Living An Honest and True Life message from Archangel Metatron

  • 2014

Received by Julie Miller / February 22, 2014

Dear ones, how important is it for you to be honest and true every day? There are many dear Beings among you who openly admit that it is wrong to be dishonest when it comes to big and important things, but who also believe that lying about minor things is excusable. But in truth a lie is a lie, regardless of whether it is something big and important or something of little significance. For someone what you think is of little importance could be quite important. Even when you exaggerate the truth for not wanting to hurt the feelings of another or to impress your partners, you are being dishonest, and above all, you are being dishonest with yourself. There are so many dear Beings who truly believe that there are degrees of dishonesty that depend on the reason and purpose of the lie, but for God there are no degrees.

There is no person out there who has not even said a tiny lie at some point in their lives. Many times lies are used to help themselves or to protect someone ... Each dear Being has told a trivial lie. Does it feel good for the other person who is being the recipient of dishonesty? Do you think they don't notice that you are not telling the truth? God knows it, and his inner and true Self knows it. Every time you choose to tell a lie you are opening the gap between you and God. Being honest with yourself and others is important ... not only telling the truth but also acting honestly because you know that your actions "speak" louder than any word you could express. And yet being honest with themselves and others is one of the most difficult things to achieve, even now in this modern era. Living an honest life can reform your life for the best, my dear ones, and it will positively affect those around you deeply and deeply.

Even the greatest people in history for having helped society live a better and more peaceful life lived an honest and true life, but this does not mean they have never lied. Even the blessed Mother Teresa had to tell tiny lies from time to time, but she nevertheless maintained a certain standard of truth and personal honesty for which she lived. She has helped so many dear Beings to reach peace, to understand Unconditional Love and to be compassionate. You are not required to give up everything and go to live in an underdeveloped country and try to save every dear Being who is struggling to survive a life of truth and honesty. You can live an honest life right away right there where you are right now.

There are many scriptures that talk about the man who feels joy, but remember, my dear ones, that joy comes from being honest - there is no joy being dishonest. When you live honestly your relationship with God is much stronger and more connected, and yet when you choose to be dishonest with yourself and with others you are essentially violating a code of honesty that will eventually prevent you from getting a close and meaningful relationship with God, He will divide them until they learn to live an honest and meaningful life. Even when they think that their lie had good intentions for not hurting someone's feelings, falsehood is not a good companion when they seek to connect with the Father of their Creation. Remember that He knows your truth and wants you to live an honest life. To strengthen your connection with God after all, it means that you have strengthened your connection with yourself and are willing to live from your authentic Self, devoid of disappointments and rich in truthfulness and honesty. It is more than possible to be honest and kind at the same time. They can avoid hurting a loved one's feelings Being learning to have tact,

If you are truly sensitive and consider your relationship with God and His Beloved Son of the utmost importance, then you must become honest even in the little things in life, as well as in the big ones. There is no act they do that God does not witness, and there is no spoken word that is not heard by God, and yes, He observes his thoughts as they develop within his busy mind. There is no darkness that hides anything you do. Just because dear Beings around you are not conscious does not mean that God is not conscious ... His presence is wherever you are, in everything. He knows. Before you act, my dear, think beforehand.

Living an honest life merely means that you live your life while maintaining your most esteemed standards. Every dear Being who has reached any degree of notoriety has a set of values ​​for which he lives. He does not necessarily live a life of whims, of extravagances, but lives an honest and true life. Even if the life of a dear Being is not constantly guided by its core and higher values, he / she understands that his core values ​​anyway influence his thoughts and actions. Living according to your standards daily you live a deeper and more meaningful life.

Understand, my dear ones, that each of the actions you take is considered significant by someone and has the potential to be very powerful, and when you act honestly and with integrity imagine how more powerful you become. Each dear Being who lives on this powerful land carries a certain set of values, and has beliefs, ideals and certain guides that he follows and considers truly important. Living honestly demonstrates integrity and passion for life and respect for all the other dear Beings who share their planet.

Is it simple to live an honest life? Simplicity depends on you. Many of you tend to choose the complex over the simple, but living an honest life is simple. All you need to do is act, think and feel according to what you consider to be right with all your heart and your Being, without being governed by your hungry ego. When they live their lives aligned with what they truly believe they are living an honest life. When you live an honest life you feel much more alive, my dear ones; they will have difficulty choosing words that describe intense feelings that emerge from their heart and that seep into each cell of their body. The reason you are going to feel so intensely alive is because you know deep inside that you are living from your highest level, which is a level of honesty and truth that goes beyond all experiences. that you have had so far. When they live in accordance with their highest core values, they act in accordance with what they believe is true and important. And yes, sometimes what you feel is extremely important may not always be right and chosen by another dear Being, but remain honest because you believe it is real and the action demonstrated by you is real as a result.

Imagine, my dear ones, that you are offered a great and new opportunity to be part of an important conglomerate, but it is located far away from where you currently reside. The salary they offer is great, the benefits too, and above all they love the idea of ​​working there. And yet, they begin to have doubts about their choice and the result of this opportunity and they think twice. They start to worry about their friends, they get ideas that they don't have enough money to move. Maybe they have a pet that doesn't travel easily. You create in your mind a thousand reasons why you should not accept this new direction in your life, although deep inside you know that accepting this proposal is the best you could do and is the right choice. Many times it is fear that clouds their judgment and damages their ability to be honest with themselves and others. Making certain decisions can be difficult, but when they know deep inside what they are going to decide, and they do, like accepting a new job that is far from where they live now, they are making the right decision and they will feel wonderfully good., regardless of whether their ego makes them doubt or what challenges they might encounter by moving to a new city, state, province or country.

Even if they are alone and are doing or thinking something that is dishonest, do they really think they are alone? Remember, dear ones, God observes when you tell a lie to a dear friend, and even if that little lie is in writing and there is no one else at home or with you, God is there . Before they face being honest with others, they must first become honest with themselves and become honest with God. Going inside and seeing themselves as they really are and accepting their total Self requires great courage, but it also gives them great joy.

Dear ones, we ask you to think about how you feel when someone is dishonest with you. When they realize that they have been lied to, does it matter at that moment of their discovery how big or small was the disappointment? Does it affect your life in any way? Does it make you question the integrity of the other dear Being for his dishonest act? For many dear Beings who have been the victim of someone's disappointment this can be very difficult for them to overcome and let it go because lying creates a wound that hurts deep inside. Depending on the values ​​of the other Being, the lie they have just discovered may be difficult to forget because it has been recorded in their conscience. Telling lies regardless of their size has a way of growing up to become toxic because the lie is shared with friends and family. Disappointments are not loving; They are harmful and have an evil potential. In addition, they close the door to any communication they have had with God, and therefore, prevent His Light from touching his life.

Regardless of whether your conversation is between friends, work colleagues or family members, it makes no difference what the subject is about, it is important to live each action from the level of truth more It's high. Every choice or act they take, take it from their truth, being their highest authority, which in turn will create a more meaningful and wonderful life simply because they live according to What you know in your heart and Being that is true, dear ones, is living an honest life. Today is a good day to begin to live an honest and truthful life where you are One with yourself and are closely connected with God and His Beloved Son. Embrace the challenges that come from that path and see yourself living with joy, peace and happiness as a result.

I AM Metatr n via Julie Miller

Translated: Gloria M hlebach

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