Do you learn to make it simple and easy? by Laura Foletto

  • 2013

Hi, I'm Laura Foletto. Do you learn to make it simple and easy?

I have always sought to achieve or do things efficiently, that is, with the least amount of resources. From cleaning the house to writing to taking a trip, no matter what, I seek to simplify. I usually say that I do not raise the chair c until I have devised what I am going to do efficiently. This allows me to spend less energy, money, work, and avoids bad times and useless returns and turns.

In one of my profuse teenage readings, I found that this is called The Law of Less Effort and I loved it. The word "effort" was never among the most esteemed of my vocabulary. I think it implies that you did not find what you like, that you do not know how to do things, that you believe that you will be rewarded for the effort and not the results, that you do not know when to stop, that you privilege the struggle to learn.

In high school, I had a classmate who wrote up to four pages in a test and took a four. I wrote half and I got an eight. When he complained and gave me his proof to see what was wrong, it turned out that he had written a lot of what he was not asked, also going into minor details. I answered exactly the subject, in three words. Getting to the point costs us, in every way, I realized later ...

We are experts in justifying ourselves, explaining, victimizing ourselves, excusing ourselves, going through the branches, evading ourselves, so as not to face what we have ahead. We absolve ourselves with "I can't, " "He's stronger than me, " "I don't know, " "I have no choice." True Lies. If we admit that we create everything, then we also create resistance.

And here comes the famous Law. What is it about? Look at the Earth. Do you perceive effort in how a flower opens, in how a bird flies, in the running water? It is in its nature to open, fly, flow, it is what they are and do. Look at someone who is an expert in theirs, a cook, a bricklayer, a painter. Do you notice the ease with which it acts? Once he learned the subject, he moves at maximum efficiency, with grace and beauty. So, the first thing is to admit that we already are, the intrinsic nature of our unique, original, precious individuality.

We spend too much energy in "looking", in the mask, in what we should be, in what we are supposed to do and have, in a model idealized by society and ourselves (rests of a lacking childhood). In this lack of acceptance, we lose ourselves and hurry to compensate with actions lacking in heart and meaning, seeking praise and approvals for what we are not ... a vicious circle a little crazy, yes?

Accept what you are, what there is, what you can, what others are, the resources you already have, the lessons learned, the changes, open the doors of miracles. Oppose you close them (what you resist persists). And now that? Choose. No concealments or excuses. Make a conscious choice. You can with her because everything is for you, nothing is bigger than you. You create according to your energy imprint. Stop creating resistance and problems. Be responsible, that is, answer for your choice and your construction. You are able to motivate a creative solution to your surroundings, because you designed it for your greatest evolution.

So, take a deep breath, exhale the resistances and inhale acceptance. Relax your shoulders, jaws, frown, stomach, whole body and feel a wave of expansion, which makes its way from the inside out. Bring your breath to your belly and let it rise slowly to your chest, opening your heart.

Do you have to strive to be? No. You already are. You are a spark of God, experiencing in millions of aspects. You chose to be in this body, at this time, in this place, with these people, with this learning. Let the connection to the Light that you are, to the Love that you are, to the Wisdom that you are, to the Power that you are. It allows it to take shape in simple acts outside. Feel that you are One with Everything. The Universe sustains and supports you. Breathe Flow with life. Easy, powerfully, kindly.

Source: http: //

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