The Language of the Soul by Elisabet Esteban Mulet

  • 2014

The language of the soul, the language of vibration, of resonance, where words are the vehicle to reach a state, a concrete vibration.

The words themselves remain in the background. Words taken as concepts and literally.

A close-up appears, beyond words: that somewhat forgotten non-verbal communication.

That which represents more than 80% of the communication and where the coherence and transparency of the message is reflected. What we are really saying and expressing.

Have you played to go beyond the words that a person is saying and feel them ?: feel the person, what his body, his gestures, his actions, his vibration are actually speaking.

That is the real message. That non-verbal communication that we cannot control and that reveals what we really are and what we are really saying.

With this language the person gets naked, their characters fall, shows their essence, what IS, their BEING.

Do you know how to differentiate when a person is speaking from the soul?

A person who speaks and expresses himself from the soul does not leave us indifferent, something mobilizes, is a vibration and the vibration emanates, radiates.

The language of the soul produces an effect of positive contagion, we want to be with that person, we are at ease, calm.

Getting in touch with the language of the soul is what we do in the Encounters of the soul .

That is one of the objectives of the meetings.

A space where to FEEL the soul, to live that connection that we experience in us when we are in connection with who we really are.

In a few minutes, the attendees say that this space of connection with the soul is reached.

The voice is the thread of the session, it is the means of communication, of resonance.

Concrete personal questions is the way we take to develop the session.

Questions asked from the present.

These meetings are held from the Present, without prior meditation, as a way to apply it at every moment of our day.

Author: Elisabet Esteban Mulet


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