Panoramic View, by Archangel Michael

Greetings and welcome! My Beautiful Beings of Light. What an amazing moment in the NOW to be in front of you.

Heavenly Cyber-Hugs from the Creator to all readers of these monthly messages. Close your eyes and allow your Essence to experience through the Creator imagination giving you a wonderful, strong and glorious hug. As you get into this ethereal hug, let emotions and tears flow if that feels good. You are absorbing all that wonderful unconditional love that is here for you. Let all the damage, pain and frustration come to the surface and simply drain them from your Essence. The Creator knows what is in your heart and in your mind, you do not need to pretend or try to hide anything from Him. The Creator knows your worries and your fears. Just let all this go, let it flow in the circle of love that is surrounding you. Feel the presence of the Creator hugging and relieving you of all the pain and emotion stuck. Enjoy the love that is entering while the dirt comes out. Just allow it and just let it be. Keep that hug for as long as you want.

Their hearts are heavy with despair over their current perception of what is happening in the world economy.

These are moments of extreme change, My Dear Ones. Every drastic change My Beautiful Beings of Grace must seem like a great drama or you wouldn't even pay attention. The climb is what really hooks your attention. You must perceive it as real and dramatic, so that it impacts the real Earth Plane, My Divine Beings of Light.

His attention is being captured when he hits his pockets and his ability to motivate around his world the elements that are fueled by gasoline. The storms have wreaked havoc and damage in many parts of the world leaving many in an even more desperate situation. The earth and other disasters have occurred in many places every event occurred adding to the perception.

Remember, My Beautiful Beings of Light, that these are times to which you all offered and signed to be present. They were shown the moments before they stood in long lines to incarnate during these dramatic moments.

Everything is in Perfection, My Divine Beings of Grace. These are all parts of the Master Design of the Creator (which everyone gathered and contributed to) for the sake of the exceptional Divine Growth so that the Higher Evolution could present itself, My Beloved.

These are moments of Ascension, My Beautiful Beings of Grace. The Ascension begins to grow towards the next Spiritual spiral step. Growth Up is what Ascension is, My Dear Ones. That is the meaning of the word Ascension.

Everything is in Perfection. Keep that thought. Keep this affirmation in your heart all the time:

“Everything is in Perfection, I AM sure, it is only change, and I AM prospering in spite of what is happening around me. Life is simple and easy. I AM walking through my life with Ease and Grace, Everything is fine. I AM sure and I AM unconditionally loved. Everything I need to know at any given time is revealed to me. ”

Stay tuned to your inner peace and connected to your Spiritual Heart. You are not this physical body that you currently occupy. You are a Spiritual Being having a Human Terrestrial Adventure.

Allow this Messenger to take you on a meditation journey.

Find a quiet area where you will not be disturbed for a while. You can sit or lie down, whatever is most comfortable for you. Cover your physical body with a light sheet if it gets cold easily. They don't want distractions during their meditations so always make sure the physical body is comfortable.

If you help them visualize by identifying their ego with a symbol or as an object, please do so.

Direct your ego to pose on your left shoulder. Instruct your ego that you will only be an observer on this trip.

In your imagination, ask through prayer that the Creator send you a White Light protective Lightning saying: My Creator I AM asking you for a White Light protective Lightning to wrap me up and lift me so that I can experience the highest of vibrations during this journey to my inner depths of understanding and Being. I am protecting myself from anything that is not for my superior good on this trip. I thank you My Creator for helping me by sending me this Ray that is now entering the corner of the area in which I am meditating. You are entering this physical form, penetrating all that is within this presence of Being. I AM.

The creator has responded and has given them an Iridescent White Ray plus a deep Golden Ray along with a Pink Ray for this trip. The Rays are entering your body through the soles of your feet and moving upward through your physical body; penetrating through all its energy fields to all corners of the area in which they are; then leaving through his Crown Farm. The Rays return to the Creator and make cycles returning through you again and returning to the Creator in a circular motion. These rays are in a continuously circulating wave while they are in meditation.

Visualize yourself using your breath to form a figure of 8. Inhalation forms the upper curve of 8 which passes over your head and your exhalation forms the lower curve that passes under your feet. Half of 8 is your waistline and forms the still point between inhalation and exhalation. It is forming the sign of Infinity and continues rhythmically again and again with each inhalation and exhalation. This is a reminder that you are infinitely guided through eternity.

Now you are divinely protected at this time and nothing that is not for your superior good can even communicate with you without your permission.

Breathe deeply, My Divine Beings of Light, and have the most relaxed feelings of being divinely guided in this meditation. Breathe deeply and know that you are breathing at the Pulse of the Creator. Listen to the Creator's spiritual heartbeat and feel the unconditional love that goes through them every time you think at this moment.

Breathe deeply allowing and seeing within your spiritual imagination your Guardian Angels and Guides joining you and taking your etheric hand to take you into the Chakra of your Spiritual Heart.

At this time invite all Spiritual Guests who would like to accompany you on this trip.

His Guardian Angels, Spiritual Guides and special guests are now within his Spiritual Heart Chakra. They locate and turn the Golden Gate knob that says: "To My Inner Superior Guide" they cross the threshold.

They are in a white marble corridor.

Their Angels guide them down the hall to their left. There on your right you find a door that is marked as a panoramic observation post.

You open the door and cross it. They hold their breath when they realize that they are walking towards a panoramic observation point and that they may be on a mountain. They look up and the sky is heavenly blue with a few touches of fluffy white clouds. They look towards the horizon and there is a valley that continues as much as their eyes can see. It is beautiful, so peaceful and serene. They look down and realize that they are at the peak of a mountain overlooking a mountain range extending before you in this view of the valley below and that takes your breath away.

There in the center of the observation area there is a telescope that you can reach and see the distant stage. At least that's what they expect to see when they go to the telescope.

Their Angels tell them they can go and have a look if they want to. They tell them that they will be surprised with what they will see.

You do what the angels suggest. They stop at the station and take off their glasses if they are wearing them, or if not, they simply look through the binocular telescope on which they stand.

At first glance you see spaces of a beautiful stage expanding before you. They are very surprised while the telescope travels from here to there. They are looking to the last corner they can find to see.

Then the scene changes. They realize that this telescope is actually very similar to the movie scenes they saw from their future clips when they selected their physical bodies and life history during their Life Between Lives. The images unleash that memory of being in your true Essence, the You Who Truly Are. This is the image of your Light Energy body when you are not on a journey of incarnation.

Wow! They tell their angels, what a beautiful flashback, they re-confirmed the memory of who they really are. They look again and see more clips of their future. They realize that they are well, that their family is well and that this current world drama will also happen and it will be something even better.

They sigh with relief since the current circumstances had really confused and worried them inside. This current state of affairs that is happening on the Earth Plane is playing its security card, its greatest time. You look to the Heavens and say to the Creator, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for allowing this quick glimpse of comfort.

They move away from the telescope and breathe deeply, comfortably and peacefully knowing that everything is fine and that they will be fine.

Your angels smile and realize how stressful these are in the Now that they are over you and those you love.

The angels see that you are ready to return. They take them back to the hall.

Instantly they are back in the White Marble Corridor.

They glimpse their most peaceful Essence in the mirror before their angels lead them back through the golden door to their Spiritual Heart Chakra and then s direct your Spiritual Essence back to your physical form.

Move your fingers and toes and when you are ready open your eyes. Continue your day remembering that your Angelic support group is always at your service working with you to help you reach your most appropriate potential.

Dear ones, you are blessed beyond words and loved beyond measure, beyond what any language of the Earth Plane can ever express.

I am the Arc Michael Angel, the Messenger of the Creator, of Love, of Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace and Grace.

** This message is channeled and written through Carolyn Ann O Riley. This is a copyrighted material . It can be shared with those who feel they can resonate with the material on the condition that all appropriate credits are given and there is no charge for the channeled message shared with others.

** To send an email to the Channel, Carolynn Ann O'Riley, write (English) to:

** Translation: Xitlalli Contreras -

** Monthly messages in English can be viewed on our website:

All of us are ONE; Treat yourself with kindness and respect. Allow yourself moments of joy and find beauty in everything you see. Each of us is here with his unique and very special piece of the puzzle that nobody else owns. See in the eyes of all who greet, smile and let their love touch their Soul. Namaste

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