Yoga for the deaf

  • 2012

A Yoga class does not need the word to point out the postures, the people who do it see it, it is marked and then corrected. There is also another language that is LSA, it is the sign language, to be able to integrate and better access the student's needs to obtain greater fluidity in accessing this spiritual path of yoga.

The person who is deaf can recite mantras mentally, the hearing impaired can also repeat the WMO mantra and feel the vibration, he can meditate alone and with Tibetan bowls, since he is also able to perceive the vibrations.

The deaf do not hear our reality but they hear theirs and in them they can obtain a more direct interior path than ours, this is due to environmental noises and sounds and all the disturbances generated by the audible world.

When you are more in touch with that inner world, you often get a better developed inner-spiritual path than ours, the people we hear and can develop Nada Yoga much better, it is the cultivation of the inner sound.

The person who is deaf can do pranayamas, all breathing techniques, Bramari pranayama is also advisable for those who can emit sound and its effect is very good as well as for the listener.

Thanks to Chris La Valle for his advice.

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