4 tips to relate gently to energy

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 I AM AN ENERGY SYSTEM (Body, Mind, Soul) 2 THE ENERGY IS ALWAYS IN MOTION (Aura) 3 THE SIMILAR ATTRACTS THE SIMILAR (Absence or presence of love) 4 THE NATURAL MOVEMENT OF THE ENERGY It is to flow.

When I started with the practice of yoga and reiki, many questions arose about processes that I experienced, some symptoms without real cause, looking for an instructive I found in these place with these bases to relate more gently to the energy that has worked for me in my practice, so I would like to share them.

I AM AN ENERGY SYSTEM (Body, Mind, Soul)

The relationship between these three elements is the key to my fullness, to realize that it worked as a system because they are intertwined with each other, the only form of separation can be created by a thought, to be aware of the soul, divine part or higher being, it opens the doors to another reality, to go beyond the flat perspective where the mind presents me with the illusion that we come to pay karmas or that we are only body and that with death everything ends, it is wonderful to discover that I came to this plane to play to evolve

The movement of life is always spiraling upward the function of the soul is to reach the source of consciousness to continue experiencing itself, nothing more.


AURA is the reflection of my energy system (body, mind, soul), for this reason it is always in motion, because it is the mirror of my emotions, thoughts, my relationship with people, with the world but the most important with myself.

From how I treat my vehicle (my body), what I eat, the exercise I do, all my thoughts even if I am not aware of them, as well as all my emotions. Not believing in the aura, does not mean that it does not exist, just keep in mind that it is a reflection, not a subject with its own life, being aware of the reflection helps you strengthen it and make it flexible at the same time what could be called raising your vibration.

THE SIMILAR ATTRACTS THE SIMILAR (Absence or presence of love)

Vibration is the level where your Reflection (energy system) moves, in the experience of consciousness. It is a contradiction in itself, because in reality there are no levels properly, because all souls come from the same place the source, created by the consciousness that is all love.

Calling it level helps me to realize that part of me has more absence or presence of love, here the transmutation game that consists of a slight movement of my attention can take part, to remember who I am.

Vibrating low or high can be an experience to help me get out of some thought pattern since the mind works as a projection of the conscious and unconscious, then forms beliefs to then generate habits, nothing in my life was created by someone other than myself If I focus my attention on what I need I will continue to attract that to my life.

In this experience the duality, light and darkness is presented, the game consists in knowing only how to distinguish one from the other, knowing that both were created of love so giving more weight to one of the two is temporary blindness, because everything is consciousness .


The only thing that can be done with energy is to flow can never be controlled, it is just a false belief of the mind.

Flowing is not putting resistance to what is happening, as I put resistance, with thoughts on how things should be paying attention to my mental dialogues.

Flowing with energy is not identifying with it, the difference is in being or being, as for example I can say I am depressed, I experience sadness. Subtle but powerful, it's just to notice how I insist on appropriating what happens.

All paths lead to the source (Consciousness) the difference may be short or along the path but ultimately time is a mental concept, consciousness is the All.

The truth can be experienced, never possessed.

Welcome to the eternal present.

by Michel

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