The search for the spirit behind forms, by Omraam Mikael Aïvanhov

While on earth, you are forced to live in the world of forms. Thus, for example, you must preserve the shape of your body, and even take care of it: it is necessary to keep it healthy, aesthetic, expressive ... But, until when? Until the moment you go to the other world.

In all areas, and even in religion, the time comes fatally when a form such as a worn dress must be abandoned. It is possible, then, to keep a form while it is useful, necessary, indispensable, but when it expires, another phase begins and it must be replaced, or at least go further in understanding this form.

Because it is clear that rites such as baptism, marriage, mass, communion, are based on great laws, on magical knowledge. And this is true especially in regard to the mass, which is pure white magic. It can even be said that if the Church has remained until today, it is due to mass. Too bad that many priests do not know the scope of what they do. If they knew him, the Mass would have exerted a greater influence.

Most Christians have not yet understood the true religion of Christ. They go to church, light candles, cross themselves with holy water, commune, but have not understood that as long as these practices do not correspond to the appropriate inner state, they are empty and hollow gestures. All this is no more than superstition: it is counted on this, it is believed in that; but belief and faith are two different things, and imagining having faith, most are content with beliefs. Yes, because they stick too much to the form, without being aware that even
Prayers can be more than forms.

If you read the Old Testament you will see, for example, that the prophet Elisha had ordered Naaman to dive seven times into the Jordan to heal from leprosy. Also in the Jordan Jesus was baptized by Saint John the Baptist. Baptism, ablutions are of great efficacy, certainly, but this efficacy also depends on the spiritual elevation of the one who baptizes you or the one who asks you to immerse yourself in the water.

The same goes for talismans. The power of a talisin depends on the person who has prepared it. If this is a weak and ignorant person this talisman will not act, because he has not been able to receive great energy. An object only becomes a talisman if it has been penetrated by the energy Telesma . Thanks to this Telesma energy, the strong force of all forces, as Hermes Trismegisto calls it in the Emerald Table, the talisman has powers. Otherwise, the object is there, but since the Telesma energy is absent, it is not a true talisman.

Water is a very propitious element for purification because in it certain invisible beings inhabit and work, and when man submerges in it, these beings are able to get rid of certain impure fluid layers. It's fine to dive into the water, but the essential thing is to be aware of its power; If the water is blessed, magnetized, if an Initiate has consecrated it by pronouncing formulas, then I know it is effective.

But even in this case, its power does not last for all eternity. Purification is truly lasting when the person who has been purified, exorcised, manages to maintain this state with their thoughts, their feelings and their actions. So yes, purification can be definitive; But only with this condition. In the spiritual life, no external means can work in a lasting way if man does not live a pure and sensible life. However, as these truths are not explained to humans, they are uselessly deluded.

You have to connect with the principle behind the form, such as that of a cross, that in order to understand its meaning and try to put it into practice it is necessary to intuit. For me, the cross is a fantastic symbol ...

Yes, especially the three-dimensional cross, formed by five cubes, whose twenty-two surfaces correspond to the twenty-two letters of the Kabbalah with which God created the world.

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