Our Family ... our Task - Sadness, responsibility and us for Tahita

  • 2013


It is the most difficult, and the one we overlook the most, believing that we have to discover the great “mission” of our life. However, a large mission will never be revealed to us, if we do not transcend the daily learning field, of which the family is the most important sector.

The family is the mirror that reminds us of what we still have to work ... that is why we never choose our loved ones among those who agree perfectly humanly, but rather the opposite, because where would the task be then? And here, to duality, we came homework. Not always on mission.

The biggest pitfall we face in the family is lack of communication. Today and always ... and the more disguised communication devices we introduce into our lives, the more real communication is difficult.

To be communicated is to be able to transmit and show others what we are, both bright and dark. It means being open to be able to accept from the other, likewise, to his shadow ... and from that opening to be able to love, respect and understand each other. Be a couple, a son, a father or mother, a brother. It is not an affinity or lack of affinity of personalities, but a communication that to be really effective, has to be achieved at the level of the souls of each one, and it is not very easy, since surely each member of the family It is in different stages of the evolutionary process. But we can do it.

There are many factors that make us remain incommunicado. One of them, the main one, but the only one, is the ego. That is neither good nor bad. It is a part of us, a dress that we have to put on individually to experience duality: an instrument ... therefore, it is inappropriate for the instrument to handle situations. We have to take him out of that role, and always be in command or at least as long as possible, so that the ego, which feeds on conflicts does not make our family environment a battlefield.

The ego will never want to be the one who asks for forgiveness, nor the one who recognizes a lack or merit in the other. Because he loves power games, and is not interested in validating others, in considering or being loving, as is necessary in every relationship. Therefore, being aware of the place we have to give will avoid much suffering. The cultivation of humility, attention and openness of the heart are things that we have to consider and begin to access, if we want family harmony. Access them before, mounted on pride, we fill our lives and those of our loved ones with bitterness, resentment, guilt and emotional pain.

We don't have to fight with our ego, but spiritualize it. To do this, a state of awareness more and more alert will put it at the service of the soul, and we can count it as an ally, and follow the guidance of the Spirit, not the changing and capricious personality.

Another factor we have to consider is victimization. Believing that we are always victims of others, and we tend to blame them for our frustrations, instead of taking 100% responsibility for ourselves. This does not mean letting ourselves be victimized by others, but assuming our part in the relationship.

It is essential to practice empathy, that is, put ourselves in the place of the other. Try to understand how he feels in his role in a given situation, and embrace him in love, really perceiving his internal and external position. Compassion emanates simply and in abundance, when we do so, which does not always mean justifying crooked behavior, but simply understanding and respecting that process respectfully. We all actually share the same pains and receive similar wounds, so it is not so difficult to do that loving accompaniment.

Master Thich Nhat Hanh rightly asserts that much of the problems in all relationships arise from not listening to the other. Really listen to him, not thinking about responding without giving the other the necessary time and attention. If we attend: we feel. If the mind is thinking of an answer or reaction, we miss that golden thread of communication that makes us sister and makes us One.

There are many other factors that we will have to examine and banish. For example, not accepting the other as he is and constantly trying to change him, whether son, father, brother or partner ... and from there derive in judgments, in comparisons with what we believe it should be. We are all carriers of different aspects of the truth, and each aspect has to be respected at least and let everyone experiment with the Truth. Humility is again part of this game, and with it, we can circumvent these pitfalls.

Let's not waste the immense field of experimentation, learning and co-creation of luminous energies that is the family. On a planet like this one with a second ray, that is, the ray of unconditional Love ... what do you think we came to learn, experience and expand but that Unconditional Love? The time of each incarnation is so short as to splurge it on something other than the conscious learning of that principle ... and where will we do it except in the day to day and with the closest beings? They are the family we choose to take this leap of Love that we need and without them ... there is no learning or graduation.

Learn to ignore a word, an attitude, a fault that is, in the face of the essentials, a crumb, and we usually put it under a magnifying glass and turn it into a huge motive for fights and waste of energy that wear us down and wear others.

What a waste!!!

Let us weigh how we would act with each other if we knew that it is their last minute in our lives. And let's act accordingly.

Consider also the love agreement that as souls we made with each other to play those roles, to recover the memory of that essential love that we are, and that we left hanging on a clothes rack so many times, when we enter our homes to contend for rights and duties of each one, instead of leaving the ego hanging there, and putting on the tunic of unconditionality, peace, serene attention, understanding, humility, tolerance, respect, LIGHT ... that diminishes every time the shadow of a conflict is enlarged in complicity with that neglect and essential drowsiness that makes us remain asleep before what he calls us from the deepest, touching our wings to tell us ... REMEMBER ... REMEMBER ONE WITH ALL THAT IS.







These last weeks we are shaken from one state to another by powerful energies that arrive. Some make them more violent, others make them more sensitive, a few make them stronger, accepting and sustaining themselves in the conviction that everything is necessary and reflects us. It is ultimately a responsibility and awareness.

The energies are so intense that my head, for example, is traversed by a kind of tension that rises and falls through the energy channels causing sensations of tension, now of exhaustion. Others, try to release that tension outside, turning it into conflict and violence, even if it is verbal. It is important not to get carried away by tension, but to focus and relax, reminding us.

External events reflect us. Do you think the war in Syria and the killing of dolphins on the shores of Japan do not? We cannot be hypocritical about it. Those of us who embrace the evolutionary path in which every human being is, consciously, have been devastated by news that devastates us. Do you think that thirty years ago those dolphins were not killed or there was no war in the same countries over and over again, according to their own choice? Yes, the dolphins were killed and there was war. The difference is that many are in charge of putting that constantly in our minds through the media and social networks. It is correct. There is a greater Power observing each step that each evolving being takes. What we have to take care of is not to fall into the hands of heartbreaking emotions, if we are not prepared not to create more drama, let's not continue feeding on those means. Let us enter into silence, in prayer, in what we feel, and embrace the situation.

Yesterday, as I almost never do, I was on social media to observe and observe me. Many of you put pictures against the war and the killing of dolphins ... All of that, we are causing it. It's that simple.

One of the photos he circulated was a poster referring to war ... the banner said, denying and contradicting the words of the Nazarene teacher ... "Father, do not forgive them because they do know what they do." A person awake should not spread that poster. Well what Jesus said ... FATHER ... FORGIVE THEM BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY DO ... is as current as 2000 years ago. Do you think that those who kill in a war or slaughter dolphins are awake to know what they are doing? No ... but that does not make them worse than us, that we tear our clothes, without understanding that all this reflects us and that only when we do not have even a hint of violence and aggressiveness inside, we can see that nonviolence that we proclaim so much is reflected.

Hopefully they will have the courage to continue reading those who approach them, because that is what they have inspired me to tell them and touch their hearts very deeply.

What should be our attitude to these facts? First, knowing that we are all involved and not judging or wishing evil to anyone, to any being. We can pray, meditate, enter the silence, but open the heart to unconditional love and compassion towards all those involved, apparent victims and apparent victimizers. Many beings have come to sacrifice their physical, human or animal form, so that we feel what we feel and the pain brings compassion afloat. To compassion ... not to rancor, hatred or judgment. Acceptance is the key ... no resignation. Acceptance ... and that she leads us to change inside so that change is reflected.

I will be tougher with respect to the killing of the defines. Millions of them are still dead as well as whales and sharks ... not just the thousands that are killed this season. They kill them to put them in cans of food that everyone eats in the east and west, without guilt. Of course, the can for everyone is not a dolphin or a live whale bleeding, and the famous shark cartilage that so many buy to heal from bone problems ... nor associate it with the death of thousands of sharks. Do you not feel pain or indignation when you eat it or when using the cartilage for which sharks are killed?

Let's go even further ... have you not visited or seen on video how millions of animals that feed non-vegetarians are killed? When I upload here a note about the importance for the ascension of compassion ... the compassion that means also giving up our brothers to eat ... almost nobody comments on the article, which leads me to deduce that dresses of spirituality are still the cause of Death of the millions of beings, for not removing them from their plate. Nor would I be in law if that is why I hated them or believed them worse than me. I love you, I understand your stage of diffuse awakening ... I honor you ... but I do have to talk about all this to open your hearts and stop practicing hypocrisy, even unconsciously. They cry and go out to proclaim repudiation for the death of dolphins ... but not so for the millions of animals whose death is caused by those who continue to eat animal meat. Do you understand?

So ... focus on your spiritual heart, not on your emotions these days and the next. Meditate, pray, reflect or actively go out with banners to protest what hurts them ... but take internal responsibility to recognize what we create, what reflects us ... and try to bring compassion to their lives, their food, to the task they think they have as beings that are waking up. It is that awakening that causes pain and indignation ... and it is the right thing to do. But let us not enter, none of us in the hypocrisy of tearing our clothes for an isolated event, when day by day the Law of Love and nonviolence is constantly violated, not only in Japan or Syria, not only outside, but within our houses, our hearts ... our consciousness.

Let us embrace as we can what arrives, and that the change comes from within each being that is waking up and by saying NO !!! ... not only to what others show ... but to what we continue to keep with little bright justifications.




Our Family ... our Task - Sadness, responsibility and us for Tahita

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