We always return home, by Jordi Morella

  • 2013

And that was how the long moment of hope awaited me one step beyond mine to encourage my strength, leaving no room for discouragement. Thus it was like something apparently alien to me, he indicated to me the way forward until the rest of the liberation of my being at the hands of those who believed me.

I advanced without leaving time for the whining or murmur of the slow, also apparent, of my path. I was attracted to a direction according to my heart. I didn't know, I just felt that I should continue according to my interior dictating to me. That's how I got where I got.

I followed the channels of my existential river. At some point the water of life must appear that would make sense of everything he had done so far. For years I lived situations that only my heart knew what to do. His voice was strong and clear, and where I could not hear, a subtle force pushed me to make concrete decisions. In the end, I realized, although not always, that what was done was the right thing to do. No more

The path of the heart is clear, clear, direct and simple. Where I could not reach, something like alien to me, guided me to the best decision to make. Many times it was to live what was before me, while others simply put it aside and continue with my steps.

I am at the top of the last step I have arrived. I see the immensity of creation, feeling the strength of the true being that we are. The breeze from the top caresses my whole being, feeling the whistle of purification in me, as well as the presence of the process followed to feel within me the manifested divinity. When it feels, everything is. Nothing left over.

Now I am in the middle of this state seeing the extension of the landscape that is visible to me. A feeling of immense well-being, embraced by the Love from which I was created.

Beyond, I see myself too. I am here, there and there where my consciousness and inner vision can become.

I see how beings of light arrive where I am. Beings of angelic appearance, as we know the angels, and other luminosities are descending where I am at the moment.

Together, in silence and with a big crowd hug that encompasses all of us who have attended the top of my state. I feel your love and your presences activate the familiarity of the manifested Home. I am part of them and they of me. Other entities of light also appear among all of us. Beings of a higher vibration, welcoming my being as if it were a piece of great value for the attainment of the Higher Will.

Here with them I am one more. There is no distinction between us. My biology could be the big difference, but it's not like that. My essence is one with yours. We are beings, all emanating from an intentionality of love. My body reflects the envelope to move through this dimension, but these encounters with the Home, the body disappears, being One and even, with all the presences of the Light that surround me.

What I feel is of great fulfillment and well-being. You feel a Love beyond the known, where full Unicity, understanding, security, protection, familiarity, acceptance, abandonment, overture, Love, guidance, wisdom, simplicity, purity and a Light that welcomes without dazzling remind you of where you come from. When this feels and other intense sensations but you can only know if you feel them because there are no words that can describe them; when you feel all this in your heart, and in every corner of your interior, you are in the Home.

Beyond our matter there is our reality, the essence of who we are, although our current vehicle hides our true being. Opening the door of the heart you can reach him, you. Then you will know the Way. There is only Love. There is only Light to enlighten you in your advance. The apparent ceases to be, to give way to the truth.

They are here with you and at all times you may need a hand from Home. The Family meets and attends when one of its members needs your presence. Opening the heart and expressing your intention to want to find the way back, the Home manifests and assists you as your soul needs.

I write from Home for all those souls willing to return to it. They are the times of return. It is the moments announced that the Master returns to manifest himself before the world.

My words are the feelings and sensations that I experience every day with my brothers in the Light. Beyond my subject, I am opening my own path to free the obstacles that I have been dragging along my incarnations. Now, from the point where I am, I can tell you that everything you live is not what it appears to be. What you feel is what is taken into account and what makes you react and act as you feel. That which separated you from your path is not such. You were simply given a blessing for your soul. By accepting it, you surpassed what for a long time you refused to release.

The path you have followed is a reflection of the opportunities that the Home, where you come from, offers you. Your human vision limited the interpretation of the true meaning of the experience. You distorted the intent of who created you. You misinterpreted the help given to you.

Many of you woke up and agreed to delve into the experience of the offers. Some of you did not know well why you lived or are still there. Your limitations based on fear, the result of existential ignorance, led you to close your heart and distort the reality you live.

Home is with you and always has been, because you have never ceased to belong to it. It is now, with the change of consciousness in your dimension, that you begin to discern the reality of the dream.

Your eyes begin to open, as do your hearts and consciences. So it must be to remember who you are and where you come from.

My love is One with yours. I surround you with my arms and encourage you to continue without the limitations of fear. These, no longer have a place in current times. The dream life in your human condition has come to an end. The times of the existential awakening and the approach with the Home are part of the priorities of the times that you live.

New lives await you different from your current one, but to reach them, you must finish what you have come to do in your dimension. Helping to elevate the energies of your planet and your being, will allow quantum leaps in your being, activating your DNA for divine purposes in your process.

Everything lived this way is recorded in the Great Divine Will.

There is not a single being that moves away from Home and does not return. We wait for you and encourage you from your heart to follow the path to Love and Light.

May Love and Peace be in all of you.

- Home -


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