The Law of Karma, By Juan José Peña Díaz

  • 2011

“When man endorses the natural justice of balance and harmony, from his finite perspective, he enters a spiral of error that takes him away from the truth. Because Truth and Justice is only understandable from infinite points of view, partiality in conceptions transforms order into chaos. An eye for an eye does not imply revenge or justice for the hand of man, but the rebound for the violation of the law of harmony. ”

(Hermes Trimegisto)

The Law of Karma

By Juan José Peña Díaz

All religions of the world tell us that one of God's attributes is Justice. The necessary balance of the balance so that harmony is manifested. So why is there so much inequality in our world?

The only explanation that can reconcile the divine ideal of Justice and the inequality in which we live is the Law of Karma. Without this noble doctrine how to explain the inequalities of birth and fortune, of intelligence and faculties; to see that honors are given to foolish and dissipated people, over whom fortune has accumulated their favors through the privilege of birth, and their neighbor, with great intelligence and noble virtues, much more meritorious for all concepts, perishes for their needs and lack of sympathy

(Helena Petrovna Blavatsky)

What is karma?

The word karma is of Sanskrit origin and is actually pronounced karman and is composed of two syllables: kar and man. The syllable man means thinker and is the origin of the English word man for man. The syllable kar is the root of the verb to do and, by extension, means action, activity. Where karman means, then, the action, the activity of the thinker. And the fundamental and characteristic activity of the thinker is to think.

From our thinking attitudes arise that guide us to make certain actions that cause effects that in turn generate causes. The law of karma is closely related to the law of causality. Every cause has an effect; Every effect has its cause.

“A flower blooms because all the conditions are met for it to bloom. A leaf falls because all the conditions are met for it to fall. They do not bloom or fall on their own. ”

(Sakyamuni Buddha)

The current man with his limited conscience only perceives the causes and immediate effects, is unable to follow up on all the chains of causes and effect that he generates with his actions, all the energy released by our thought, word, deed or omission returns to manifest itself, it often takes more than one life, sometimes just an instant.

Believing in chance has given us the false hope of reaping what others have cultivated, of not worrying about what we do and naively expecting the best without earning it. Many times we will see how fortune smiles at the most evil, remember that not everything is what it seems, behind the illusion of a good face hides the poison that returns to who has released it, or vice versa, how many times a misfortune leads us to achieve what we have always wanted.

The Universe and nature live in an order established by superior intelligence, that order can be clearly perceived in the passing of day and night, in the passing of the seasons of the year; in the reproductive cycle of the species that live in harmony with the intelligence that directs them. Man is the only being on this planet who does not live in harmony with his environment since superior intelligence has endowed him with a free will, he has the ability to choose whether he lives in harmony with his environment or if with his selfish thought he creates disharmony.

The ignorance of universal laws such as that of Harmony and that of Karma has led us to believe that the chaos in which we live today is the natural state of man. We fail to understand that we with our wrong acts create the disharmony we call chaos, which affect ourselves and all beings living in our environment.

"Karma is also the" Law of Ethical Cause "the effect of a selfish act, in front of the Great Law of Harmony, which depends on altruism."

(Helena Petrovna Blavatsky)

What does the Law of Harmony have to do with the Law of Karma?

The Sun every day illuminates us with its majestic brightness, the earth every day rotates on its own axis so that the light is distributed evenly throughout the world, the water cycle every year is produced to fill our beautiful planet with life. For thousands of years this order that manifests itself in nature has allowed every living being to meet all its needs, because abundance is part of harmony, not only for a few, but for all, selfish man makes a bad distribution of the planet's resources, generating scarcity and in turn disharmony and therefore karma. Man transgresses the law with his selfish acts.

“Do not think that I have come to repeal the law or the prophets: I have not come to repeal, but to fulfill. Because I tell you the truth, that until heaven and earth perish, neither a jack nor a tilde will perish from the law, until all things are done. ”

(Matthew 5: 17-18)

As we can see at every moment, the law of harmony depends on the unconditional help given by each part that integrates the system, if any of the parties does not collect thus breaking the harmony of the system, the Universe corrects by returning to each part. that has generated, is like a bounce, the wrong action is like a ball that falls from our right hands towards the dense and returns to our left hand, in the same way, a correct action is like a ball that we throw into the air with our hand right, dive into the subtle and return to our left hand.

Error falls by its own weight. Bounce before or after occurs.

(Hermes Trimegisto)

The rebound is necessary to generate more awareness in the element that now has to suffer in its own flesh the disharmony that it has created, it must learn that it is part of an EVERYTHING, that the evolution from that all depends on the help given to each other by the units that make up that EVERYTHING, that serving one's neighbor is the only way to evolve. In the same way the Universe rewards the element that has reached the wisdom to understand the Law, the evolution of this element accelerates because it flows in harmony with the EVERYTHING, reaching quickly higher levels of consciousness As Eastern religions manifest, it is a being that is in Dharma.

11 He who is the greatest of you, be your servant. 12 For whoever exalts himself will be humbled; and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

(Matthew 23: 11-12)

The law of Dharma

For Hinduism, Dharma is the ethical and religious duty that each one has assigned according to their specific birth situation. For Buddhism they are the teachings given by the Buddha. For Jainism it is the movement of dravya or universal substance, it is also said that it is good karma, proper behavior, etc.

Great teachers also tell us that Dharma is the purpose in life, therefore we can summarize that Dharma is the purpose in life based on an ethical and religious duty that has as its In order to set in motion the universal substance.

The stages of this noble path are: Correct vision, Correct aspirations; Right words; Correct behavior; Right life; Right effort; Right consciousness; Correct concentration.

(Sakyamuni Buddha)

What then is the universal substance?

The universal substance is Love, for love we are born, for love we grow, for love we reproduce, for love we learn and for love we die. For love we move into an endless experience to remember where we come from, from the infinite love of our Creator, the Love of God.

The first step to being in Dharma is to find that part of God that lives within us with which we can flow and give strength to the universal substance, is to find that part that is latent in our being, it is the real me, that Spiritual part that has always been in harmony with the universe, is to find the love of God in our hearts.

"We are not human beings who have occasional spiritual experiences, but quite the opposite: we are spiritual beings who have occasional human experiences."

(Deepak Chopra)

With the full awareness that we are the love that is born from the knowledge of ourselves, we can know our unique talent.

We all have a unique talent that God has given us, we are born to manifest it, it is an activity that we love and that makes our whole being come into harmony, nobody can do this activity like us because by executing our talent the unique beauty of our being it shows.

To find our unique talent, is to find our purpose in life, is to find the key to abundance and unlimited happiness.

Now, all we have left is to share our abundance, is to share the infinite love that emanates from our being, that energy that by sharing it grows and with which we will collaborate in the Divine Plan, is to help the creator to manifest harmony through service, by helping others find their way and lower species (minerals, plants and animals) to follow their evolution.

To be in Dharma is to learn, enjoy and share.

"The mission is to receive life, live, grow, learn and then give life to others, so that they grow and learn."

(Hermes Trimegisto)

The Karma of Inactivity

When someone turns to us to ask for help and we having the means do not want to help, we are generating Karma. Many people on Earth create karma precisely because they do not take any action at the moment they have to act.

We reach the world in order to accumulate experiences and act. Therefore, by diverting an action, we generate Karma.

Greed and laziness can be the main reasons why we generate this type of karma. Helping the neighbor who really needs help when he asks for it, is a way of aligning yourself with the Divine Plan since in this way you will be fulfilling the experiences that you decided to come to live, and therefore, you will learn what you must learn.


Each of us decides how you want to pay your karmic debt, with Love (being in Dharma) or with pain (following the role of victim). If we continue to believe that things happen due to chance and blame our neighbor for our misfortune, we will continue to accumulate Karma and the bitter experiences will return again and again until we have learned the lesson. On the contrary, if we accept that what happens to us at this moment is the consequence of our past choices, we will be more responsible for our actions, we will correct every manifestation of our being seeking good to receive good, because no man desires evil Likewise. You have in your hands the power to mold your destiny.


Article Published in the IMHOTEP Magazine.

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