Scorpio: humility, courage and discernment by Emilio Sáinz Ortega

  • 2013

There are two hidden factors in the work of the aspirant Hercules in his initiatory Scorpio work, which intermingle all the time and that contribute positively and negatively to the disappointment and victory that characterize the sign that occupies us.

The first is Memory, as a creative power in which intellect and imagination come together, which conceives and produces objects in the form of thoughts suitable for the work of purification and cleansing of the past, and which also brings together and recalls an unconscious that is called up to its most distant historical roots. And in this sense, from that racial and individual subconscious, the reserves of desires inherited from our past lives as a sum of all instinctive tendencies, atheistic mirages, and a whole past heritage of erratic mental attitudes, everything which mixture constitutes that ghostly figure or entity known as the Threshold Dweller, which is nothing but the sum, energized and vital, of all the personality characteristics that have remained without being subdued or defeated, and that there will be n being finally transcended before the initiation takes place.

It is known that in each life progress and progress is made when the defects that were dragged or that were to be faced are corrected. But the residues of old responsibilities are numerous and excessively powerful, so that when contact with the soul is achieved properly, a life comes when the highly developed personality becomes that Threshold Dweller, who will eventually face face to face with the Angel of the Presence, and then something must inevitably be done, for the battle is irremissibly raised. This happens once the mind has reached a sufficiently high and mature level of development, and then the memory aspect is evoked in a conscious way, which will make every latent predisposition, every pending racial or national instinct, any unresolved situation and any dominant and controlling defect will rise to the surface of consciousness and the corresponding struggle and suffering will be locked.

Finally the light of the personal ego ends up disappearing before the glory of the Angel, so that superior greatness and magnificence annihilate the inferior power, which only occurs when the personality comes into contact with the Angel. It has been when the aspirant has recognized himself as a Dweller and as a disciple, and after the battle of the pairs of opposites that make up the Scorpio tests. Such tests and ordeals have been self-initiated by the aspirant himself: the disciple has placed himself in the appropriate situation and environment where the corresponding tests and discipline are inevitable, and under the keynote of Scorpio - the Triumph - the soul will finally prevail About personality

Alice Bailey, in the book "The works of Hercules" whose reference heads the present study on the esoteric and initiatory Scorpio, states that this Disciple in this astrological century does three things: "He realizes the existence of the Hydra, seeks it patiently, and finally destroys it. Discrimination is needed to be aware of its existence; the patience to discover their lair and the humility to bring the viscous fragments of the subconscious to the surface and expose them to the light of wisdom.

While Hercules fought in the swamp, amid the mud, silt and quicksand, he was unable to defeat the Hydra. He had to lift the monster in the air, that is, move his problem to another dimension, to solve it. In all humility, kneeling in the mud, he had to examine his dilemma in the light of wisdom and in the elevated atmosphere of scrutiny.

There are three qualities of character that Hercules had to express, were humility, courage and discernment. Humility to see their condition objectively and recognize their defects; courage, to attack the monster that remains coiled to the roots of its nature; discernment, to discover a technique to deal with his mortal enemy.

Such is the achievement of Hercules, psychologically speaking, in this work. He has given entry to the Light within the dark withdrawal of the subconscious, has fought with the monstrous forces that wallow in the subliminal mud, and has defeated the enemies of his own house. A purifying process has taken place, and now Hercules is ready to venture into the next job, in which he will have to demonstrate his ability to control the powers and powers of the mind. ”

Emilio Sáinz Ortega

Scorpio: humility, courage and discernment by Emilio Sáinz Ortega

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