The problems have a solution

  • 2016

Being able to solve problems requires courage and sincerity.

Urantia book. P.1774

The great majority, if not all problems, have a solution if we approach them with a calm and confident mind. The first step in solving all problems consists in locating the difficulty, isolating the problem and frankly recognizing its nature and severity. The big mistake is that, when life's problems arouse our deep fears, we refuse to recognize them. 1773

There is nothing more paralyzing than fear, it inhibits us, preventing us from seeing a logical exit to the problem. Therefore, the best way to lessen our problems and even take advantage of them for our growth is to remain united to the Father in an active way, that is, not just to pray for him to solve our concerns, but also to question what we are doing and what we do it for. There are times when we wear out working or suffering for an impossible dream, that more than a real need responds to a whim of our unconscious, motivated by pride or vanity of wanting to get something we do not deserve or for which we have not done enough merit.

“The wise and effective solution of any problem requires that the mind be free of preconceived ideas, personal prejudices and excessive passion, because all this interferes with the real solution of the problem. Being able to solve problems requires courage and sincerity. Only honest and brave people are able to follow courageously through the disturbing and disconcerting maze of living, to where the logic of a fearless mind can lead. This emancipation of mind and soul cannot occur without the driving power of intelligent enthusiasm ”1774, and the support of our Adjuster.

“You must realize that the best way to solve tangled problems is to get away from them for a while. Thus, when you return rested after a period of recreation or adoration, you can attack your problems with the clearest mind and firmer hand and of course, with the most resolved heart. Many times you will see that the problem has shrunk in size and proportion during your rest of the mind and body. ” 1611

To become aware of the problem that concerns us requires physical time, we must stop in our hectic life, not only to examine its causes and possible solutions, but also to join God, especially the Spirit, who is the one who can most directly guide us and give us “that rest that renews the mind, that illumination that inspires the soul, that value that allows us to bravely face problems. That understanding that erases the debilitating fear, and that awareness of the union with the divinity is what gives man the necessary security to dare to be like God ”1774. Then "faith penetrates the clouds of suffering to discern the light of life that is shed from the Father with healing mercy and enduring righteousness . " 1664

But for this to happen we must believe in ourselves and preserve internal harmony, to be able to see the problems in their exact dimension and address them with a serene and confident mind.

AUTHOR: yolanda silva solano

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