The Infinity Codes 2007 - AA Mguel and Celia Fenn

Time, Manifestation ... and Changes in the Fabric of Reality that is Experienced in Planet Earth

A dialogue with Archangel Michael, with a little help from the Arturians

Archangel Michael and Celia Fenn

"Infinity" by Janosh at

Translation: Paloma Fernández Fernández.

A few weeks ago, Archangel Michael and the Whales, on separate occasions, began to send information on the "Codes of the Infinite." Then I was on a work trip through the Netherlands, and I was too busy to pay too much attention to this. But more recently I have begun to understand that these new “Infinity Codes” are beginning to be integrated this year into the frequency of the Earth, and that they will be the most powerful energy frequencies of all that will enter this year through the Gate of the Lion. We are already feeling them approach in the changes and jumps of energy.

While in the Netherlands I entered into a working relationship with Dutch artist Janosh, who channels holograms of the Arthurians. The image that heads this article is called “Infinity, ” and is a representation of the Arthurians, through Janosh, of the first Corn Circle of the 2007 season. True, the codes are being received right now, and the energy of the Archangel Michael is working with Arturian intelligence to help humanity integrate these codes in its journey of Change and Transformation.

The changes will be felt above all in the way we perceive reality as we move towards 2012, the date of the “great leap”. And, on the earthly plane, reality is perceived above all through Time and Space. In this article and channeling we will talk about Time, while in a later one we will talk about our perceptions of Space and its implications.

The Changing Perception of Time and Nature of Quantum or Holographic Reality

Have you realized what has happened recently over time? I've heard a lot of people say they feel "stuck", as if they weren't moving when they should be somewhere else. Often these same people tell me that their lives are chaotic and intense and that they cannot keep up. The prototypical explanation is that modern life has "accelerated" and that, since the Earth undertook its transformations, we are experiencing higher vibrations.

Well, as they learned in basic metaphysics, when the vibrations increase to a higher level, the physical level slows down. That is why meditation helps to slow down the busy mind and relax the body, because the influence of calm energy typical of higher vibrations prevails.

So I asked Archangel Michael about this, and this was our dialogue.

Celia: So what is happening on the planet over time?

AM: Time is slowing down.

Celia: But everyone says it's accelerating. Is it not contradictory?

AM: Well, it depends on the perspective from which you consider it. It is true that the vibrational frequency of the earth plane has increased significantly since the Earth entered the Fifth Dimension. And yes, as frequencies increase, the experience of time on your planet slows down.

Celia: Is it a process? What's going on?

AM: Well, by 2012 they will enter the "no time". They will release the concept of linear time to move to cosmic or holographic time. Indeed, there will be no time as they know it. Linear time is an artifice that creates a rhythm that is not aligned with the Cosmic Heartbeat. Now, as you leave that artificial construct to move to "no time, " you are raising the frequency to a point where linear time ceases to exist for you. They live in a state of total immediacy, which we will call Final Presence. Your rational mind is learning to perceive these changes as a gradual deceleration of time.

Now, as time slows down until it comes to a complete stop, and in preparation for them to go to holographic time by raising their vibrational frequency until they reach the cosmic hologram, which is outside linear time, they will become more effective in their manifestation skills. When they align with the cosmic beat, they will also be more fully aligned with their inner Light and Divinity, as well as with their ability to create and manifest. And, manifesting at an increasingly high speed, it will seem as if time is accelerating.

What is actually accelerating is the speed of manifestation, because it is what its planetary energy is fundamentally focused on right now. You, at the collective level, have learned to manifest "things" and "material objects" at an alarming rate. Maybe when they get used to the new vibratory frequencies they prefer to focus their creative energies beyond the economic paradigm of producing material goods in exchange for money. In any case, they will have to slow down or probably disappear under a mountain of redundant "objects."

Celia: I hope you're right. It is what we could call a sustainable future, in which we will stop burying the Earth in the waste generated by the speed of our creation of material things that we believe we need. We are being manipulated so that we think we have to be constantly getting new “things”. I guess it's fun to keep creating new things, but we also have to start being more responsible with our creations and see what we really need and what we can do to live in a more responsible way in which we think of other people and in the effects on the planet as a whole.

Why right now is nobody really realizing these changes in the fabric of time and reality?

AM: Of course they do. But they still don't do it with their rational mind; because his mind is still trying to maintain the illusion that everything is as it always has been and that, in reality, nothing has changed so much. That way the mind feels safer. There is still very little certainty about the stability of this new quantum reality. But the rest of your being is moving inexorably towards a time or holographic reality, so the mind registers as nervousness or panic that stress that weighs on your body, because the known world is changing. Many people are suffering from nervous and panic problems in their effort to handle these profound changes.

I am sure that most of you will be familiar with the symptoms of Ascension. Well, most of them, including exhaustion, nausea, dizziness, migraines, etc., have little to do with cleaning and more with body adjustments to New time frame. What manifests itself as a framework of reality that is much slower is a process of recalibrating the being at a higher frequency. But, within that slower time frame, the process of manifestation is moving much faster, creating in some feelings of anxiety and disorientation.

The deep mental and emotional changes are the result of this realignment and recalibration. The closer they get to align with the Divine Essence they carry inside, with their central core of light and love, the more clean and pure is the feeling they have of their own being, which we will call the Absolute Truth of Who They Are. With each little jump they become more who they truly are, and the residual illusions and impurities crumble. They discover that they are Beings of Light in a Manifest Love Cosmos. That is their true identity in the realms of light called cielo, and it is their true identity now that they are bringing heaven to earth to create the New Earth as a place of Manifested Love.

These changes can cause intense nervousness and stress, since its complex body-mind registers that there is something that is not as it is, and that the tissue of the reality, as and As it has been for thousands of years, it is now changing very rapidly. This can also cause a deep inner depression, since the being feels out of control. Because the linear time process is a control mechanism. They were always in a given time frame and knew how and why things happened. Now they are entering a seemingly random field in which the laws of synchronicity and resonance are what creates reality, and they function outside linear time.

Now we would like to introduce a new concept, that of localized time, to replace that of linear time. The localized time is where they are right now. It is that point of consciousness in which you have chosen to concentrate on the earthly plane from among the full spectrum of who you are in many dimensions of light. So, you perceive your reality in a local situation which is where you are now on Earth. But, at the same time, you exist in an ochomatic holographic time that is a much larger framework and contains the reality of who you are.

Celia: So, humanity is heading towards the perception of cosmic or non-localized time?

AM: Of course, for humanity that is the purpose of the great leap. It is not the same as always, but a huge change in the fabric of reality and how that reality is perceived. From that perceptual change we will reach a new way of living and creating. But humanity is still at the dawn of this authentic leap that will wake you up to the possibilities in your creative matrix and to what can be achieved when you awaken to your true existence as Masters of Light and Co-creators with the Spirit.

Celia: Can you give us an idea of ​​what that will mean to us?

A.M; Well, yes, you, as a Collective, Humanity, Human Angels, will begin to perceive themselves as they are. As Infinite Beings in a Continuum of Light that expresses pure Love on all occasions.

What does that mean? It means that they have the power to see their reality as it is, beyond the narrow confines of duality and linear time. You can see and understand how simple it is. Since, when they created linear time, they created the conflict paradigm. Because, as we have said, linear time is a control system and, like any control system, it goes against cosmic flow and causes friction. It is what they have called "the war between light and darkness." Actually, it is simply the heavy nature of linear time that generates that sense of darkness, because truly everything is light. Once the linear time has been eliminated and they are integrated back into the cosmic beat, they will have the freedom to create as they choose within the flow of Divine Creative Intelligence or Holographic Time. The friction will be eliminated and the frequencies of light will be spilled on the planet in a beautiful symphony of Cosmic Creation that will be worthy of being contemplated.

Celia: Well, it seems that the obvious question would be why do we create linear time?

AM: It was a necessary part of the evolution of the Human Angel that you are. In order for them to fully experience the density of material existence, they were allowed to create this dense control system for him to direct and control that material existence, creating the illusion that they were truly separated from the Light. But now that they have pierced the illusion they no longer need linear time to keep them in their material bodies. Now that you fully understand the nature of material density and that you are Infinite Beings of Light, you are free to choose to be in a material body while experiencing yourself as unlimited beings of light.

Therefore, they are learning to replace linear time with a sense of possibility and infinity. All things are possible in the continuum of Infinity, which is now his creative space.

They are ready to completely free the concept of linear time to become fully conscious "holographic" beings. Of course, this also has implications for the way they experience space, but we'll talk about it another time.

And with this, I leave you ...

And this was our conversation. Surely we are in another space, place and time frame: a magical, fluid, creative and amazing place. We are finally waking up to who we are ... Magnificent Beings of Light that we are experiencing material existence for the mere pleasure and delight of being here in this magnificent and wonderful Dream of Existence!

Therefore, to complete this article, here is another image of Janosh and the Arthurians. It's called "Temporary Leap." If you wish, you can concentrate your gaze on the center of the image and meditate on the concept of time. The codes contained in the image will activate them towards the reality of the Temporary Leap. Then work in the same way with the hologram "Infinity" ... and open yourself to the magic of the Infinity Codes that are now arriving on the planet.

You can download the pipes of Celia Fenn in Spanish, in Word file, in, Spanish site of Starchild

© 2007-8 Text by Celia Fenn and Starchild Global. Images by Janosh, Janosh Art

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