The Tibetan Book of the Dead

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 What happens after death? 2 Stages of the Tibetan book of the Dead. 2.1 Chikhai or The first bard. 2.2 The second bard or Chonyid. 2.3 The third bard or Sdpa. 3 Lost beyond death.

The Tibetan book of the dead or El Bardo thodol , It was written by Padna Sanabhava , who is recognized as the founder of Lamaism, was written in the thirteenth century, is considered as an instructional guide for people when they are dying or have died.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead written by Master Padna Sanabhava.

The great persecutions suffered by Buddhists in the fourth century forced Tibetan monks to hide all the writings inside the caves and caverns, before being expelled from the mountains of the T region bet. With the passing of the years many of them were recovered.

It is considered as the book of the art of dying in it answers are given on the biggest question that man has had for centuries.

What happens after death?

The Tibetan book of the dead or El Bardo thodol explains in detail the route we suffered after death , they detail the mortuary rites that we must follow from the moment we die and fainting occurs, until the recovery of awareness in the new reincarnation after 49 days of travel.

Stages of the Tibetan book of the Dead.

The bard thodol It is divided into three fundamental stages known as Bardo in which the process of death, waiting and reincarnation is described in a new luminous body.

Chikhai or The First Bard.

Called transitional state after death, known to Buddhists as Chikhai. This period has a duration between 3 or 4 days, at that stage the luminosity appears which the light can present in varying degrees of intensity. Some recognize the light quickly as it manifests clearly and intensely, other souls do not perceive them easily as it manifests itself in a dull and obscured way. This occurs due to his behavior and actions he sustained in life. The people who in his life were rum virtuous and accumulated positive karma see the light easily and manage to ascend to higher stages. At this stage he becomes aware of his new reality.

The second bard or Chonyid.

Known as the transitional state of reality. At this stage the deceased will wake up and become aware of his change of state, with reflections and sensations. He still maintains his physical body. In his imagination he begins to understand his new reality and it is where he enters the desperation to own another and enters the next bard.

The third bard or Sdpa.

This stage known as the transitory state of rebirth, is when having become aware of not having a physical body, it decides to be reborn in another.

The Tibetan book of the dead transmits knowledge to men by giving them the necessary tools so that this step of dying and reincarnating is less traumatic. He teaches to jump intermediate stages getting promoted quickly, teaching him to recognize the clear light in the Chikhnai Bard.

Lost beyond death.

People who have a weak Karma and therefore fail to differentiate the light, will go down more and more. It will teach you to avoid despair and terror . The Tibetan book of the dead will teach you how to reach a free body where you can be reborn again in lower beings, such as animals and insects and to obtain the karma necessary to be saved from the descent, managing to see the light the next time you die and ascend to the upper planes.

This Iberian Tibetan of the Dead or The B ardo thodol is considered one of the greatest treasures of the earth, in which the most important of Buddhist thought is described, since man is prepared for the moment of die and teaches him to face the process what he must go through. It is a guide for the dying. We must know that death is part of life.

If you want to download the Tibetan book of the dead click on the link: The Tibetan Book of the Dead

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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