Video: Tonal Key of Ascended Master Lord Koot Hoomi.

  • 2016

Lord Koot Hoomi is one of the Beings of greatest Love, Humility and Wisdom who have lived on Earth, to such an extent that his evolution has allowed him to become Boddhisattwa or Christ of the Earth and thus have, part of his Being within each one of us.

Lord Koot Hoomi, like Christ of the Earth, is part of all human hearts introduced into the bodies of all rulers, teachers, economists, artists, scientists, religious, of all social, economic and sexual classes. He loves all human beings equally, without discrimination.

He is responsible for the development of religions, initiatory schools and philosophies for each race. They work alongside him, in this task, Masters Lanto and Djwal Kool. It is the hidden guide of all who love Wisdom and, as such, is responsible for energizing numerous philosophical currents that contribute to the development and evolution of the human genre.

Lord Koot Hoomi was, for many years, Choh n of the Golden Ray, and as such, it appears in all the books of Theosophany and the Arcane School. He inspired the Theosophical Movement together with Lord Morya, and dictated to Helena P. Blavatsky part of The Secret Doctrine .

It is a Being of Love, Wisdom, Illumination and much humility. Master El Morya says that his name is pronounced with strong T and the H sounds like J in Spanish and the long O and with sound of U . The Master has changed his spelling to Kuthumi, to give the soft Th (like Z in Spanish) because he likes to hear his name.

The tonal key of Lord Koot Hoomi is inside the work Canci n de Kashmir de Finder , a work of drawing the beautiful places of Kashmir.


Video: Tonal Key of Ascended Master Lord Koot Hoomi.

Finally, leave us an order: Will they do this for me? Each morning contemplate the nature of your Presence, the
feeling of his Presence, the power of his Presence, the Master of his Presence, quietly, for a few moments. Then, will you please take another step, and try to be that Presence, only for half an hour? This is what I ask of the life currents that want to serve us

Drafting Illustration: Josà © Angel Dom nguez for the Great White Brotherhood.

Source: The Seven Rays and Deep Metaphysical Secrets of Rub n Cede o.

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