I am URIEL, angel of the presence and Archangel of the reversal

  • 2016

I am URIEL, angel of the Presence and Archangel of Reversion. Well beloved children of the One, the Wave of my Presence, hereafter in you and with you and for you, gives you to live and comes to mean you, the Birth of your Eternity. May this be in you as in what you are given to see, to perceive and to live. The Wave of my presence is mixed in you, and mixing our Presences, in order to live and verify the set of what has been given to you, the set of what you have been allowed to live and test. In the time of Dance and Silence, I interweave to your Presence the Wave of my Life, the Wave of the Presence, that which comes to open the Heavens and the Earth to the New Presence of your Eternity. The time is done. The time is up.

Ending time and its illusion. The time of Space, beyond all space, comes to Sing to you, by the Crystalline Presence, in your ear, on your sides and in your Heart.

For the same reason, I come to finish, by the Wave of my Presence, within your Being, within your energy fields. Allow yourself to Dance, the Dance of Eternity . Allow yourself to live the Time of Silence, and the Time of Eternity. In these times that complete the measurement of Time, in these times that complete the notion of location, the time to recover what they are, what they have always been, sounds at your door. Through the door of the senses, through the door of perceptions, through the door of silence. Where is the dance that never stops. Accompanied by the Choir of the Angels and the Crystal Sound of my Presence, I come to Announce the Wave that is mine, and that becomes yours. That of the New Age, of the New Alliance, where everything is Liberated, where everything is Truth, where everything is authentic. Where there is no place, no space, no time for any suffering whatsoever, an illusion whatever it may be.

The time has come, because it was born, because it is Present, in your life, in your Universe, in your Sun, and, of course, in the Temple of your chest, in the heart of the Heart. Calling Dance, where nothing comes to stop, or resist, the Call to the Eternal Birth of your Presence, in the One Light, and quickened by the Presence of KI-RIS-TI.

Let us live the Wave, the Wave of all Presences. That of those who have guided them, that of those who belong to the Eternal present, to the Immaculate Eternal of His Infinite Presence .

Entering to unlock what must be eternal and definitive. The Call Time, the Response Time, is now. That this be in the signs of Heaven and Earth, in their sounds or in their fights, is the Birth Response of the butterfly, which completes, in its chrysalis, its Transmutacion and its elevation n.

Dance and Silence are the engines of Peace and Eternity. In which are your vehicles of Eternity. Those who are not besieged by a beginning and an end. Those who have always been, and who will always be. Since nothing can change the Law of Love, Law of Freedom, Law of Eternity.

My Presence on your sides, in your Heart, in response to your call, in response to your request. I come to finish the Round of the Arc ngeles, the Round of the Elders, the Round of the Stars. Since everything is illuminated in you. Since everything is awake in you. Ready to live Time without time, Space without location. The time of Joy, that nothing can alter, and that nothing comes to alter.

It is up to you, now, not to choose, but rather to position yourself for Eternity, within your Eternity, or within what resists From there comes Joy., of your faculty and your facility, to let the Wave Live, to participate in the Dance.

As Angel URIEL, I come to perform the Work to the White. The one that ends the time of the ephemeral. The one that opens, in large, the Doors of Eternity. In order to give them to Live what they have always been, what they always are, and what they always will be. Well away from all history, far from any action-reaction. The time of Grace is fulfilled. The Road is open The Door is open. To the Sounds of Crystal, to the Sounds of Heaven and Earth, not only in an individual aspect, but rather, more and more, collective and immanent.

At the moment where Heaven and Earth change position. At the moment where your Presence changes your point of view. In order to embrace and handcuff with the Freedom and Eternity of Love, in the waltz of the Dance of the Wave of Light that compresses them and opens the doors, not only of hope, but the Gates of Eternity. Time of the Last Gate, of the Last Reversion.

In this way as I have accompanied them during these years. Let that be the Throat Passage, the Narrow Gate Passage. The time has come to light, by the Wave of Fire, by the Wave of Life, by the Constellation of Water, which pours the Lustral Water, into the Fire of Your Ether. In order to give oneself to Being, in totality and entirely. Far beyond all the traps of the Illusion, of the ephemeral. In the strict Truth of Love, in the strict Truth of authenticity and Transparency.

You have won without fighting. They have raised, without wanting to. They have brought to their term the impossible mission, the one to take, definitively and in totality, to this Solar System from the set of their illusions.

Therefore, as the Bearer of the Good News, I announce the Opening of the Heavens and the Earth. Giving them to live your Eternity. In Communion of Soul, in Communion of Spirit with Eternity. That represent both the Elders, the Stars, and the Archangels within Your own Eternity.

Round of Silence, Round of Peace, Round of Eternity, where the perfume of Beauty, Love and Truth vibrates. All this is also revealed to your senses and will be increasingly revealed to your perceptions. In order to drive them where they have never moved, where they have always been. In order for the butterfly to embrace, she also Eternity. Leaving behind her, sufferings, weights and memories. What has overwhelmed, what has overshadowed what you are. Today, there is no longer a shadow, there are no barriers, there is no obstacle. Except those that remain to be conquered by the establishment of your Presence and our common Presence in the same Truth, in the same Unit, in the same Communion, in the same Fusion and in the same Dissolution.

Just Being, within the instant, Present. Present to yourselves and Present to ourselves. Present your Brothers and Sisters, Present to Earth and Present to Heaven. Present in every Dimension, in every Space, beyond all time. This is your nature. This is your Essence, Eternal, recovered within this ephemeral .

Everything is accomplished. Everything is in materialization. Everything is in update. The work has been done. "Everything is accomplished, " this was told some time ago. You have now, in this consummation, the total manifestation of the Truth of light, of Beauty and of Love.

Therefore I invite you to celebrate. I therefore invite you to rest, within this Peace, within this Joy and this Eternity. Procured by the Wave of Life, by the ignition of the whole of your body, its structures, gross as subtle. In order to live the burning of Love, the Kiss of MARY, the Call of MARY, is the irrevocable Call of your Eternity.

Be in peace. We are in you as you are in us. With an intensity never matched, where all Presence merges into the Joy of Love and Dance. Leaving no room for identification, but rather an Ascension of your Consciousness in the vehicle of Eternity. And if this corresponds to them, beyond any vehicle.

Everything is on its way, not within a future, but in the instant of your present, in the instant of your presence, in the present of the present moment, in the here-and-now. Then, the time has come where the Doors dissolve by themselves, in the remains of the Illusion. Leaving them exposed, since he wants them naked. Coming to knock on your Door, taking the whole place, as well as space and time. Arriving to pour the Water, the Water of the Resurrection, the Water of Baptism. Not that of birth in this world, but of Birth in your Eternity. Welcome Welcome and reveal for yourselves, verify for yourselves, the Majesty of what is to live, the Majesty of what is there.

Increasingly, the signs, patents and important are manifested in the remaining linear development of your planet and your life. Giving them to travel this world, no longer moving, but being installed in the Wave that Dance in you. Since, from your Eternity, from your Heart of the Heart, the whole of this world bathes, little by little, from space to space, in the Light revealed, embodied and manifested, therefore the objective is, you know, the Total spiritualization of what is called your matter. Leaving no room for suffering. No longer leaving room for all opposition and contradiction. In the Abandonment to the Light, where yes, in the sacrifice of the ephemeral for Eternity, which is created by the Intelligence of the Light, Your, as of the Heavens, of the Archangels, of the Sun, of the Cosmos and from the source.

Today, today, finally, The realization is in materialization. The subtle Realization also becomes, and also concerns, the grossest of your manifestation. Do not be afraid. Peace is there, Eternity is there. It only has you, to let it appear in totality. But for this, they need to disappear, to me and to "me." Disappear the mental, disappear emotions. Disappear the illusions entertained by the set of human beliefs and forged beliefs, questions of division and forgery, of the loss of connection to this Eternity. They fear nothing, since this is in birth, since this is at birth, which will never be followed by some death, some weight and some density.

So, yes, time is for the Dance. The time is for our Meeting, not just in the multiple experiences that have been carried out and conducted during these years. But rather in the complete update and materialization, of what has been announced, from the Celestial Weddings. But this is found in you, first of all. Eternity is in you. CHRIST is in you. The world is in you, in totality. Realize fully. Look, watch. Feel and perceive. The Time of the Last, the Time of the Infinite, the Time of the Absolute, the Time of the Infinite Presence, the Time of the Êtreté, in totality, are realized and lived in your flesh and under your eyes.

For this, as that has long been announced, rest in Peace, since you are Peace. And Peace is only found in Peace . In no way in the activities of me and "me." Each of you is called in an increasingly intense and important way, to dwell in the stasis of your Eternity, in the Abode of Supreme Peace. Since it is here that Peace is found. It is here that serenity is found. And it is here that the update and materialization of what has been announced and enunciated in many ways is found.

It will be done to each according to their faith. It will be done to each according to their experience, according to their perception and according to their ability to dwell in the heart of the Heart, in the center of the Center, in the Peace of Eternity. It is here that you find in you the resources to achieve good, until the moment of the Call of MARY that will ring in your bosom, as in the Heavens, and as on Earth.

At that moment there remember that the only guide, whatever our meetings, whatever our Presences, is the center of the Center. Where everything is still. Where Consciousness, itself, remains in the satisfaction of Peace and Eternity, allowing to recover, the Essence, the Absolute, the Infinite Presence. Or, if your desire for experiences allows it, then, within the vehicles of Êtreté. Everything also shining from the Light of Freedom and Liberation.

I come to pour in this space of Communion, as in any space where I have been welcomed, where it is on this planet, or that it is in the ether. In order to give you the Ultimate Balance Point, corresponding, for those who experienced it, for the vibrations of your 11th. Body. Allowing to reach the Alchemy of the New Body. Allowing in you, perhaps receiving, in advance, the last Metatronic Keys, if they have not driven for the moment.

Remember that there is nothing to practice from now on. There is nothing to love, nothing to look for, nothing to expect. Only to be (to be), to the heart of the Heart . Since in these particular times of the Work to the White, they have verified that the distance has been abolished between you and us. That time and space do not exist other than in the manifestation of this world. But in your interior spaces, we are there, each time more present, each time more intense, to the measure of your intensity, to the measure of your Peace, to the measure of your Transparency. We are gathered to celebrate it.

I bless you all, for the Wave of my Presence, for the Wave of Life. For the New Eucharist, for the Alchemy and the Merger of the three Homes (centers) (Heart, Head and Sacral). Giving them to live the immensity of your own Presence. The immensity of Beauty within what you are. They are calm. Stay calm Search for peace. Seek Joy, because she is already there and cannot be sought outside your Heart, since she is there.

Open all the doors of Eternity, burning all Illusions, by the Lustral Water pouring, from now on in you. Coming to wash your clothes and having them ready for what is updated in the matter of your space-time, which ends.

Finish by these words. Dance is Silence. Peace is Tranquility. Joy, Love and Light are the witnesses of your Experience. You, Anchoring Sons and Sowers of Light. The end of the chrysalis is near. This disappearance is an apparition. She is a party. If this does not seem the case, then do the Silence and let Dance Eternity, as they are that.

Whatever your symptoms, that they are of Fire or that they are linked to Consciousness, in their disappearance and in their Eternity, it matters little, since this is for you, the way to welcome what That is in you. The set of Light, the set of Creations, all Beauty is present in you. Let it surface, now, for the silence of words, for the silence of me, for the silence of the ego. Since everything is so close to you, ready to be received on condition that you keep only the essential, that is, Truth and Love. May the Wave of my Presence be sealed in you, in Eternity, in this instant of meeting, in this instant of update! I bless the Water, Element of this Earth, in order to restore its purity, that of the High that had been cut from that of the low. Water, the Matrix of Life, is called to meet the Fire, that of the Spirit. Giving a New Water, Baptism Water . Water arriving to complete the mutation of Fire and Heart, within your chrysalis. Be in Reception, as in this moment, since Life is restored, in its Eternity, in its Fullness, in its Emptiness.

Be ready, as the moments are there! Here and now. In the center of your Heart as in the Center of the Earth, as in the Center of the Sun, as in the Center of THE SOURCE .

They only have you, to listen and hear what is there. Reinforcing from day to day, in you, as your surroundings, as on the whole world I am URIEL, Angel of the Presence and Archangel of Reversion, and I come to Announce the update of the Gospel of Peace, of the Gospel of Eternity, where no person or no consciousness can modify what is in you. Time of the Eternal Time of Eternity. Time of Dance, Time of Peace. In order to capture your Nature, it is well inscribed beyond this time. Transcending time, transcending space, transcending all limits, whatever their nature.

Remember that I am there for this, like Wave, manifesting on your left side, at the top of your body. I am the Presence that comes to Reveal the Word, since you are the Word. Putting an end to every word, to every assumption of your head, as of your body. Ending all projection. Ending all hope and all hope. Because times are done, because times have come. Because Time is Now.

I deposit in your Heart, as in your body, and more particularly in the water that composes it, the Seal of Eternity, the Seal of my Presence, coming to boost the Passage.

I am URIEL, Angel of the Presence and Archangel of Reversion The Wave of my Presence marries the Wave of Life, marries the Three Homes (Centers), the Marial Channel, the Sacred Lemniscata, and what you call Bindu This Alchemy comes to open in Joy, and in Tranquility, the chrysalis, where the Wings are deployed, where the Wings are dried.

I am URIEL, Angel of the Presence and Archangel of Reversion. I return you to your Eternity. I return you to the unspeakable Joy of the Reunions with yourselves, before everything. I greet in you, the Baptism that you live. I greet in you your Transfiguration. I greet above all, in you, your own Resurrection.

I am URIEL, Angel of the Presence and Archangel of Reversion. In this Communion, in Silence, the time has come. I install myself in each one of you, as a friend, not to guide you or to shake hands, but simply, for the Joy of my Presence and your Presence Gathered at Mass. Wave, of the same Dance of the same Peace, of the same Light, that of the Work to the White. I offer you this present, because you have offered me your Present.

I am URIEL, and I greet you. I leave you in your Eternity, which is ours. Later than.

AUTHOR AND TRANSLATION: The Collective of One.

WEB: http://lestransformations.wordpress.com/

TRANSCRIPTION: Marie Louise Gastón

WEB TRANSCRIPTION: http://mensajes-del-espiritu.blogspot.com



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