The Lighthouses of Light ~ Home Re-Cordatories - Afraid of the Dark

~ Afraid of the Darkness ~

Fear and Darkness

The Headlights of Light Re-Cordatories of the Home are LIVE presentations on the Internet, transcribed and sent in English on the 15th of each month. The next Lightworker Virtual Light message will be transmitted on: Saturday, January 31, 2009 at 11 AM Pacific time in the US

Steve Rother

We are on the plane, returning home after having traveled to our second home: Holland. We spent two wonderful weeks and very busy with our family there. Everything was very emotional for both Barbara and me. All these trainings are very emotional but this one especially consisted of the Organization of Metaphysicians and we felt very linked to this wonderful and fervent group of Lightworkers. They were very special moments and a lot of emotion. I have noticed that one of the great effects of the new wiring is the greater emotional intensity and we were both experiencing it. We have discovered that we need a “do nothing” day to take root before returning home. This time we went to Amsterdam to spend a day with our daughter Elke before traveling. Many of you know her or have seen her at our events. She was born and lives in Belgium but anyone who has seen us together can realize that she is our daughter and the love between us is so intense that it sometimes hurts. As Elke is an English teacher, she asked us for common expressions that we use in English to share with her class. That was enough for Barbara to start mentioning common sayings related to everything we saw (she also did it with songs). At one point in the conversation I asked him how he was and he replied that he was fine (fine in English). I even defeated Barbara when I wrote the acronym "Industry Standard" about the word "fine."

F ucked up (Tired)

I nsecure (Insecure)

N eurotic (Neurotic)

E motional (Emotional)

I don't know what happens to you but the emotional levels that I experience now are sometimes overwhelming and also seem to make my own light shine more. It is a double-edged sword. The great thing is that I can see within the souls of others very deeply and quickly. That means that I can reflect them as much as they allow me and I can go deep inside and show their souls in an empowered way. I say it is a “gift” but it is something we all have, only we need to learn to use it.

I have noticed that some strange things happen with my new wiring. I hope the group will talk about it soon to share it with you here. I think that both Barbara and I have been going through states of great emotional intensity and the group says that those states quickly lead to a level of Deep Contact with other souls. Because of our work and the world we live in, we meet empowered beings from all over the world and, to some extent, we are living a lifestyle that is well advanced in time. The group has shown me how to achieve a level of Deep Contact with people very quickly.

Now, as for me, the best way to describe it is to say that it seems that I am in a state of Deep Contact conscious with people, especially during our seminars. Personal contact is becoming more intense because I have to teach and exchange opinions about it and I have to live in that world all the time. Basically, Barbara and I managed to live in those empowered societies, towards which we are heading according to the group, and this affects both of us. The most intense emotions are one of the many signs of progress in the new wiring process and apparently we are no exception. Barbara expresses it in her own way and I express mine. Although it means progress, it is still very confusing. What has helped me in these times is to remember that what I feel is not always mine. With more intense emotions comes greater sensitivity. It is related to our attachments. As the wave of empowerment flows through us we can clearly see our attachments. The most common attachments are contracts, beliefs and goals. The issue is, can they modify their librettos or do we cling to a unique story? Soon everyone should answer those questions, if they have not done so yet.

The level of Deep Contact communication is ready here for everyone who uses it well. It is a way of communicating at the soul level using words. When this happens, they manage to see their souls very quickly. If they can imagine how it would be to walk around falling in love with most of the people they meet and interact with, they can understand, to some extent, how I live every day. Very confusing, sometimes exhausted, and I suspect it is irreversible. In addition, the deep relationship I already have with Barbara now presents new opportunities to reach higher levels yet. In a way we are blessed because as we go through it we can support each other.

Now I am working with changing dimensions while flying back home. Last night, while Elke drove back to Belgium, he called us from the road to wish us good night and give us a new acronym of the word fine (well) empowered society:

Feeling (Feeling)
I ncredibly (Incredibly)
N urtured and (Care and)
E mpowered (Empowered)

That is my girl!

Big hugs and gentle elbows, until next month

Steve Rother


Greetings from Home


Dear ones, you are sitting on the edge of the cliff, you are about to witness a great event. These are very strange times on planet Earth. They have placed themselves to be here at this specific moment and many know it deep in their hearts. You know that somewhere there is one thing that you came to do above any other. We tell you that now you have the opportunity to do it.

It is happening! It is developing and much of what we told you in the past 11 years is beginning to unveil now. Yes, difficult times are expected as they go through these changes, partly because of their perceptions of what they think is difficult and what they perceive as lack of support. We want to talk about that, because it is in these times that fear begins.

We have observed many of you and have shown incredible strength in your willingness to let go of the old belief systems. And yet, the first time they feel fear, they jump back to the old belief systems. There is nothing wrong with it, it is simply the way humans move forward, taking three steps forward and one step back. As long as they are not judged, there is no problem, since what creates their reality is their perception of themselves.

How would you like to see your world?

They will see darkness. They will also see fear. Even so it is not necessary for them to be part of their reality unless they choose it that way. Let us talk to you for a moment about fear and darkness ... and evil. We think it's very funny that even some of their world leaders used the word wrong. What nonsense to do something like that, because when they do they are looking in the mirror. Can your right hand call bad on the left? Nothing to see Therefore, what is evil? What is darkness and what is fear? That is what we want to talk about today, because as they progress in their evolution they will begin to perceive darkness, fear, loneliness and lack of support differently from that perceived so far. That's where they are now - right in front of that door that is opening. That has been prophesied.

Many of you have a part of the story you brought with you from Home, just in case. It appears more clearly when your sacred contracts are activated. That is why many of you are now moving at the speed of light, and for most it is a frightening proposal. Many of you will see the darkness. We hope you use our perception of it, because an empowered human sees darkness differently. See fear differently. It is not good. It is not bad either. It is not black. Nor white. It is not good. Neither bad. They are polarities that have confused humans so far. What we want to ask you today is how do you prefer to see your world? These obscurities can also be considered as opportunities for the light to shine. Dark challenges can also be considered as opening a door to totally new opportunities for you. They are opportunities for Lightworkers to radiate their light into new energy forms.

Darkness, It's Only Absence of Light

Darkness is just absence of light ... if you block the sun with your hand a shadow appears on the ground. Artists see those shadows and say "Oh, I can do all kinds of things with that!" Photographers look at that shadow and say "Wouldn't it be fascinating to capture it?" Many of you see the shadows and say “Oh. That is the darkness and I only choose the light in my life. ”There are even times when they turn around and escape the darkness that is actually there to feed their spirit. Dear ones, darkness gives you the opportunity to radiate your light, your confidence, your knowledge, the part of the Home that you are, as you have never done before. Yes, the first time it will be scary but remember that you are not alone. Look around, dear. At this moment there is a big family that is waking up to that energy. They are no longer outside societies. Many of their belief systems include the search for those who channel entities from the other side of the veil.

For some people and because of their perception of it, doing that is very dark and scary. Instead of believing that no one has control over them unless they choose to do so and simply listen to the possibilities, they choose to assume a position against or fear. We tell you that these possibilities are no longer presented only by channelers, inspired writings or visionaries. They occur everywhere in daily life and that is where the magic will occur.

You will not see a day that everyone has suddenly awakened from the dream, or that they will find a story leading the news about the way the light came to Earth. It will be an extremely gradual process that will filter very quietly in humanity, from different sources, to reach the critical mass and thus reach the level of collective consciousness naturally. This time it is different and if you look for these light opportunities today, you will discover things you never dreamed were possible in your world. For that reason we have been offering healing modalities; there are many more healing modalities that arrive on Earth at this time. The good news is that they all work. The bad news is that you should discover which ones work best for you. No one can do it except you. So, why healing in the first place? In order to bring the light that they are and fulfill their work it is important that they release their own restrictions regarding that light. Notice the focus of our work with you so far. It has been the healing and cleaning of the inner energy structures so that they can be anchored, as spirits, totally in the physical body. That is difficult because the spirits are not from the physical body. Your spirit is pretending to have a physical experience at this moment and that is what we want to offer you after all on this day - that human experience. She includes light and darkness. It includes sadness. It includes discovering beauty in the dark.

Activating the Light Network

Generally, the humans of this planet try to avoid sadness, difficulties and dark energies. However, we tell you that most of the music on this planet has been inspired by these dark energies. Most of the beauty they discover really comes from the shadows that hit the light in a certain way. Discovering beauty in the dark will play a fundamental role for empowered beings and Lightworkers. Discovering those opportunities to radiate light is available to all humans. They have put themselves in key positions around the world to be there at the right time and the exact energy. You have done it. They're here! It is time and now we ask you to observe the darkness to see all the beauty it contains. Look at those limitations, those negativities, all the horrors that your news shows. Consider them as opportunities to radiate light, because they will catalyze their next incarnation in this physical body. You are being reborn, even in this instant. That's what the new wiring process is about, on many levels.

When you do that, keep in mind that you are not the physical body at all. Many of you separate those physical parts and deny them in order to be spirits. However, we tell you that, in fact, you have no problems being spirits. The problem lies in being human. They are here as spirits to have a human experience and that includes light and darkness, failure and success. They are just labels that put you on your trip as you go, but they mean nothing when you get home. The parts that you will remember will be how you discovered beauty in the dark - how you discovered the part of your world to share it. It is the part they came to fulfill and we tell them that now is the time.

The Hologram of the Third Earth

There is a total reworking of many events that will happen over the next seven to ten years. As a result, the hologram of light is reprinting the original hologram of the Earth. The Third Earth that you have created through your thoughts and your process has generated a hologram that will now reprint the original Earth hologram. As the process begins, organizations, the encounters of souls that are not in harmony with this advanced condition, will begin to fall apart and fall apart. Some systems will not be able to move from one level to the next, however this does not mean that they will collapse. As we show you that as one system leaves another comes to take its place, the same will happen with its economic systems. They should simply keep their eyes open to see the possibilities, because that will create them. When you expect a miracle, it happens.

We tell you that it is difficult to achieve because the ideas and concepts they have about miracles limit the spirit in its realization. Many times when they say “I want this, that's why I have to be specific. I must say clearly what I want, I have to mention the color, what it will cost and all the other details. ” But being specific belongs to the old energy. In fact, when you are specific you limit the spirit in the realization of your dreams. Wrap that creation with the energetic essence of your heart and allow the spirit to realize it for you, because it will and will grow with you, without limiting you to your own belief systems. Those are the possibilities that are beginning to happen right now. You are not used to seeing the daily negativity of the news as opportunities to spread the light, so it is possible that some may find it difficult to understand this message. If they only took one step in that direction and looked for potentials and possibilities, they would discover that heaven is being created on Earth as they speak. That is the new hologram of the Earth and they are heading there. You will also see that many take the lead during difficult times and specifically request to be the new healers who know 'the' answers. Please understand that as you move you will no longer need leaders to lead you as you once did. The types of leaders they had on this planet are no longer necessary. It is time to assume your own power, first within your reality and then your leaders will see the support that you will need. Those are the potentialities and the direction that humanity is following at the moment.

A review

As all of you are changing your evolutionary structure, you will move towards what you came to do and raise the collective vibrations of humanity at all levels. It is what is happening right now. We tell you that we are watching. We see when they cry because they love their soul family and very few understand and empower them. We see when they think they have nothing to say and we see all the dreams they have about that important thing they came here to do. However, they fail to see the evidence of it; You cannot see the support available here for you. We see every time when they cannot believe in themselves and think how wonderful is the human experience they are having. We hope you enjoy your human experience, but you must know that a soul never dies. You are immortal and each of you can function at the soul level in a conscious state.

You cannot be hurt in the way you believe. For us, it's like sending them to Earth's garden to play. There are some toys that can be hurt, however we do not take away those toys. They will find out for themselves. They are going to play. They discover their light. They discover their darkness. They discover the combination of a spirit being human.

It is the most important part of the next stage of work when they are fully rooted in their own physical being means that the spirit is anchored in the physical being. Physical. It is difficult to achieve because they are not born in that way. The reality is that you were never born. They simply evolved from one energy to the next and took another form, because when they leave one form back, they enter another. Because there is nothing called time on the other side of the veil. The illusion of time exists only here, so it is possible that they interweave many paths as a soul pretending to be human. Our only concern for you is that your beliefs and judgments tell you that something is wrong and give you a good or bad polarity label. They can't fall even if they try, and we would appreciate it if they stopped trying so hard!

Dear ones, that laugh will always bring you back to the center. It is the language of the angels. It is the way we speak to them from their own hearts. Remind us when they see the darkness. They smile and laugh. Dive into it, because it is your chance to radiate light.

They come to sit in these rooms. They come to change their lives in some way and remember who they are. As much as they feel in these sessions that we spend together, we cannot express to them in words or energies how much it means to us that they are here listening to us. It has never happened before. You are the empowered humans who go forward and honor you more than you imagine. Take pride in it. They are the chosen ones. They chose to pretend to be human. Enjoy the trip.

We are very honored to leave you three simple reminders. Treat each other with great respect. Take care of each other at all times and play well together.


The group


By Barbara Rother

The Beauty of Holland

Steve and I have just returned from a two week visit to Holland. We arrived in Amsterdam to enjoy the city and rest before the flight, to overcome the 'jet lag'. It is common that after a transatlantic trip we feel exhausted and need to go directly to rest to adjust to the new schedule and prepare for the busy schedule that awaits us. It is possible that due to our long monthly trips we are getting used to it. Traveling in this way makes us feel as if we are moving to another dimension. After a short break, we were ready to see the city. Every time we stay in Holland we feel at home again. That land has a lot to offer. During the last ten years that we have been coming we have seen many beautiful places and we have met so many wonderful people ... We know that there are always new places to experience and people to meet.

This trip was somewhat sad. Henning and Mariana, who had been our hosts in Holland for the past five years, decided to start their own full-time job. We thank you for all your work in the past. Even if we say goodbye as hosts we will always be connected with them as the family and friends we are. We wish them constant success and that they feel passion in their work.

This also happened many years ago when Ingrid Kramer decided to dedicate herself to her own work after being our hostess. We will always thank you for opening that country and for believing in Lightworker. It seems that this is a pattern that is repeated with the people who connect to our work. We try to empower them to be everything they can become and, after understanding their possibilities, they move away from us by dedicating themselves to their own work. We are happy to see your growth following your own direction. Our new hostess, Sanne, moves forward with great enthusiasm; I'm sure it will take Lightworker from Holland to the next level. I also want to thank Saskia, who runs, especially. She helps us expand the light in a special way by connecting the Dutch. We feel fortunate to have them in our Lightworker work group.

First we present the one-day event “Panorama from the top of the Bus” in Hooglanderveen. We loved meeting with so many people who were attending for the first time as well as the friends we have met over the years. The next day we were glad to return to the Paravise event that this time was held in Den Haag. This event introduces us to people who never heard of Lightworker as well as meeting us with many friends. It is very fun to connect the hearts of so many people who think similarly. Then we drive to Elspeet enjoying the fall colors along the way. The center where we carry out our events is Menerode. It is a cozy place where everyone feels at home when they arrive. We will return again next May for the first "Activation of Sexual Energy". This time we were there to present the Ordination seminar. It was a very special event that led around fifty Lightworkers to the next level of their path. After spending five magical days together, we present them on stage as Metaphysicians of Lightworker. The work they do from that moment will be full of possibilities. Steve and I feel like proud parents who watch their children grow and reach the stars.

We are at home for a short time before traveling to San Diego to meet our family. We will celebrate Thanksgiving by meeting with our loved ones and expressing what we are grateful for this year. There is so much to be thankful that I don't know where to start. I appreciate Steve being my partner in Love and Work of Light. I appreciate my family and friends and all of you who connect with us through your heart. I wish you joy and appreciation for what you have in your life and for what you will create in the future.

With all my love and light,


The Lighthouses of Light ~ Home Re-Cordatories

November 15, 2008

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