Healing trip to Sardinia and channeling / healing workshops in Argentina with Sergio Ramos - 2018

  • 2018



Therapy of interdimensions and Atlantean memory.


Surely, many of you will have noticed the movements of these months. Situations from the past that come to the present to be recognized in the love, feelings and emotions that we thought were forgotten that emerge again in search of compassion and shelter. Agitated mental, sore throats, belly and underbelly. In appearance, chaos and insecurity. In appearance.

Everything comes to light to be recognized in love, to be loved again and reborn in its purest essence. How many times have we asked to manifest and vibrate in love, freedom and abundance. This is the response from heaven, since in order to open ourselves to our purest greatness, we must also recognize and love our most hidden miseries and emotions, since they are also part of us, and simply because of that, they also deserve love.

In this experience Sergio Ramos Moreno will immerse us in the depths of our emotions found in 7 main organs of the physical body. The emotions that emerge from these organs create a series of portals through which parallel timelines are manifested and in which people often feel trapped in repetitive or complicated emotions and experiences of transcending in their own daily life. In addition to giving oneself the opportunity to understand what are the activators of our negative emotions, what organ it affects and what timeline we may be generating, Sergio Ramos gives us the opportunity to learn to heal them so that in a unique and Natural happen and express the purest and most sacred form of yourself, of yourself.

It is time to recognize ourselves in our totality, to love each of our most hidden parts in an easy, harmonious and fluid way.

If you feel the words of this message resonate within you, it is all you need to start this journey. No previous training is necessary, nor have you had any previous contact with the world of spirituality, just bet on you and your evolution and love yourself or have disposition and commitment to it.

We are in the last days of registration, if you feel this internal trip, we are waiting for you:



34 615 136 346 /

Thank you for making this delivery possible and allowing you to vibrate as often as you feel vibrate. I love you

Sergio Ramos Moreno

(You can find all Sergio's activities and events here)



ARGENTINA 2018: A bridge from the mind to the heart:

> Presentation and signing of the book: Understand your Karma to be the creator of your life.
> Tools; Intensive of TCU method
> Messages from heaven; Canalization Group Connecting with the new frequency of Christ .
> Event to transform the fear of not being and manifest ourselves on Earth as the beings of love, freedom and power that we are, in the Theatre of life .

MAY 22: Presentation of the book: Understanding your Karma to be the creator of your life (7 pm-8:30pm): Ayurdeva s Auditorium (Av Corrientes 1754, CABA) Free entry and subject to the ability to room.

MAY 23: Group Channeling (5 pm-8pm): “Connecting with the new frequency of Christ”

HEAVEN MAKES A PRESENCE ON EARTH FOR THE HEALING AND GUIDE OF BEING. Sergio Ramos, through group channeling, gives us the opportunity to live and experience heaven on Earth. The universe, the guides and the pure frequencies of light are present in space and speak through Sergio to perform a healing at the group and individual level of everything that prevents us from moving forward in our lives, giving shelter and love to all emotions and experiences lived on Earth to be reborn in love, feeling how the words of your own being heal you and welcome you to the love that you are. Over the centuries we have been given much information about the archetype of Christ on earth and therefore his beliefs and stories have also diversified. Right now people are crossing an abyss, a cell death to give way to the full uniqueness of the Human Being. It is time to live in the individuality of the socially unified Being and for this the Christ is presented to us with a new frequency, a new name by which to live it on earth. And thus give us the opportunity to walk with him and open ourselves to a new human and divine perception of how things are, a very special meeting in which messages will be given at the group and individual level for our evolution and unlocking. If you feel this experience of connection and healing, we wait for you.

MAY 24: Transformation experience: Healing the theater of life. (7 pm-10pm)

A shocking event that penetrates the depths of each Being. A conscious deprogramming of all our barriers to being Human and Divine. Sergio Ramos presents a new method of healing in which he shows us all his mastery by taking us from ease, harmony and naturalness to a deprogramming and radical awareness that marks a before and after in our lives. It is a totally transformative experience, as Sergio says when inviting an assistant to leave: - Do you want to transform? And from that moment originates the journey of your transformation. We could say that it is a healing experience, an expansion of consciousness, that it is even a synergistic journey of fun and enjoyment. Although the truth is, that the theater for Sergio is the perfect opportunity to use all the capacity to manifest through his channel, the whole essence of his free spirit. And since there is to accompany it to emerge or simply happen in a natural way and Simple, the transformation of each assistant.
A sample of the social reality and, at the same time, an opportunity to leave the manipulation program imposed through the education received and the social beliefs to empower us, raise awareness and from our own center and experimentation, heal the internal conflicts that this information presents in society it causes us to collide directly with our feeling and the vibration of our Being. An event already carried out previously in Spain and after its impact and success, brought to Argentina for anyone who feels transformed and vibrates with this information.

25, 26 and 27 MAY: Intensive training method TCU MODULE I (Friday from 9 to 13 and from 15 to 19, Saturday from 15 to 19 and Sunday from 9 to 13 and from 15 to 19) TCU METHOD A tool channeled and lowered by Sergio Ramos that opens the opportunity to self-work and work for others at the energetic and cellular level for the deprogramming and cleaning of false structures, fed and sustained by the comfort zone. The false structure is all those foundations or walls that we impose around us to safeguard ourselves from our reality and thus not accept our own personal power.A daily technology with a wide range of tools to accompany you and accompany others to awaken the purest and purest part Sacred Self. It is a journey of healing where each assistant will learn to detect so many of their blockages and those of others, whether earthly, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and astral. A cleaning and deprogramming that rebalances, heals and restores everything created by our false guidelines, giving us the opportunity to create and manifest through our feelings. A setback in our life that, if we give it a chance, it will open the door to our true reality of life: Love always.

More information and reservations:

Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/sergioeventosargentina/

* It is essential to reserve a place.

Discover Sergio Ramos!

My job is to show the naturalness of spirituality and that we are all beings of light manifested in bodies. We all have our own expertise and by healing our beliefs and psychological aggregates we can live our life plan, the one we create when we were universal beings, and thus reach our essence. This is easy to achieve if we awaken the power of freedom and infinite love that we all possess as souls, that's what my job is.

I've been doing this for many years, it all started when I was very young. Those of my time, the 80s, are called indigo children, but I have never felt comfortable with labels. They create beliefs and beliefs limit. So I define myself as Sergio Ramos, a being like you who plays his part in life as well as he can, but who for some time tries to do it as he wants. And I am getting it. (laughs)

Everything was going on normally, normally that I could live because my parents never judged me or made me feel different, but it was a lot. My parents knew how to do it very well, and from here I appreciate it because I was lucky to grow up without anyone labeling me.

Everything changed at the age of ten, it was then that I realized that it was different. At first I only saw the light, until one day I had the visit of what we call darkness. I was very scared.

I was spending my adolescence as I could, immersed in a great depression and without going to school. I could not stand the contact with others and I did not understand what was my reason for being here, with all these capabilities that, in my opinion at that time, only complicated my life and made me different.

From the age of ten to fifteen it was chaos, I kept seeing spirits and having visions of the future and the past that I did not know. I stayed in a trance and traveled astrally, although against my will. I always had an angel with me, but there was also another being, who was not an angel and who terrified me. I got to live two suicide attempts.

One night, when I was fifteen, I had a dream with my being, with my share of light, in which he told me the reason for everything I was going through, so I decided to live and understand my abilities. Many people helped me on the path I traveled during the previous five years, but it was the day I decided to live and be myself when everything changed.

Many years have passed and since then I have done countless things

From fifteen to twenty years I studied (and practiced) wica magic, divinatory arts, reiki, shamanism, psychotherapy, family constellations, ataraxia, regressions, cabal ... Everything gave me a lot of wisdom, but I decided to travel inwards and rediscovered my channel, there my mission was born again: to show the naturalness of spirituality.

Since the age of twenty-two I have channeled new healing tools: Existence, TCU method and existential constellations. I have made countless details, all channeled for the Moment of planetary evolution and written two beautiful books: Earth seen from the stars and understand your Karma to be the creator of your life. I am still rediscovering myself and accompanying all beings who want to go to their true selves and live their lives from what we really all are: pure light and infinite love.

Now, when I write my experiences, I realize something for which I feel so much gratitude that I want to leave it embodied in these lines: Thank you shadow for showing me my light and thank you light for having the patience to wait for me and give me all the love that I am.

Also, thank you all for so many years of working together. I receive so much gratitude that in times of fall I always remember that with what I have been living, it has already been worthwhile. .

So I open myself to enjoy life with everything I have to live. A new time of unity is to live, that chaos does not confuse us. Fear is not more than misunderstood love, so loving our fears will make us grow and move forward. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you thank you thank you.

+34 615 136 346/931 789 609





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