Life transforming success and much, much more! By Patricia Cota-Robles

  • 2015

I am sending this very important information on September 8, because it is the day celebrated in the outside world as the birthday of Mother Mary. This powerful representative of the Divine Feminine and Universal Guardian of the Flame of the Immaculate Concept, is working in unison with Saint Germain, who is the Universal Guardian of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection. Together they have victoriously fulfilled in God a facet of the Divine Plan that they initiated in the name of all Humanity and every particle of Life evolving on this Planet during the initial impulse of our fall from Grace. The success of his Divine Mission has catapulted Humanity and the Earth at frequencies of vibration that will allow us to tangibly experience one of the most important facets of our Ascension process. We are in the middle of this amazing event right now. Our conscious wisdom of the opportunity at hand will allow us to participate in ways that will transform our lives forever.

The information I am sharing with you in this article is complicated, but it is something that you know in the depths of your heart or would not be on Earth during this auspicious time. If possible, please print this article and read it when you have time to go inside and really contemplate what has happened during the last weeks and what is happening now in the month of September 2015. Inside the Divinity of your heart, your I AM Presence will confirm the Truth of this information. Then through this inner wisdom, you will clearly understand how to assimilate and effectively utilize the profound opportunity at your fingertips.


On August 15, 2015, the day celebrated in the outside world as the Day of the Ascension of Mother Mary, approximately 700 people from 22 countries gathered inside the Healing Portal Through the Infinite Power of Transmutation and Transfiguration of Divine Love in Tucson, Arizona. The vehicle for this meeting of Selfless Light Workers was the 29th. Annual World Lighting Congress. We joined in consciousness with other Lightworkers around the world who were projecting their Light from their locations to the Tucson portal.

In consciousness we unify our Heart Flames and form a powerful transformer through which the Light of God will flow throughout the week to consummate the vital facet of the Divine Plan that was destined to be victoriously achieved through the unified efforts of all the Company of Heaven and Lightworkers embodied throughout the world.

On August 16, 2015, the Arc Miguel Angel and his powerful Lions of Power and Protection descended into the Earth's atmosphere. The Arc Miguel Angel directed his legions to cross the North, South, East and West Earth. One of these powerful messengers of God entered the aura of every man, woman and child on Earth and with the permission of the I AM Presence of each person established an invincible force field of Protection and Divine Love around the fragmented aspect and based on the fear of each person's human ego.

This invincible force field of Protection and Divine Love was specifically designed to prevent these stubborn aspects of the fallen consciousness of Humanity from interfering with the influx of Light that would explode from, ONCE FOR ALL, the paralyzing and oppressive claw that our human egos have had, since the fall in our physical, ethereal, mental and emotional bodies.

Once the force field of Light was secured around each person's human ego, our Father-Mother God sounded a Cosmic Tone that signaled the entire creation that Moment C Semic had finally arrived . This was the moment where Humanity and the I AM Presences and the Company of Heaven had been working since the false creation of our fragmented and fear-based human egos literally does millions of years

In response, the Legions of Light through the Infinite projected their Light and Love in, through and around every particle and wave of Life on Earth, thus holding the sacred space for the Eternal Victory of God in the next critical facet of the Divine Plan in development.

When everything was ready, our Father-Mother God breathed into the Flame Heart of the I AM Presence of each person the most intensified frequencies of 5th Crystalline Solar Light. Dimension that Humanity was able to endure at that time. In the Holy Breath of God, every atomic and subatmic particle and wave of Light in the physical, ethereal, mental and emotional earthly bodies of Humanity ascended in energy a, vibration and awareness at a frequency of Crystalline Solar Light of the 5th. Dimension that blew up our paralyzing claw of the human ego. This event PERMANENTLY released the Earthly Bodies of Humanity from the bonds that our egos have used to manipulate and control us through thoughts based on fear, feelings, actions and beliefs distorted in separation and duality.

Despite the pain and suffering that our egos have inflicted in our lives and the chaos they have created globally, they are still part of us and cannot be destroyed. They must be transformed and loved towards the Light . That, in fact, was the next step of the Divine Plan.

Once the oppressive claw of the human ego burst into pieces, the I AM Presence of each person was able to Breathe their ego into their Heart Flame. At this point, each ego was still encapsulated in the invincible force and Protection force field created by the Legions of Archangel Michael of Light. Now, within the Divinity of the Flame Heart of each person, our I AM Presence will perpetually bathe our ego in frequencies of Forgiveness and Divine Love until this aspect of our fallen personality surrenders to the Light of God and is Eternally Loved FREE.

Each of the unselfish Legions of Light of the Archangel Michael has volunteered to remain in our auras and to sustain the Force and Protection force field around our egos until this process is completed. This means in a practical way that our human ego will never again be able to manipulate and control us through its fragmented and fear-based consciousness.

This reality is leaking into people's hearts and conscious minds daily and hourly. Millions of people are tangibly feeling the monumental change of consciousness that has occurred in their daily experiences. Many others have not perceived this change yet and are still acting from THE HABIT of their previous behavior patterns. However, without the ego that enhances these habits, their strength will soon dissipate and the inner guidance of the I AM Presence of the person will be clearly heard. This is what is meant by the phrase: "Let's see with new eyes and listen with new ears."

The guidance of our I AM Presence is always based on Love and Reverence for Life. This means, without the interference of our human ego, our I AM Presence will be able to easily project viable solutions to our Earthly challenges that will be perceived through our open hearts and conscious minds.


For the next two days, August 17-18, 2015, the Company of Heaven worked with the Light Workers and the I AM Presence of each person on Earth to clean and heal the traumatized areas in the Earthly Bodies of Humanity. These are the dense areas where our human egos existed previously. Since we are One and there is NO separation, this Activity of Light also clarified and healed the areas in the physical, etheric, mental and emotional layers within the bodies of Mother Earth as well. These were the areas where the deliberate actions of the human egos of Humanity had injured and traumatized the Planet.

The Divine Attempt of this intervention was to prepare every man, woman and child and Mother Earth herself, at a cellular level for an influx of Light that the Company of Heaven said would have vaporized, literally the Earth and all her Life on such a date Recent as four years ago. That dramatic statement was given to us by the Beings of Light to demonstrate the unprecedented acceleration in frequency and awareness that Humanity and Earth have experienced at the atomic and subatomic level since the birth of the New Earth on Dec 21-22. 2012

The two gifts from the High that carried out this monumental purification and healing were the most intensified frequencies of the 5th Solar Crystal Fire. Dimension as never before had Earth and Humanity been able to assimilate. This Crystalline Solar Fire contained sacred geometric patterns and previously unknown archetypes associated with the Transfigurative Divine Love Flame and the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection. These Gifts of the Sacred Fire from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God were codified to cleanse and heal the bodies of Humanity and Mother Earth as much as the Cosmic Law would allow. This activity of Luz paved the way for the fulfillment of a Divine Plan that Mother Mary and Saint Germain promised to fulfill on behalf of ALL the Sons and Daughters of God in evolution on this planet if we were ever freed from the clutches of our human egos .

On August 19, 2015, Mother Mary and Saint Germain projected their luminous Presence to our sanctuary to guide us through an Activity of Light that they had been orchestrating since the fall of Humanity of Grace.

On this Planet a long time ago, the Sons and Daughters of God made the fateful decision to use our free will and our creative faculties of thought and feeling to create patterns of imperfection that were not based on Love. That tragic choice resulted in the fall Catastrophic of Humanity in the abyss of separation and duality. That horrible event resulted in the unwanted consequences that formed our human egos fragmented and based on fear.

Mother Mary is the Universal Guardian of the Flame of the Immaculate Concept, which reflects the Original Blue Design and the Divine Potential of each person, place, condition and thing existing in the Causal Body of God. Saint Germain is the Universal Guardian of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection, which reflects the perfect balance of the Blue Flame of the Divine Power of our Father God and the Pink Flame of God's Divine Love. When these two selfless messengers of God witnessed the devastating fall of Humanity of Grace they realized that, without superhuman Divine Intervention, the potential of the Sons of God to elevate ourselves outside the quagmire of negativity that We were creating falsely, it was virtually non-existent.

With that understanding, Mother Mary made a Sacred Oath promising before God to sustain the Immaculate Concept for each evolving Son and Daughter of God on Earth until each and every one of us woke up effectively enough to explode the bonds of our egos humans and return to Christ Consciousness. Saint Germain, in turn, took a sacred oath promising before God to maintain the balance of the Violet Flame of Infinite Perfection of God within the Heart Flame of each of the I AM Presences of each person until the human ego was Beloved in Freedom and that the Earthly Bodies of Humanity be recovered.

On August 19, 2015, Mother Mary and Saint Germain affirmed that THIS WAS THAT COSMIC MOMENT! This was the holy and holy day for which Mother Mary and Saint Germain had been preparing for millions of years.

With Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving on her, safely held within the transformer of our Unified Heart Flames, Mother Mary and Saint Germain bathed the Earth and her whole Life with the newly encoded 5th Dimensional crystalline solar frequencies of the Flame of the Immaculate Concept and the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection.

The Flame of the Immaculate Concept is an exquisite Blue Flame of the Virgin with a White Crystal Aura. The Blue Flame of the Virgin pulses with the Immaculate Concept of ALL Life and the White Crystalline aura pulses with the frequencies of the Ascension Flame.

The Violet Flame of the Infinite Perfection of God burns in perfect balance with all the different frequencies of the Blue Flame of the Divine Power of our Father God and the Pink Flame of Divine Love of our Mother God.

Once these Sacred Lamas were secured within the Purity Core in each electron of precious Earth Life energy, Mother Mary and Saint Germain guided the I AM Presences of Humanity through the process of reversing the adverse effects that the fall of Humanity of Grace has had on our DNA structures.

Scientists believe that our DNA is made up of two strands that form a double-helical configuration. They believe that the genetic codes within this double helix contain everything we need to explain our existence. For a long time, scientists thought our DNA was stationary and could not be changed. They called more than 94% of our DNA: DNA basura, because they had no idea what their purpose was.

Scientists now know that our DNA structures are bright waveform configurations that are constantly being modified by Light, solar radiation, magnetic fields, pulse impulses. Unique, thought forms, emotions and more deeply with GAMMA RAYS. What they don't realize yet is that at first we had 12 strands of DNA that worked as a very elaborate communication system. This DNA system allowed us to maintain the wisdom of consciousness of all multidimensional and multifaceted aspects of ourselves. At that time, our DNA also allowed us to easily perceive the Immaculate Concept of our Divine Potential as Sons and Daughters of God. This is when we worked in the full embrace of Christ Consciousness.

With the fall, we descend on such dense and jarring frequencies of separation and duality that our 12 strands of DNA short-circuited the two strands or strands that our scientists have discovered. The reality is that the genetic codes in these fragmented strands of DNA do not contain our full potential. On the contrary, they barely contain enough of our genetic codes to support brain awareness. This is why it is perceived that we only use 10% of our brain capacity and that in many cases we no longer experience Christ Consciousness .

With the unprecedented change in energy, vibration and awareness that Humanity and all Life on Earth had experienced since the birth of the New Earth in 2012 and the long-awaited elimination of human egos from Humanity, Mother Mary and Saint Germain were finally able to fulfill their sacred oaths. During what was perceived by many as a miraculous act of Divine Grace, the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth was empowered in hitherto unknown ways that allowed them to recalibrate and reassemble the circuit of our fragmented chains of DNA in Twelve NEW SOLAR CRYSTAL HEADS of DNA from 5th. Dimension

The I AM Presence of each person integrated and assimilated this transformative change of life in the Realms of the Cause in preparation for the Initiation of Humanity into a Higher Order of Existence, which was destined to be in Victorious God the next day.


On August 20, 2015, there were two final processes that were to occur within the newly liberated Earthly Bodies of Humanity before our Initiation towards a Higher Order of Existence.

With the assistance of the Powerful Elohim, who are the Cosmic Builders of the Form and the Directors of the Ether, Air, Fire, Water and the Elements of the Earth, the I AM Presence of each person on Earth was guided through a Activity of Light that activated the Sleeping Elemental Vortices within the Earthly Bodies of Humanity. During this activation, the Elemental Vortices of Humanity were recalibrated by the Powerful Elohim and our I AM Presence to receive Higher frequencies of Fifth-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light never before known. This is the fundamental frequency of Light that is necessary for our I AM Presence to transform our carbon-based planetary bodies into crystalline Solar Bodies of 5th Dimension.

During this Cosmic Moment on Earth, our Father-Mother God has given permission for the Directors of the Elements and the Powerful Elohim to greatly increase the help they are giving to Humanity in our process of physical transformation.

Our Earthly Bodies are composed of different elements. Our physical body is associated with the Earth Element, our etheric body with the Air element, our mental body with the Fire Element, our emotional body with the Water Element and all these vehicles are wrapped in the most rarefied substance known as the Ether Element.

The elementals are intelligent Beings that use the atomic and subatomic particles within the elements of the building blocks in every manifest way. Within our Earthly Bodies there is a Master Deva who directs all the Elementals within our vehicles . This Being is known as our Body Elemental and took his vows in our beginnings to remain with us during all our earthly stays.

At the beginning our Body Elemental was able to easily picture the patterns of perfection within the DNA message codes. This was due in large part to the active Elemental Vortices within each of our Earthly Bodies. These vortexes energized and sustained within each of our bodies, which allowed the Elementals to help us maintain a vibrant state of health and eternal youth. Unfortunately after the fall everything changed. The Vortices of our Elemental Vortices became inactive when Humanity fell into the illusion of separation.

Now that Humanity is free from the manipulation of our human egos, the Directors of the Elements have been given permission not only to reactivate the Elemental Vortices within our Earthly Bodies but to re-calibrate them to receive Higher Solar Light Frequencies Crystal of the 5th. Dimension of which we have been able to bear some time.

On August 20, 2015 the Powerful Elohim and the Directors of the Elements guided the I AM Presence of each person on Earth through the revival of our Five Vortexes of the Elementals. The five Vortexes of the Elementals are spinning Vortices of Light, which shine like miniature Suns within our Earthly Bodies when fully activated.

The first vortex that was activated was the Vortice Ether that pulses above our head. On that holy and holy day, under the guidance of the Powerful Elohim, and each person's Ether Vortex woke up and fully activated. The Light of God expanded through the Ether Element and the Vortex Ether of each person began to burn like the Sun allowing our four Earthly Bodies to be bathed in rarefied Ethers of the 5th. Dimension.

Then, the Air Vortex that clicks on the location of our Throat Chakra was fully activated. When the Vortex Air woke up it started burning like the Sun. The Light of God expanded through the Air Element within our vehicles and the Etheric Bodies of Humanity were Transfigured.

Then, the Fire Vortex that clicks on the location of our sternum in the center of our chest was fully activated. When the Fire Vortex woke up it began to burn like the Sun. The Light of God expanded through the Fire Element inside our vehicles and the Mental Bodies of Humanity were Transfigured.

The Water Vortex that pulsed within the location of our root chakra at the base of our spine was then fully activated. When the water vortex woke up it began to burn like the Sun. The Light of God expanded through the Water Element within our vehicles and the Emotional Bodies of Humanity were Transfigured.

Next, the Earth Vortex, which pulses between our feet was fully activated. When the Earth Vortex woke up it started burning like the Sun. The Light of God expanded through the Earth Element within our vehicles and the Physical Bodies of Humanity were Transfigured.

After the achievement in God Victorious of that facet of the Divine Plan, Humanity was ready for the final process that would allow us to be initiated into a Higher Order of Existence.

Once again, under the guidance and direction of the Builders of Form and the Powerful Elohim, the I AM Presence of Humanity was conducted through an accelerated process of Divine Alchemy that brought NEW frequencies of Crystalline Solar Light from the 5th. Dimension through our newly activated Vortexes of the Elements and in our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. According to the Beings of Light in the Realms of Enlightened Truth, that event accelerated the Divine Alchemy that took place inside the bodies of Mother Earth and Humanity and accelerated the transformation into Crystal Solar Light Bodies of the 5th. Dimension in ways that transcend the understanding of our finite minds.

Once the facet of the Divine Plan that is being unveiled was successfully carried out, the Solar Logos coming from the Suns beyond Suns, beyond Suns projected their luminous Presence into the Earth's atmosphere and took their strategic positions across the planet In the Sacred Breath, these representatives of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM - All That Is, embraced Mother Earth and all Life evolving in it in powerful rays of light.

When everything was ready, our Father-Mother God breathed the evolving Sons and Daughters of God on Earth a quantum leap up to the Spiral of Evolution and Initiated each and every one of us in a Higher Order of Existence.

The overwhelming success of that Activity of Light ensured that from that moment on, the Sons and Daughters of God on evolution on Earth who have experienced the depths of pain and suffering beyond what Once we were destined to endure, we would never be manipulated in such abhorrent ways by the fallen consciousness of our human egos.

That final Activity of Light in Victorious God completed the Immaculate Concept of the Divine Plan for the 29th Annual World Congress of Illumination and laid the foundation for miracles that are destined to occur in September 2015.


I think that by the time we finally get through this unprecedented Ascension process, we are all going to be Quantum Physicists. I know that part of this information is a bit overwhelming, but in order to really understand the magnitude of what is happening on this sweet Earth, the Beings of Light want us to at least contemplate some of these bewildering truths. When we take the time to contemplate this information, we open the door to our I AM Presence to reveal to us our particular part of the Divine Plan that is being unveiled. Then we are more easily able to fulfill our mission and the greater need of the hour in representation of Humanity and Mother Earth. Fortunately, without the interference of our human egos this is now going to be easier than ever before.

The reason why this Ascension process is so unique is because we are not just one by one completing our earthly experiences and Ascending into the Inner Realms to begin the next level of our individual process. of learning, as many of our brothers and sisters have done since the beginning of this planet. This time every man, woman and child on Earth is ascending simultaneously on the frequencies of the Solar Crystalline Frequencies of the New Earth of the 5th. Dimension- WE ARE BRINGING THE OLD TRANSFORMED LAND AND EVERY LIFE IN EVOLUTION ON IT WITH US!

The old Earth and our recalcitrant sisters and brothers who are still asleep can only succeed in making this monumental change if we are awake and staying in the physical plane, we take the conscious decision to accept the responsibility of being our guardian brothers and sisters. We can help exponentially by invoking the Violet Flame, in the name of All Humanity and transmuting the human deformations of our fragmented human egos from each period of time and dimension both known and unknown. Then, through the Divine Alchemy of the Infinite Light of God, we can transform every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of energy within our Earthly Bodies and those of our Brothers and sisters in the Family of Humanity towards the Solar Bodies of Light of the 5th Dimension.

Not only do we have the ability to do this in the name of Humanity, we also have permission to do this because WE ARE ONE and there is NO separation. We have reached a critical mass of Divine Love and the I AM Presence of every person on Earth has made the conscious decision to advance in the Light. This is true whether or not the person has realized this on a conscious level.

All we have to say is: “I AM my PRESENCE I AM and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. The Light that I invoke in the name of myself, I invoke in the name of all the people on Earth. I know and accept that this influx of Light will manifest itself in perfect alignment with the Divine Plan of each person and for the greatest good of all concerned. ”

The Universe is standing in preparation waiting for the invitation to help us in this unprecedented experiment. It is true that we are in unknown waters, but through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth OUR VICTORY IS INSURED!

The Company of Heaven has revealed that the unprecedented changes in energy, vibration and consciousness in the history of time have occurred since the Birth of the New Earth in December 2012. However, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Enlightened Truth They say that these achievements will pale in comparison to the changes they are about to experience in September 2015.

Every imaginable help is being given to Humanity from Above to help us achieve our Ascension process. One of the most amazing things is the influence of the Gamma Rays we have received from what scientists say was one of the largest and most ardent explosions in the Universe. This monumental influx of Light arrived on Earth in 2014 and is affecting daily and hourly re-calibration of our DNA. This powerful influence of the Gamma Rays was the result of an explosion of a Star that took place more than 12.1 billion years ago. The Beings of Light have confirmed that this Light reached Planet Earth in perfect Divine Time.

Just to give you an idea of ​​how far this Star was, it takes 8.17 minutes for the Sun's Surface Light to reach the Earth's surface.

Sometimes these astronomical figures about time and space seem confusing to us, but we must remember that time and space only exist in the 3rd and 4th dimensions. From the fifth dimension and beyond, there is no such thing as time or space. In the Higher Realms of Light everything happens in the Eternal Moment of Now.

Gamma Ray Bursts are not well understood by astronomers, but they realize that they are very important because they are the most powerful explosions in the Universe. These explosions release more energy in 10 seconds than the Earth's Sun will release during its entire expected lifespan of 10 billion years. Just imagine!

Los Seres de Luz han revelado que los Rayos Gamma prestan servicio como instrumentos para recalibrar las estructuras del ADN de la Humanidad. Ahora que la doble hélice del ADN fragmentado de la Humanidad ha sido restaurado en los Reinos de la Causa a las 12 hebras que teníamos originalmente y recalibrado a las frecuencias de Luz Solar Cristalina de la 5ta. Dimensión estamos listos para los eventos monumentales que tendrán lugar en Septiembre 2015. Estos eventos catapultarán a la Tierra ya TODA Vida evolucionando en ella hacia las frecuencias más elevadas de la Nueva Tierra que alguna vez hayamos experimentado. De acuerdo a la Compañía del Cielo, el influjo anticipado de los Rayos Gamma que recibiremos de ONDA X cambiará el ADN de la Humanidad de manera que resultará en el más profundo Despertar y regreso a la Conciencia de Cristo como jamás se haya intentado en cualquier Sistema de Mundos.

Como siempre es el caso, estas Actividades Monumentales de Luz se producirán primero en los Reinos de la Causa, luego van a ser magnetizadas en el mundo de los efectos, que es el plano físico. Esto se logra a medida que los Hijos e Hijas de Dios que moran en la Tierra magnetizan estos cambios en el mundo de la forma a través de la Divinidad en el interior de sus Flamas Corazón. Esto quiere decir que no vamos a experimentar instantáneamente el Cielo en la Tierra en Septiembre de 2015, pero una vez que algo se asegura en los Reinos de la Causa, NADA puede evitar que se manifieste en el mundo de los efectos. La única variable es el tiempo que va a tomar y que depende de ustedes y de mí y del resto de la Humanidad que Despierta.

Para comprender la plena magnitud de lo que está ocurriendo en septiembre de 2015 los Seres de Luz quieren que comprendamos a un nivel consciente que esto implicará el cambio de energía, vibración y conciencia de cada partícula atómica y subatómica única y ola de Vida evolucionando este Planeta.

Incluso la partícula subatómica más diminuta tiene Inteligencia Divina y sirve para un propósito importante. Por ejemplo, la “ partícula elemental cima ” (quark top) es una de las unidades indivisibles más pequeñas de la materia pesada. Esta diminuta partícula es un importante bloque de construcción de toda forma manifiesta aun cuando el quark top es más pequeño que una billonésima de la anchura de un cabello humano y existe sólo en una billonésima de billonésima de segundo. Eso no es un error tipográfico!

Los Seres de Luz siguen reiterando cuán vital es que expandamos nuestra conciencia para darnos cuenta de que todo está vivo y tiene un grado de inteligencia y conciencia. Nos han asegurado que esta comprensión cambiará rápidamente la percepción de las masas en la aceptación de la Unidad de Toda Vida, que a su vez precipitará la Reverencia de la Humanidad para Toda Vida.

A medida que la Humanidad continúa Despertando hacia un mayor nivel de Conciencia de Cristo, mucho de lo que hemos dado por sentado en el Mundo está siendo revelado como inexacto. Esto está causando confusión y mucha controversia en los diversos campos de la ciencia. Durante siglos, la ciencia ha utilizado el enfoque del cerebro izquierdo limitado de observación de la naturaleza y el Universo objetivamente, luego haciendo suposiciones lógicas basadas en la evidencia empírica. Ahora, sin embargo, a medida que avanzamos en las Frecuencias Cristalinas de la 5ª Dimensión de la Nueva Tierra, eso debe cambiar.

A través del nuevo Estado Despierto de Conciencia de Cristo, la Humanidad en masa está por fin alejándose del dominio de nuestra mente y nuestro pensamiento del cerebro izquierdo fragmentado. Con la ayuda de nuestra Presencia YO SOY, estamos finalmente equilibrando nuestro intelecto con la naturaleza del Amor de nuestro corazón y de nuestras capacidades creativas e intuitivas del cerebro derecho. Esta transformación está creando todo un nuevo proceso para la asimilación de información que expande nuestra conciencia de las limitaciones del plano denso de la tercera dimensión en la realidad multidimensional y multifacética, donde todos y cada uno de nosotros habita en realidad.

Ahora por fin, en lugar de ser controlados por todas las capas del pensamiento humano distorsionado que derivaban de nuestros egos humanos manipuladores después de la caída de la mente consciente, subconsciente y la mente inconsciente, nuestra Presencia YO SOY está tomando el mando. A través de nuestros hemisferios derecho e izquierdo del cerebro recién equilibrados, la unificación de nuestros corazones y nuestras mentes y nuestras recién activadas 12 hebras solares de ADN de la 5ta. Dimensión, ahora somos capaces de asimilar la información directamente a través de la Divinidad de nuestra Mente Súper Consciente que es nuestra Presencia YO SOY.

La Humanidad Despierta ahora en masa, comenzará a percibir todo como Energía Divina, Vibración y Conciencia tanto si se trata de algo en nuestra vida cotidiana o que viene a nosotros de dimensiones más allá. A medida que asimilamos nuestro cambio hacia la Conciencia de Cristo día por día libres de nuestros egos humanos basados en el temor, nos convertiremos en forma tangible conscientes de esta profunda Verdad en nuestras meditaciones y en nuestras experiencias de la vida cotidiana. El catalizador milagroso para esta profunda transformación está sucediendo AHORA!

El 12 y 13 de Setiembre del 2015 experimentaremos el comienzo de nuestra primera serie de Eclipses sin la interferencia de nuestros egos humanos. Este será un poderoso Eclipse solar parcial de gran ayuda para que la Presencia YO SOY de cada hombre, mujer y niño en la Tierra asimile los cambios milagrosos con los que hemos sido bendecidos en lo que va del 2015.

Los días 22-23 de septiembre de 2015, que es el equinoccio de Septiembre, vamos a intensificar el influjo de Luz a partir del Eclipse Solar de Luna Nueva y lo aseguraremos en el núcleo de Pureza en cada partícula atómica y subatómica y onda de Vida en la Tierra.

Los efectos de esta Actividad de Luz construirán un ímpetu hasta el 27-28 septiembre 2015, cuando experimentaremos no s lo un incre blemente poderoso influjo de Luz proveniente de un Eclipse Lunar total de Luna Llena sino un influjo de Luz Transformador de Vida a partir de un Acontecimiento Celestial denominado WAVE X (ONDA X), o el Horizonte de Sucesos (Event Horizon). Esta es una oportunidad Celestial de la que no hemos sido capaces de beneficiarnos desde nuestra ca da de la Gracia.

El 28 de septiembre del 2015 vamos a recibir un crescendo gradual y constante de Luz de Rayos Gamma provenientes del N cleo Gal ctico. Esta es una pulsaci nr tmica de Luz que bendice nuestro Sistema Solar cada 3600 a os con la Intenci n Divina de elevar la conciencia de los Hijos e Hijas de Dios y la aceleraci n de la evoluci n de nuestro Sistema Solar.

A pesar de que este maravilloso regalo de Luz desde lo Alto ha estado disponible cada 3.600 a os, desde nuestra tr gica ca da de la Gracia, la Tierra y la Humanidad han estado vibrando a una frecuencia discordante incapaz de recibir o asimilar los beneficios de estos Rayos Gamma. Ahora, no obstante TODO HA CAMBIADO!

La Compa a del Cielo ha confirmado que con los cambios milagrosos que han ocurrido a nivel celular at mico dentro de la Humanidad y toda Vida en la Tierra desde el Nacimiento de la Nueva Tierra, la Humanidad es finalmente capaz de recibir y asimilar estos poderosos Rayos Gamma provenientes del N cleo Gal ctico. For several weeks the effects of these Gamma Rays have been gradually building the momentum. De hecho, fueron fundamentales para ayudar a la Humanidad y la Compa a del Cielo para cumplir con los eventos monumentales que se llevaron a cabo en el 29vo. Congreso Mundial Anual de Iluminaci n en Agosto .

Este influjo de Rayos Gamma alcanzar su punto m s alto en medio de un Eclipse Lunar total de Luna Llena. El influjo de Luz proveniente del Eclipse de Luna Llena estabilizar el Elemento Agua que compone el 80% de todo el Reino Elemental y sustenta los Cuerpos Emocionales de la Humanidad. El Elemento Agua es tambi n la Inteligencia Divina a trav s del cual la Naturaleza de Amor de nuestra Madre Dios, el Esp ritu Santo, se manifiesta en forma tangible en el mundo de la forma.

En preparaci n para este influjo C smico de los Rayos Gamma, la Compa a del Cielo quiere que comprendamos la magnitud de esta oportunidad revelando la siguiente informaci n. Debido a las Actividades de Luz Transformadoras de Vida que se han logrado con xito a trav s de los esfuerzos unificados de millones de Trabajadores de la Luz de todo el Mundo, la Tierra y TODA su Vida est n ahora al borde de un Transfiguraci n milagrosa .

Del 27 al 28 de septiembre del 2015, a trav s de la Presencia YO SOY de cada persona, la Humanidad en masa va a recibir todo el poder y la fuerza de la mir ada de Rayos Gamma que hemos perdido de este r tmico Regalo de 3.600 a os proveniente de Lo Alto, de vuelta al impulso inicial de la ca da. Esto nunca se ha hecho antes y nadie sabe c mo se va a manifestar para cada uno de nosotros individualmente, pero SABEMOS que los resultados SÓLO realzarán nuestras vidas y nuestro proceso de Ascensión.

Los Poderosos Elohim nos han asegurado que los Cuerpos Terrenales de TODA la Humanidad y los Cuerpos de la Madre Tierra están ahora vibrando a una frecuencia que está lista y es capaz de soportar este influjo de Rayos Gamma y que esto ocurrirá en perfecto Orden Divino. Este es un Momento Cósmico que va más allá de lo que jamás se haya producido para los Hijos e Hijas de Dios. Estén en Paz y Estén aquí AHORA!

Su Presencia YO SOY sabe exactamente cómo ustedes pueden experimentar mejor esta oportunidad maravillosa. Go inside, ask for guidance and your I AM Presence will infallibly guide you through this process. I love YOU more than you will ever know. God bless you.

TRADUCCIÓN: Alicia Vireli

AUTHOR: Patricia Cota-Robles


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