I am the Immaculate Conception.

  • 2010

Children, do not give up working for good, it is necessary, much need that you pay all the attention you can to work to bring Peace, Goodness Love to your hearts, just Thus, the target can be reached.

For some time now, all of us are sending all the pressure of our Love towards you, but it is vitally important that you realize this and act accordingly. Each time you become more sensitive to our presence and each time you wake up more from you, but if you do not transmit the messages we give you, many will be left without the opportunity to start in his spiritual life and will remain without knowing his true self.

Many souls are still closed to us, their ears do not want to listen to the messages, and they insist on saying "I am like that" or "I cannot change", these souls need our attention more than any, you should not faint and let Stay in the dark Ask for our help to see how to reach them. Do not leave them as impossible. Nothing is impossible if it is done in the name of Love and to make the Truth known.

Think that these Souls are mired in their fears, in their limitations, that in most cases they have been stigmatized with the continuous fear of "hell", that everything is "sin", with which there is good or evil, depending on whether it is convenient or not, in short, they have hidden the truth so much that it is now very difficult for them to even think that there is something beyond what they can see. Their faith has been reduced to painful prayer, which they do under pain, desperate grief, hoping that a God, whom they do not know, will do them the favor of solving their problems. They have not the slightest idea that this God they implore is within them, and that he is reached when he is at peace, calm, and asking for help to solve that problem, not so that He will I solve it.

Children, these souls are so lost, that around them they only see darkness, they only live in the face of materialism and ego, they suffer from depressions and various diseases that bring them their rigid and unimpeded characters, but, as Beings of Light they are, they should not miss the opportunity to enter it or find their way. They are victims of a society in which spirituality has been persecuted for being considered sinful or occultist. These souls deserve all of us and your attention. We can not; for us alone, to reach them, so we ask for your collaboration, so that you can join forces and in your meditations you include the people you know who are closed to the Light, like this. With your strength, a circle of energy will be formed that will make those souls begin to see their true Self. Do not faint, work is not easy, but we know that working together everything is possible.

Stay in peace and know that I have you under my protection.

The face is the mirror of the soul

The face is the mirror of the soul. When we see people who walk down the street with a taciturn face, looking angry, tired, reflecting unhappiness, anger, resentment, arrogance, superiority, we should not mock them or make judgments about their appearance or character they reflect, we have to think that his soul is suffering from the limitations that his mind has imposed on him, that being, which is essentially pure and benevolent, has locked his soul so much, that he has relegated it to a corner, the furthest and darkest part of his heart ; that being, does not see the Light, is lost, bombarded with all the external messages that come to it, so, instead of making any judgment about it or its appearance, we must look at it with Love and from the very center of our heart, send it LIGHT, Light that acts as a sword and cuts the darkness in which it is plunged. We have a duty to make the Light known, and this duty can be done in a thousand and one ways, it is not necessary that we have a class in any center, nor that we publish books and more books on self-help. Now is the time to start creating that we get into action, and with our intention, our feeling and our love, we introduce into each being the necessary seed to flourish, and can, as we see and live in the Light.

These beings, they deserve, as we enjoy everything that belongs to them, they have to have the opportunity to leave behind the limitations, negativity, pessimism, unhappiness, since none of that belongs to them, they are self-imposed limitations due to ignorance of TRUE.

Children join us to give Light and Truth to all those souls.

Peace remain and feel all our love.


This channeling has been delivered during a meditation, so it has been transcribed after received, not during the transmission, so speaking in the first person.

Work on You for the Immaculate Conception

Children, you must not fail, many are the events that are to come, or you must stop working, especially in yourselves, do not neglect your ascension for wanting to help other souls, think that if you are not up to it and you you neglect, you will not be able to provide the help that is demanded of you.

N neglect your elevation, we need you to grow more and more in the Light, that more and more you have the capacity to create, to help, to teach, not only to those who are close to you, but to souls that are far away, all this is achieved with your sustained effort, with your ability to help yourself, to heal, to elevate you, to transmute every discord that approaches you. That is why children, it is so important that you do not neglect your elevation.

Do not think that what you have already achieved is enough. No, that is only the tip of the mountain, there is still much more to discover within you, and you must not stop that process of creation; you must not fail and believe that what you have obtained is enough to serve the Light. It is not! . We need more of you, keep going, children, keep working on you.

There are times of much change and all help is little, but, despite being well received any help provided, how much that help is of better quality. We do not mean by that that we despise the conscious efforts that you send us for the elevation of Planet Earth and all those who inhabit it. We are deeply grateful and for that reason we love you deeply; but we see that some souls adjust to what they have already obtained and do not strive to obtain more, somehow the limitations of them re-enter and that is a great danger, which can lead to the disarray with everything achieved so far. Do not allow that. Children, be very attentive, for the EGO has not yet been defeated in its entirety and struggles to recover the lost supremacy. There is nothing as painful as seeing a lost son return home and suddenly he gets lost again.

Work, work insistently, do not stop working, both for any soul that needs it, as for yourself, every day go quietly, say your affirmations, recite your decrees , these are the creations that you are projecting, that is the world that you are creating, but include yourself in it, do not project and believe only for others, you are an important part in that creation and you must be present in it.

You see now because we say don't stop working on you. Children, I know that you are in need of advice, that sometimes you do not know very well how to act, many times already, you have been told to ask for our assistance, you are not alone in this project, we are behind, but you must ask for help, it must be your decision to want to be helped, the one that gives us permission to act. However know that we watch and push for you to see the way forward.

I am the Immaculate Conception and I send you all the love of my heart. Stay in Peace and wrapped in Light.

Channeled by Montserrat Parés Gracia

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