral Aesthetic-Creative Development

8. Comprehensive Intuitive Development

9. Integral Spiritual Development

10. Integral Social Development

11. Integral Multicultural Development

12. Integral Ethical-Solidarity Development

13. The four elements and the four bodies

14. Family development

15. Multiple Intelligences

16. Exercises for the right hemisphere and the "4th brain"

17. Mandalas and Labyrinths

18. Light - Sound - Form, how to work in a higher octave of consciousness

19. Light and colors

20. Sounds

21. Shapes and movements

22. Life Purpose Games

23. Re-Connection Games

24. Planetary Peace Culture

25. Teachings with silence and conscious breathing

26. Creative visualizations and relaxations

27. Self-esteem, feelings and connection, for children and young people

28. Anti-stress techniques for teachers and parents

29. Sacred Geometry, module I

30. Sacred Geometry, module II

31. Sacred Geometry, module III

32. ASIRI, games of Synthesis

33. The Future

These practical notebooks can be downloaded for free from

We hope with all my heart that this series will be useful for your schools, home, institutions and for your own heart and your own personal development.

We invite you to read all these notebooks and do the suggested exercises.

Long live the new Education!

The "Miracles" Of the Right Hemisphere of Doctor Shichida

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