You are the Channels for the Earth ~ Archangel Raphael and Archangel Zadkiel

  • 2014

The Emergence of Love is one of the greatest themes for those who follow on Earth a process of spiritual awakening and Ascension; This is because this is the biggest issue and the key focus on the internal levels. On the inner planes and in the skies of the Angelic Kingdom we had never experienced so many vibrations of Love; different and diverse vibrations of Love. Nor had we had such a wealth of Love given to us by the Creator, to share with other aspects of the Creator. We truly know that Ascension is advancing and manifesting itself with great wealth, because we have never before been bombarded with so much Love; For us on the internal levels, it is overwhelming, inspiring and amazing. In the internal planes we are opening our energies to receive the Creator, we are being asked to act as channels to transmit, through our own energy, the Creator's Love and Consciousness, consequently helping the incorporation of numerous levels of Creator Love. Ascension and Unity with the Creator are truly taking place, for we are seeing huge changes that had not been fully experienced before.

The Emergence of Love is the key recognition and experience that allow us all to perceive our greatest unity with the Creator. We can only say that the Emergence of Love is a powerful process that is now impacting your reality and doing so with great strength. During this magnificent process, allow yourself daily to perceive the strength and presence of Love; with this consciousness you will connect with the extreme and magnificent process of Emergence of Love that is happening; then you will notice that the world in and around you is altering and changing. Many Souls are describing this process in various ways that correspond to their perception and perspective of their reality; You can also perceive the Emergence of Love in a unique way for you, which will allow a beautiful and diverse awakening of the Creator.

We on the internal planes are acting as channels and instruments of the Creator's vibration and the Rise of Love towards other aspects of the Creator, such as yourself and the Earth. You are acting as a channel and instrument of the Creator's vibration and the Rise of Love for all aspects, layers, levels and dimensions of the Earth. Do you recognize the role you are playing in this supreme rise of Love? You are a connecting energy, a transmitter and an anchor of the many phases and vibrations of Love and its Emergence. Without the flow of Love from your Being and through your Being, the Earth and Mother Earth will not truly receive the Creator's Love; something similar to not receiving the necessary nutrients to help growth and healing. Without your collection and transmission of the vibrations of Love present, the Earth will not be able to reach a very powerful process of awakening, which will increase all the energetic vibration of Light, Love and Truth, throughout the Creator's Universe. While we in the inner planes anchor the Creator's Love, stabilize it in a vibration that is easier for you to accept and absorb. With your acceptance of the stabilized Love vibration, you can stabilize the same energy so that Mother Earth and all the active vibrations of the Creator on and within the Earth accept the Rise of Love. When all that is within and on Earth accept Love, the vibration of Love of the present and new era will stabilize at the core of all that is Mother Earth, creating at the right time an emanation of a very powerful and pure Love to be transmitted from the core of All What is Mother Earth, like a wave of Love that is sent back, through the Creator Universe, to all who have participated and linked their energy to jointly create such a process. Each Soul will receive a new vibration of Love, a Love that is unimaginable, but is available; and you are ready to receive it. This will create a deeper unity consciousness; and an awakening of a Love so pure that it will shake the very cells of your Being and of all Souls, towards a purer higher perspective of themselves and the Creator.

By sharing this we hope you can recognize and realize why the anchoring of Love through your Being on Earth, in your reality and in all that you are, is immensely important and vital at this time.

You may want to state:

“Beloved Creator, allow me to be an instrument, a channel and an anchor of your Love. Let me share and support the beautiful Emergence of Love that is occurring for the benefit of all aspects of the Creator. I know that to be truly present in the Emergence of Love and to support everything that is happening now in this very beautiful Ascension process, I must first recognize and purify the Love of my Being, the Love that You, the Creator, choose to radiate so magnificently through my Being. Let me truly fall in love with the Love that you choose to share through my Being, with a perspective of clear and truthful understanding. Please Creator, I ask you to support my physical body instead to stay healthy and strong throughout this process. Now I am here on Earth; and at this moment I choose to accept and be my Divine Purpose. Let it be so. ”

To be a channel, anchor and instrument of the Emergence of Love, it is necessary that Love be present in every aspect of your Being; For this to happen you may have to experience within your Being enormous changes and energetic movements that will act as a powerful purification.

Now is the time for purification for Love! You have the role of sharing with the Earth a supreme, heavenly and Divine Love. As a transmitter of Pure Love, you must first create the same within yourself; and simply by inhaling this Love, a process of reaction, healing and purification will be created within your Being and your reality. This will happen only because your Soul has consented and you are ready for it. You can summon our energies, from Archangel Raphael and Archangel Zadkiel, to be of service to you. Love will flow through you like a whirlwind; and in some cases its impact on your Being might seem aggressive, but our support can reduce the impact of this Supreme Love, allowing an easier transition. I, Archangel Raphael, will support healing, especially on the emotional and physical levels, moving everything into a state of alignment with Love. I, Archangel Zadkiel, will help you to easily accept the transformation and changes, supporting your acceptance of the changes and the manifestation of the results. Please call us to serve you, we will be by your side and completely merge our energies with you, creating a trinity of Light; and then a complete Unicity of Light. Then we will work with you with great closeness and depth, calming and softening your energy while we offer you the necessary strength.

We will be truly helping the Emergence of Love within your Being, especially in your Soul. Your Soul has streams of Light; Within these light currents there are various energy encodings of Love, similar to DNA strands. Now they are awakening within your Soul new filaments of Love that had never before been fused or incorporated with a Human physical form; This is a great indicator of evolution on Earth. As the filaments of Love awaken in your Soul, they will merge with the DNA strands of your physical body, which will literally sing and sustain the vibration of the Supreme and Divine Love that emerges from your Soul. Angelic Love is extremely present in the filaments of Love that are emerging. The full incorporation of Angelic Love on Earth will be a powerful transformation and change in the evolution and experience of Souls in Human form on Earth.

The process of taking root and rooting your energies is now essential. Rooting is a form and process that helps incorporation. Now the Divine Energies of your Being are truly emerging; So rooting frequently is similar to anchoring, recognizing and incorporating each change, each emergence and each awakening within you, thus creating balance and ease in the Awakening. We invite you to summon Archangel Sandalfón to help you and serve you in your rooting process. Every morning you can ask the Archangel Sandalfón:

“Beloved Archangel Sandalfon, please root my energies to help the incorporation, balance and greater recognition of my Love, five times during my day if appropriate. I give you permission to access my energies and recognize if I need more or less rooting. Thank you".

We are here to support and serve you.

Archangel Raphael and Archangel Zadkiel.

channeled by Natalie Glasson

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

You are the Channels for the Earth ~ Archangel Raphael and Archangel Zadkiel

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