Live in Acceptance by Nancy Erica Ortiz

  • 2010

How many times have we wanted to be friendlier, not having aggressiveness or need to judge. How many times have we wanted to give ourselves more life without fear.

How many times have we fallen again and again in those old patterns that we thought we had long since overcome.

How many times have we fought against what life presented us. How much resistance we have put before the unexpected and surprising.

How many times we demand ourselves, we punish ourselves, we don't accept ourselves.

Today after moving the fight to what you do not want to be, have, see, you definitely do not want to live, it is time to lower the defense, stop the war and ask for inner peace. Today is the time to live in ACCEPTANCE.

If you deny the darkness in you, your body will be in charge of talking about what happens to your interior. If you deny or repress every low emotion that appears, and you strive not to see what is inside without resolving, your soul will feel prey to your conflicts, your emotions will be disproportionate and not sincere with you and others.

If you deny or fight at what the road presents you, it will only be more difficult than before.

You are human, and you are learning to love, and between one learning and another, there will be falls, turns and comings, but do not be angry with yourself or with what you have to live, you are learning as a child to walk. Do not rate your experiences or emotional states as good or bad. Only are. You are all that you live, then live all that you are.

There is a fair balance, a point between the polarities of what you want to be and what you really are, or what you would like to live and what you really live, and at that point is Peace. If you find that point in your life, that place where you can rest and accept everything without judging, you can transform every moment, every second of your existence into a blessing. You can live in true and undisturbed peace.

In this central point of you, you will be what you are, neither more nor less. Neither white nor black, neither good nor bad. That is you, a spark of God playing to remember his Divine origin.

Do not deny anything. Everything you go through, somewhere deeper you have decided to live to experience and grow.

Balance. The middle path is where you should arrive, and how to get there: With Acceptance.

Accepting who you are now, your limitations, your fears, blockages; accepting your current "problems", your daily conflicts.

When you transit something that you cannot transform with what you are or have, accept it. Hug him. That's what you are.

How much effort do you spend on wanting to deny what you are, on wanting to deny what you should see and travel? What if you simply accept it? If you simply accept and hug yourself, and embrace everything inside and outside of you? If you love yourself and say: "I accept what I am", "I accept what comes into my life"?

Perhaps you are aware that you can give much more of yourself if you would be in another life situation, but to reach more you must accept what is Here and Now. Listen for a moment. Take some time to appreciate your way. Look everything you are. You just have to love yourself, you just have to love your life. "This is what I am. This is what I live today. I know I can do more, I feel my potential and unlimited capabilities, but today I have to go through this. I would like a more harmonious life, but today, in this second of my eternity, I accept what I live. Today I accept myself as I am ”

Then give it to the Universe. Offer it to God. Offer yourself with sincerity to the world.

Acceptance brings peace. The effort and denial, fatigue and unhappiness.

But it is important not to confuse "Acceptance" with "resignation." The resignation will make you stagnate in the life situation, without the need or motivation of any change. And mainly, resignation will hardly bring you peace because you will be only part of all that you truly are.

Resignation is no hope of change. Acceptance is change, because when you accept what is there, what is there is no longer the same.

Acceptance is the hope that everything is transitory and momentary, but still it teaches me that it must be respected and lived.

True acceptance undoubtedly brings peace, and this peace will be the key to transformation.

Most of the time when something difficult occurs in our lives, we take two positions, or fight against it or deny it consciously or unconsciously. All our life we ​​have grown like this. We drop something on the floor and say "No!" Something is broken and the first thing we say without thinking is "No!" They throw us out of work, we lose something important, we separate from someone we love, and first of all the first impulse we have is to say "No, it can't be".

There may be more difficult things to accept than others, but we must know that the greater the chaos, the greater the peace you feel when you accept it without resistance.

Start trying it on small things, you'll see how light everything begins to be. Say "Yes!" Just give yourself the opportunity to release the resistance of the facts of your life.

Of course it is easier to accept what you understand, what you know why, why you live or feel something, than what you do not understand why you should go through it and therefore feel it unfair to you. But even so, in the face of the greatest bewilderment, trust, feel the order behind the chaos.

Drop the backpack. It is not heavy if you deliver it to the higher power. Rest your mind, you must not understand everything. You must not solve the world. You should not be in a certain way before others. Do not strive to maintain an image of yourself before yourself and the world. You don't need to do it, first because nowhere is it written how you should be, and secondly because you will be limiting the true beauty of your soul.

Accept your limitations, the problems of your life, inner conflicts. Accept the light and shadow of life.

Accept it with humility and sincerity. We must not be perfect, just sincere and humble. Only flexible and lightweight.

Deliver all that you keep inside of you, let it come out. It is a very heavy backpack for you, but it quickly empties if you look at it with Acceptance. If you look at her with love. If you hug and let go.

Let your soul surface, let it guide your actions, thoughts and feelings. If you want to control and measure every thing that happens, your soul will have no place to express itself. However, if you accept everything in Peace, your soul will take command of your life, and everything will be transformed.

“This is what I am, this is what I have to live or transit. It is not good or bad, it is not white or black. It's just. And it is perfect and is in order. I accept it."

Tell the Universe, God, the Upper Force:

“I want to continue growing, expanding, healing for myself and the world. But this is what I am now. I accept it, I hug it, I love it and I appreciate it. From my deepest humility and sincerity, I give it and give it to me.

I love what I am, I see my Light, I feel my inner God guiding me and taking care of me in every moment. ”

You must not be perfect and have control and understanding of everything. Just accept what you are, what you live, what you have and don't have, and Peace will be done in you, and from you, you will go to the world.

by Nancy Erica Ortiz

Creator of the course "Children of Today"

CaminosalSer editor



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