Channeling of the Great Mother through Bethlehem of Peace on August 11, 2013

  • 2013

In the School of Life nobody approves the first always but not for that reason it is necessary to leave

In the abysses there is always a way out, cross the horizon and come to light

Leave all your customs behind and leave, get out of that position and reality that sets you and flies


Your new reality is waiting for you, it is a more beautiful and bright reality than you always dared to dream


Do not dream dreaming, dream living and experiencing ... ... and all your dreams and desires are fulfilled and all your sleeplessness disappears

And now your new life begins and the light will always accompany you and your life will be pure light and the sparkles will be seen in all the confines of the universe

How much detachment with courage you are acting

It is a pleasure to hear the water run its sound connects and heals

Water has an end, improve your lives, return them, redirect them

The water has endless neutral colors that transport us and facilitate the trip through underground currents, the water runs and reminds us that we have plans

Water connects you with the Universe, with the Pleiades, with all the Sacred and Divine, with the splendor of nature, she is present in every moment of your lives, and teaches you with her example how your clear life should be and as you must behave in the face of obstacles, you will be transported through it to the ocean and vastness of the World.

Take all your Light and take it with you

And… .., now we will finish activating all the hearts that are in tune with the new frequencies of Light so that they finish adapting to the new medium and vibration, it is a challenge of adaptation, change and renewal that aims to raise awareness

IT IS THE NEW COSTUME, the new garments with which you must dress for your new transit through that new Land of Light activated in this new frequency, many are those who will step on it and inhabit, but many will also be those who will not inhabit it or they will step on because they don't even glimpse it

United hearts of the New Earth we are waiting for you, this is already a fact, a reality.

On August 11, 2013, the Earth will vibrate at the helm and this rudder must be taken by everyone in your lives

On August 11 we will shake the Earth again and new truths hidden until now will be revealed

On August 11 you will have access to your life program as you have never been able to connect with it before and it will reveal important things to you so that you are aware of what your role is and what piece you occupy in this gear or puzzle that forms the New Humanity

Connect and you will perceive, you can SEE and become aware in a clear and concise way

On August 11 after passing the Lion Gate (8.8.2013), A NEW LIFE PLAN will unfold before you, if you connect, you are not afraid and you are aligned, you can read in yourself as in an open book, in a book that will show you the way forward, that shows you your new life.

Some have already been able to see and read, but this day you can do many, YOU HAVE AN APPOINTMENT WITH YOURSELVES, please do not get distracted by other things and / or with vain illusions, have the courage to see what IS AND ONLY WHAT IS

Prepare for this day from this moment to be open, aware and clear, it is up to you to connect more or less clearly in a greater or lesser degree of consciousness, do not miss this great opportunity because the energies that will enter the Planet that day are and they will be specific for this purpose and purpose, for that connection, for that clarity, for that lucidity and awareness

The Lion Gate (8.8.2013) will remove and prepare you for this day, the Door as a door that will be open for this day, will give you the necessary opening so that you can be well tuned and on August 15, 2013 (day of the Ascension of the Great Mother) you will have a festival of Light and color that will give you and bring satisfaction

In the framework of the Light we will run through the corridors arranged so that everyone has the opportunity to be and be

On August 15 The Great Mother with her feminine energy par excellence will make a great act of presence, this means that her Great energy of the feminine principle will be very present so that everyone can feel it, perceive it and incorporate it in you, her energy connects you with the Father and with the Christian Consciousness

That day the Great Mother comes to visit you to be very present in each one of you, becoming more present in your High Heart giving you a new push to help you free us and activate your Body of Light a little more.


August 11 is the most lucid Portal and that brings more clarity than ever before and with this there is no other importance to the previous ones, since the previous ones have had their mission for other tasks and matters

This Portal is lucidity and clarity par excellence since it provides such lucidity and clarity that all your affairs will see the light as never before and that clarity will clear many doubts and connect you with the truth, clarity and healing

This August 11th from last, there will be such a great opening and expansion of this Ray of light that you can benefit from all its benefits, including healing. both physically and soul level

There will be healing and exponential healing

The Great Mother is the one who runs, sustains and guards this Healing Light Ray, and both in Fátima and in the other Planetary Centers where this Healing Light Ray vibrates will be enhanced extremely that day of entry and expansion of this vibratory energy from which you can all benefit

We begin with the new alliances for this new cycle of the New Earth and this is one of them, it is an alliance of Love, Health, Clarity, Truth and Concord and with it we will take nine steps up and forward

This year 2013 the Puerta del Leà © n (8.8.2013) will make the necessary openings and dilations so that three days later all this can be possible

And so, everything is going on in harmony, aligning and naturally fitting and fitting everything and the Divine Plan is being carried out and bearing fruit

Everything is activated and reset at the right time

So the characters are forged and some of you already have the characters forged

Thus, new solid bases are being created, a new system governed by ancestral wisdom and connected with the true, with the high frequencies of Light of the High Hierarchies where everything is clear and faultless, without any molecule

A new Order of cooperation where the Law of Love and balance is what prevails above all else, where the priority is the human being and his basic and spiritual needs, where blindness does not exist and you can see very clearly, where every being is free and nobody submits, manipulates or exploits anyone

Where to act, first you have to put on WHITE GLOVES so you can do it flawlessly

All this is not a utopian, it is a very clear reality that is gradually being established, anchored and materialized in your new life and that with our cooperation you are creating


On August 10, 11 and 12, 2013, they will be very important because of the message of the Energy Codes that are going to expand, the Codes carry the ancestral memories of c How you live and transfer to the 5th Dimension, these memories will connect you to the frequencies of this reality, connecting you in turn with your new assignment

For those who are aligned and tuned the memories and memories of your new Life and your role in it will be activated, so therefore and consequently you will become aware of the changes that you must make in your life and customs so that this can be a reality

Remember that this requires internal work, a great connection with the Spirit

You must cleanse yourself of the Karmic memories that catch you and condition you, if not, we do nothing, do not be fooled by the comfortable attitude thinking that the energies will do everything by themselves, everything requires a constant and sustained effort with a great take of consciousness and for that you have to withdraw into the interior and dare to face and find yourself

Stop wanting to fix the outside World that is not the way or your task, just fixing the inner world is ordered and the outside is pacified

The greatest victories are made without moving and without taking a single step and that is where the great personal, global, planetary and interplanetary changes will arise, THERE IS NO OTHER WAY

We need you to be focused only on you, cleaning and tidying up your inner house, because while you do it the world changes and aligns and many by tune will imitate you and this will be what saves many

Don't move, don't lead absurd movements

And when after a long retreat you return to the world, you will see how everything has changed for you.

Channeling of the Great Mother through Bethlehem of Peace on August 11, 2013

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