You can heal your Life: "With love I listen to the Messages of my Body" Louise L. There

  • 2015

The body

"With love I listen to the messages of my body."

I am convinced that we ourselves create everything we call "disease." The body, like everything else in life, is a mirror of our ideas and beliefs. The body is always talking to us; we just have to bother to hear it. Every cell in your body responds to each of the things you think and to every word you say.

When a way of speaking and thinking becomes continuous, it ends up expressing itself in bodily behaviors and postures, in ways of being and of “bad being”. The person who continuously has a frowning gesture was not created by having cheerful ideas or feelings of love. The face and body of the elderly clearly shows the way they have thought for a lifetime. What will your face look like when you're eighty?

In this chapter I not only include my list of “probable mental models” that create diseases in the body, but also the “new models or mental affirmations” that are to be used to create health, and that already appeared in my book Heal the body . In addition to these brief enumerations, I will stop at some of the most common conditions, to give you an idea of ​​how we create these problems.

Not all mental equivalents are valid at one hundred percent for all. However, they will serve as a reference point to start looking for the cause of the disease. In the United States many people who work in the field of alternative therapies use my book Heal the body in their daily work, and find that mental causes explain between ninety and ninety-five percent of cases.

The head represents us. It is what we show the world, the part of our body for which they generally recognize us. When something is wrong in the head region, it usually means that we feel that something is wrong with "us."

Hair represents strength. When we are tense and scared, we often make these “steel bands” that originate in the muscles of the shoulders and from there rise to the top of the head; Sometimes they even surround their eyes. The hair grows from the hair follicles, and when there is a lot of tension in the scalp, it can be subjected to a pressure such that it does not let you breathe, thus causing its death and its fall. If the tension is maintained and the scalp does not relax, the follicle is still so tense that the new hair cannot come out, and the result is baldness.

In women, baldness has been increasing since they began to enter the "business world", with all its tensions and frustrations, although it is not so evident in them because wigs for women are extremely natural and attractive. Unfortunately, male hairpieces are still too visible from far away.

To be tense is not to be strong. Tension is weakness. To be relaxed, focused and serene, that is to be really strong. It would be good if we all relax the body more, and many of us also need to relax the scalp.

Try it Tell your scalp to relax, and see if there is any difference. If you have a noticeable sensation of relaxation, I would tell you to practice this exercise frequently.

Ears represent the ability to hear. When there are problems with the ears, that usually means that something is happening to one that one does not want to know. Earache indicates that what is heard causes anger.

It is a common pain in children, who often have to hear things at home that they really don't want to hear. Frequently, house rules prohibit children from expressing their anger, and their inability to change things causes them the pain of ears.

Deafness represents a refusal, which can come a long time ago, to listen to someone. Note that when one member of a couple is hard of do, usually the other is charlat n.

The eyes represent the ability to see, and when we have problems with them that means, generally, that there is something we do not want to see, whether in us or in life, past, present or future.

Whenever I see little children wearing glasses, I know something is happening in the house that they don't want to look at. Since they cannot change the situation, they find a way not to see it so clearly.

Many people have had impressive healing experiences when they have been willing to step back in the past to do a cleaning and throw away what they did not want to see one or two years before. that they had to start wearing the glasses.

Are you not denying something that happens in your present? What does he not want to face? Are you afraid to contemplate the present or the future? If I could see clearly, what would I see now? Can you see what he is doing himself?

It would be interesting to consider these questions.

Headaches come from the fact of disavowing ourselves. The next time your head hurts, stop to think about how and when you have been unfair to yourself. Get lost, think no more about the matter, and the head color will dissolve in the nothingness it came from.

Migraines or migraines are created by people who want to be perfect and who impose excessive pressure on themselves. An intense repressed anger is at stake in them. It is interesting to note that almost always a migraine can be relieved by masturbating, if one does so as soon as the pain starts. Sexual discharge dissolves tension and, therefore, pain. You may not feel like masturbating at that time, but it is worth a try. Do not miss anything.

The problems in the sinuses, which manifest in the face, in the area closest to the nose, mean that one is irritated by someone who is a very close presence in their life. You may even feel that person is suffocating or crushing you.

We begin by forgetting that we create situations, and then we abdicate our power, blaming another person for our frustration. There is no person, place or thing that has any power over us, because in our mind the only thinking entity is us. We create our experiences, our reality and everything in it. When we create peace, harmony and balance in our mind, that is what we find in life.

The neck and throat are fascinating because there is so much going on in that area . The neck represents the ability to be flexible in our way of thinking, to see the various aspects of an issue and to accept that other people have different views. When there are problems with the neck, they generally mean that we have “entrenched ourselves” in our concept of a situation.

Every time I see someone wearing one of those orthopedic "necks", I know he is a very presumptuous person, who stubbornly fails to see the other side of things.

Virginia Satir, a brilliant American therapist, says that after some "homemade" research she discovered that there are more than 250 different ways of scrubbing dishes, which depend on who scrubs them and what they use. If we insist on believing that there is only "one way" or "one point of view", we are closing a door that leaves out most of life.

The throat represents our ability to “defend ourselves” verbally, to ask for what we want, to say “I am”, and so on. When we have problems with it, that generally means that we don't feel entitled to do those things. We feel inadequate to assert ourselves.

Sore throat is always angry . If even therir a coldhache, there is also mental confussion.

Laryngitis generally means that one is so angry that one cannot speak.

The throat also represents the flow of creativity in our body. It is the place of the body where we express our creativity, and when we frustrate and suffocate it, we often have throat problems. We all know how many people there are who live their whole lives for others, never doing what they want. They are always pleasing mothers, spouses, lovers or bosses. Tonsillitis and thyroid problems are nothing but frustrated creativity, unable to express themselves.

The energy center located in the throat, the fifth chakra, is the place of the body where the change takes place. When we resist change, or we are in full change, or are trying to change, we often have a lot of activity in the throat or when you hear someone else cough. When you cough, ask yourself: “What has just been said? What are we reacting to? Is it resistance and obstinacy, or is it that the process of change is taking place? ” In my seminars, I use coughs as a means of self-discovery. Every time someone coughs, I have their throat touched and say out loud, "I am willing to change" or "I am changing."

The arms represent our ability and our ability to embrace the experiences and experiences of life. The arm has to do with skills, and the forearm with skills. In the joints we store the old emotions, and the elbows represent our flexibility to change direction. Are you flexible to change direction in life, or do old emotions keep you stuck at the same point?

Hands hold, hold, shake, terrify. We let things slip through our fingers, or we hold on to them for too long. We are manirrotos, we act with a hard hand, we have the hands of butter, we handle ourselves well or we are unable to handle anything.

We hold something by the handle, we swipe, we punish someone for having a long hand or we lend a hand, we keep things at hand, we have good or bad hands, someone is a hand or our right hand.

The hands can be soft and flexible or hardened and gnarled by excess of thoughts or twisted by arthritis and critical spirit. The tense hands are the hands of fear; fear of losing, of never having enough, that what you have is gone if we do not hold it firmly.

Holding on to a relationship too much does nothing to make the other person run away, desperate. Strongly clenched hands cannot receive anything new. Shaking hands freely, loose from the wrists, gives a feeling of loosening and opening.

What belongs to you cannot be taken away, so relax.

The fingers each have their meaning. Finger problems tell us where there is a need to relax and ignore. If a cut is made in the index, it is likely that there is some fear related to your self in some present situation. The thumb is the mental finger and represents concerns. The index is the me, and the fear.

The middle finger has to do with sex and anger. When you're angry, take your middle finger and see how anger dissolves. Take the right hand if the anger is with a man, and the left hand if it is with a woman. The ring represents, at the same time, unions and suffering, and the little finger has to do with family, and falsehood.

The back represents our support system. Having problems with her generally means that we do not feel supported, since all too often we believe that we only find support in our work, in the family or in our partner, when in fact we have the total support of the Universe, of Life itself.

The upper back has to do with the feeling of not having emotional support. "My husband (wife, lover, friend or boss) does not understand me or support me."

The middle part is related to guilt, with all that we leave behind. Are you afraid to see what's behind you behind your back? Maybe he is hidding it? Do you feel stabbed in the back?

Is it really sold out? Are your finances a mess, or do you worry excessively about them? Then, you probably have discomfort in the lower back. The cause is the lack of money or the fear of not having enough. The amount you have has nothing to do with it.

There are so many people who feel that money is the most important thing in life, and that we could not live without it ... But that is not true. There is something much more important and more precious to us, without which we could not live. What is it? Well, the air.

Air is the most precious substance for life, and yet, when we exhale, be sure that there will be more air to keep breathing. If there weren't, we wouldn't last three minutes. Well then, if the Power that created us has given us the air and the ability to breathe enough for all the time we have to live, can we not trust that all our other needs are also planned?

The lungs represent our ability to receive and give life. Pulmonary problems usually mean that we are afraid of receiving life, or perhaps that we feel without the right to live fully.

Women have traditionally been characterized by shallow breathing, and have often been considered second-class citizens, who had no right to their own space, and sometimes, not even to live. Today, all that is changing. Women are taking their place as full members in society, and they are breathing fully and deeply.

I like watching them play sports. Women have always worked in the field, but as far as I know, this is the first time in history that they have joined the world of sports. And it is a pleasure to see how those splendid bodies are formed.

Emphysema and excess tobacco are two ways of denying life that mask a deep feeling of being totally unworthy to exist. The reproaches will not cause anyone to quit smoking. The first thing you have to change is that basic belief.

The breasts represent the principle of motherhood. When there are problems with them, that generally means that we are "going on" in our role as mothers, whether in relation to a person, a place, a thing or an experience.

Part of the process that demands the role of mother is to allow children to grow up. It is necessary to know when we have to cross our arms, give them the reins and leave them alone. The overprotective person does not prepare others to face and manage their own experience. Sometimes there are situations in which with our dominant attitude we cut the guts to our children.

If the problem is cancer, what is at stake is also a deep resentment. Free yourself from fear, and know that in each of us lies the Intelligence of the Universe.

The heart represents love, and blood the joy . The heart is the bomb that, with love, makes joy circulate through our veins. When we deprive ourselves of love and joy, the heart shrinks and cools, and as a result, the circulation becomes lazy and we are on our way to anemia, angina pectoris and heart attacks.

But the heart does not "attack" us. It is we who get entangled to such an extent in the dramas that we believe we often stop paying attention to the little joys that surround us. We spent years expelling all the joy from the heart, until, literally, the pain destroys it. People who suffer heart attacks are never cheerful people. If you do not take the time to appreciate the pleasures of life, what you do is prepare a "heart attack."

Heart of gold, heart of stone, open heart, without heart, all heart ... which of these expressions is the one that you think best suits you?

The stomach swallows everything, digests the ideas and new experiences we have. What (or who) is it that you cannot swallow? And what stirs his stomach?

When there are stomach problems, that generally means that we do not know how to assimilate new experiences: we are afraid.

Many of us still remember the time when commercial airplanes began to become popular. That of getting into a large metal tube that had to transport us safe and sound through the sky was a new idea and difficult to assimilate.

In each seat there were paper bags to vomit, and almost all of us used them, as discreetly as we could, and we handed them well folded to the hostesses, who spent much of the time traveling the aisle to pick them up.

Now, many years later, there are still bags in all seats, but rarely does anyone use them, because we have already assimilated the idea of ​​flying.

Ulcers are nothing but fear, a tremendous fear of "not serving for." We are afraid of not being what our parents want or not to please our boss. We cannot swallow as we are, and we tear our guts trying to please others. However important our work is, inwardly our self-esteem is very low, and the fear of “discovering us” constantly stalks us.

At this point, the answer is love. People who approve and love themselves never have ulcers. Be sweet and kind to the child inside, and offer all the support and encouragement you needed when you were little.

The genitals represent what is most feminine in a woman, her femininity, or what is most masculine in a man, her masculinity; our feminine principle or our masculine principle.

When we are not comfortable with our condition as men or women, when we reject our sexuality, when we do not accept our body as dirty or sinful, we often have problems with the genital area.

It rarely happens to me to meet a person who has been raised in a house where the genitals and their functions will be called by their real name. We all grew up surrounded by euphemisms. Do you remember those who used at home? They may have been as mild as "down there, " but they may also have been terms that made him feel that his genitals were dirty and disgusting. Yes, we have all grown up believing that between our legs we had something that was not quite right.

In this sense, the sexual revolution that broke out a few years ago was a positive thing. We decided to get away from Victorian hypocrisy and, suddenly, it was good to have vain couples, and both women and men could have one-night adventures. The conjugal exchanges became more open, and many of us began to enjoy, in a new and different way, the pleasure and freedom of the body.

However, few think of dealing with what Roza Lamont, founder of the Institute of Communication with Himself, calls the "God of Mom." Whatever your mother taught you about God when you were three years old, that is still in you on a subconscious level, unless you have consciously been working to free yourself from it. Was he a wrathful and avenging God? What was your opinion about sexual matters? If we still continue to walk the world with those first feelings of guilt for our sexuality and our body, we will surely go in search of punishment.

Anal and bladder problems, vaginitis and conditions of the penis and prostate all belong to the same dimension, and come from false beliefs concerning the body and the "correction" and "property" of its functions.

Each of our organs is a magnificent expression of life. If we can't think that our eyes or liver are dirty or sinful, why should we think about our genitals?

The anus is as beautiful as the ear. Without him we would have no way of getting rid of what the body no longer needs, and very soon we would die. Every part and every function of our body is perfect and normal, natural and beautiful.

To my clients with sexual problems I tell them to start interacting with organs such as the rectum, the penis or the vagina with a feeling of love, appreciating their functions and their beauty. And if you start to get tense or angry when reading this, ask yourself why. Who told him to deny any part of his body? God no, certainly. Our sexual organs were created not only to reproduce us, but also to give us pleasure.

To deny this is to create suffering and punishment. Sexuality is not only good; It is something glorious, wonderful. It is normal for us to use our sexual organs, as it is for us to breathe or eat.

For a moment, try to visualize the vastness of the Universe. It is something that exceeds our understanding. Even the most important scientists, with the most advanced equipment, cannot measure their size. Within this universe there are many galaxies.

In a part of the smaller galaxies, in a secluded corner, there is a very second order sun, around which a few grains of sand revolve. One of them is planet Earth.

It is hard for me to believe that the vast, incredible Intelligence that created the whole of this Universe is nothing more than an old man sitting on a cloud, above the Earth, and that he is… watching my sexual organs!

And yet, when we were children, many were taught this concept.

It is vital that we get rid of those silly and old-fashioned ideas that do not support or feed us. I feel with all my strength the need to believe that God is with us, and not against us. There are so many religions to choose from, that if you now have one that tells you that you are a sinner and an abominable worm, you can look for another.

I am not urging people to walk around at all hours looking for sexual contacts without any brake. What I am saying is that some of our rules are meaningless, and that is why so many people violate them and live by their own standards.

When we release someone from sexual guilt and teach him to love and respect himself, he will automatically tend to treat himself - and treat others - in the way that is most rewarding and most joyful. The reason that many people have so many problems with their sexuality is that they feel rejection and disgust towards themselves, and that is why they treat themselves badly ... and treat others badly.

It is not enough that children are taught the mechanical part of sexuality at school. It is necessary that, on a very deep level, they are convinced that their body, their genitals and their sexuality are something to rejoice. I really believe that people who love each other and, therefore, love their body are unable to abuse themselves by anyone else.

I believe that most bladder problems come from feeling irritated, usually by your partner. We are angry at something that has to do with our status as women or men. Women have more bladder problems than men because they are more likely to hide their grievances. Vaginitis also generally means that a woman has been emotionally injured by her partner. In men, prostate problems have a lot to do with self-assessment and with the conviction that, as they age, they are less men. Impotence adds an element of fear, and sometimes it is even related to spite towards a past couple. Frigidity originates from fear or conviction that it is wrong to enjoy the body. It can also come from self-rejection and intensify in contact with a less sensitive partner.

The premenstrual syndrome, which has acquired epidemic proportions, coincides with the increase in certain types of advertisements in the media. I refer to those who continually harass us with the idea that the female body must be washed, cleaned, deodorized, anointed with creams, powdered, perfumed and cleaned again in a thousand ways so that it becomes at least acceptable. At the same time that women reach an equal status, they are negatively bombarded with the idea that female physiological processes do not become entirely acceptable. This, together with the huge amounts of sugar consumed today, creates fertile ground for the proliferation of premenstrual syndrome.

The feminine processes - all, including menstruation and menopause - are normal and natural, and as such we must accept them. Our body is beautiful, magnificent and wonderful.

I am convinced that venereal diseases almost always express sexual guilt. They come from a feeling, often subconscious, that it is not right for us to express ourselves sexually. The carrier of a venereal disease can have sexual contacts with many people, but only those whose mental and physical immune system is weak will be susceptible to infection. In addition to the classic conditions, in recent years there has been, among the heterosexual population, an increase in herpes, a disease that causes recurrences to "punish" us for our conviction that "we are bad." Herpes has a tendency to reappear when we are emotionally disturbed, and that is already very significant.

Now we transfer this theory to homosexuals, who have the same problems as heterosexuals, in addition to the fact that much of society points them out with an accusing finger and calls them perverts ... a qualifier that their own parents also usually apply to them. And that is a very heavy burden to carry.

Many women are terrified of aging because the belief system we have created focuses on the glory of youth. Men are not so worried because a few gray hairs make them more distinguished. The older man is usually more respected, and they may even admire him for his experience.

The same does not happen with homosexuals, who have created a culture that places a tremendous emphasis on youth and beauty. It is true that we all start by being young, but only a few satisfy the norms of beauty. So much importance has been given to the physical appearance of the body that feelings are completely overlooked. If one is not young and beautiful, it is almost as if he did not count. What counts is not the whole person, but only the body.

This way of thinking is a shame, because it is another form of devaluation.

Due to the way in which homosexual men tend to treat each other, the experience of aging is something that horrifies many of them. It is almost better to die than to grow old. And AIDS is a disease that frequently kills.

Many gay men, when they grow up, feel useless and unloved. It is almost better to destroy oneself before reaching that, and many have created a destructive lifestyle. Some of the concepts and attitudes that are part of the gay lifestyle - exhibitionism, constant and ruthless criticism, denial of real intimacy - are monstrous. And AIDS is a monstrous disease.

Such attitudes and behavioral patterns can only cause guilt at some very deep level, however much we can parody them in an affected way. That affectation, which can be so fun, can also be extremely destructive, both for those who practice it as for those who suffer from it. It is another way to avoid intimacy and rapprochement.

In no way is it my intention to create blame on anyone. However, we need to look at the things we need to change so that our lives work with love, joy and respect. Fifty years ago, almost all gay men remained in the shade, but today they have social centers where they can manifest themselves, at least relatively. I think it is regrettable that much of what they have created is the cause of so much pain for their own gay brothers. Although the way in which normal men treat gays is often deplorable, the way in which many gays treat their same condition is tragic.

Traditionally, men have always had more sexual partners than women, and naturally, among men there will be many more sexual contacts. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. There are places planned to meet this need and it seems fine, unless we are giving our sexuality a misuse. Some men like to have many partners to satisfy their deep need for self-esteem, rather than for the pleasure that comes from it. I do not think there is anything wrong with having several partners, and I do not censor the occasional use of alcohol. However, if every night we end up meaningless and if we need several couples for nothing more than to be sure of our value, then there is something in us that does not anchor well, and We need to make some mental changes.

The time has come to search for the whole being, the moment of healing and not of condemnation. We must overcome the limitations of the past. We are all part of the divinity, we are all magnificent expressions of life. Let's demand this now!

The colon represents our ability to release and release what we no longer need. To adapt to the perfect rhythm of the flow of life, the body needs a balance between intake, assimilation and elimination. And the only thing that blocks the elimination of the old are our fears.

Aunque las personas estre idas no sean realmente mezquinas, generalmente no conf an en que siempre vaya a haber lo suficiente. Se aterran a relaciones antiguas que las hacen sufrir, no animan a deshacerse de prendas que guardan desde hace a os en el armario por temor a necesitarlas alg nd a, permanecen en un trabajo que las limita o no se permiten jam s ning n placer porque tienen que ahorrar para cuando vengan d as malos. Acaso revolvemos la basura de anoche para encontrar la comida de hoy? Aprendamos a confiar en que el proceso de la vida nos traer siempre lo que necesitemos.

En la vida, las piernas son lo que nos lleva hacia adelante. Los problemas en las piernas suelen indicar un miedo a avanzar o una renuncia a seguir andando en cierta direcci n. Corremos, nos arrastramos, andamos como pisando huevos, se nos aflojan las rodillas, somos patituertos o patizambos y nos quedamos patitiesos. Y adem s, tenemos los muslos enormes, col ricamente engrosados por la celulitis, llenos de resentimientos infantiles. Con frecuencia, no querer hacer algo produce alg n problema menor en las piernas. Las venas varicosas significan que nos mantenemos en un trabajo o en otro lugar que nos enferma. Las venas pierden su capacidad de transportar alegr a.

Preg ntese si est marchando en la direcci n en que quiere ir.

Las rodillas, como el cuello, se relacionan con la flexibilidad, s lo que ellas hablan de inclinarse y de ser orgulloso, del yo y de la obstinaci n. Con frecuencia, cuando avanzamos, nos da miedo inclinarnos y nos ponemos tiesos. Y eso vuelve r gidas las articulaciones. Queremos avanzar, pero no cambiar nuestra manera de ser. Por eso las rodillas tardan tanto en curarse, porque est en juego nuestro yo. El tobillo tambi n es una articulación, pero si se daña puede curarse con bastante rapidez. Las rodillas tardan porque en ellas están en juego nuestro orgullo y nuestra autojustificación.

La próxima vez que tenga algún problema con las rodillas, pregúntese de qué está justificándose, ante qué está negándose a inclinarse. Renuncie a su obstinación y aflójese. La vida es fluencia y movimiento, y para estar cómodos debemos ser flexibles y fluir con ella. Un sauce se dobla y se mece y ondula con el viento, y está siempre lleno de gracia y en armonía con la vida.

Los pies tienen que ver con nuestro entendimiento, con la forma en que nos entendemos y en que entendemos la vida, tanto el pasado como el presente y el futuro.

A muchos ancianos les cuesta caminar. Su entendimiento se ha vuelto parcial y retorcido, y con frecuencia sienten que no tienen adonde ir. Los niños pequeños se mueven con pies alegres, danzarines. Los ancianos suelen arrastrarlos como si se negaran a moverse.

La piel representa nuestra individualidad, y los problemas dérmicos suelen significar que de algún modo la sentimos amenazada. Tememos que otros tengan poder sobre nosotros. Nos sentimos despellejados vivos, le arrancamos a alguien la piel a tiras, tenemos afinidades o rechazos de piel, decimos que un niño es de la piel de Barrabás, andamos con los nervios a flor de piel.

Una de las maneras más rápidas de curar los problemas de piel es nutrirse uno a sí mismo repitiendo mentalmente, vanos centenares de veces por día: “Me apruebo…”. Así recuperamos nuestro propio poder.

Los accidentes no son accidentales. Como todo lo demás que hay en nuestra vida, nosotros los creamos. No se trata de que nos digamos que queremos tener un accidente, sino de que nuestros modelos mentales pueden atraer hacia nosotros un accidente. Perece que algunas personas fueran “propensas a los accidentes”, en tanto que otras andan por la vida sin hacerse jamás un rasguño.

Los accidentes son expresiones de cólera, que indican una acumulación de frustraciones en alguien que no se siente libre para expresarse o para hacerse valer. Indican también rebelión contra la autoridad. Nos enfurecemos tanto que queremos golpear a alguien y, en cambio, los golpeados somos nosotros.

Cuando nos enojamos con nosotros mismos, cuando nos sentimos culpables, cuando tenemos la necesidad de castigarnos, un accidente es una forma estupenda de conseguirlo.

Puede que nos resulte difícil creerlo, pero los accidentes los provocamos nosotros; no somos víctimas desvalidas de un capricho del destino. Un accidente nos permite recurrir a otros para que se compadezcan y nos ayuden al mismo tiempo que curan y atienden nuestras heridas. Con frecuencia también tenemos que hacer reposo en cama, a veces durante largo tiempo, y soportar el dolor.

El sufrimiento físico nos da una pista sobre cuál es el dominio de la vida en que nos sentimos culpables. El grado de daño físico nos permite saber hasta qué punto era severo el castigo que necesitábamos, ya cuánto tiempo debíamos estar sentenciados.

Tanto la anorexia como la bulimia expresan una negación de la propia vida, y son una forma extrema de odio hacia uno mismo.

La comida es alimento en el nivel más básico. ¿Por qué habría usted de negarse el alimento? ¿Por qué quiere morir? ¿Qué pasa en su vida, que sea tan terrible como para que quiera abandonarla?

Cuando se odia a sí mismo, en realidad odia una idea que tiene de sí mismo. Y las ideas se pueden cambiar.

¿Qué hay en usted que sea tan terrible? ¿Se crió en una familia que criticaba continuamente su comportamiento? ¿O eran sus maestros quienes lo criticaban? En sus primeros contactos con la religión, ¿le dijeron que así, tal como usted era, “no servía”? Con demasiada frecuencia procuramos hallar razones “comprensibles” que nos digan por qué no nos quieren ni nos aceptan tal como somos.

“Gracias” a la obsesión de la industria de la moda con la esbeltez, muchas mujeres que se repiten continuamente a sí mismas: “¿Qué sentido tiene, si con este cuerpo no sirvo para…?”. ¡Concentran el odio en su propio cuerpo. En un nivel están diciendo que si fueran más delgadas, entonces las amarían, pero eso no funciona.

Nada funciona desde afuera. La clave es la aprobación y la aceptación de uno mismo.

La artritis es una enfermedad que se origina en una constante actitud de crítica. En primer lugar, la persona se critica a sí misma, pero también critica a los demás. Los artríticos suelen ser muy criticados, porque su propio estilo es criticar; entonces cargan con la maldición del “perfeccionismo”, es decir, con la necesidad de ser perfectos siempre y en cualquier situación.

¿Conoce usted a alguien en este planeta que sea “perfecto”? Yo no. ¿Por qué nos imponemos normas que nos exigen que seamos “superpersonas” para sentirnos apenas aceptables? Ésta es una expresión muy fuerte del “no sirvo”, y es una carga pesadísima de llevar.

Del asma decimos que es un “amor que sofoca”. La persona tiene la sensación de no tener derecho a respirar por su cuenta. Los niños asmáticos suelen tener una “conciencia sobredesarrollada”; asumen las culpas de todo lo que anda mal en su medio, se sienten “indignos”, no valiosos y, por consiguiente, culpables y merecederos de castigo.

A veces, el cambio de clima cura a los asmáticos, especialmente si no los acompaña la familia.

En general, al crecer, los niños asmáticos “dejan atrás” su enfermedad, lo que en realidad significa que se van a estudiar a otra ciudad oa otro país, se casan o por algún otro motivo se van de casa, y la enfermedad se disuelve. Con frecuencia, más adelante pasan por alguna experiencia que vuelve a accionar aquel antiguo interruptor que llevan dentro, y entonces tienen otro ataque. Cuando eso sucede, en realidad no es una respuesta a las circunstancias del momento, sino más bien a lo que solía sucederles en su infancia.

Abscesos, quemaduras, cortes, fiebres, llagas, “itis” e inflamaciones diversas son, todos, indicios de una cólera que se expresa en el cuerpo. Por más que intentemos suprimirlo, el enojo encontrará maneras de expresarse. Hay que dejar salir la presión acumulada. Nuestro enojo nos da miedo porque sentimos que podemos destruir nuestro mundo, pero es algo que se puede liberar simplemente diciendo: “Estoy enfadado por esto”. Es verdad que no siempre podemos decirle algo así a nuestro jefe, pero podemos aporrear la cama o vociferar en el coche cerrado o jugar al tenis, que son maneras inofensivas de descargar tísicamente la cólera.

Es frecuente que las personas con tendencias espirituales crean que “no deberían” enojarse. Ciertamente todos nos esforzamos por llegar al momento en que ya no culpemos a nadie por nuestros sentimientos; pero mientras no hayamos llegado a ese punto, es más saludable que reconozcamos qué es lo que sentimos en un momento dado.

El cáncer es una enfermedad causada por un profundo resentimiento contenido durante muchísimo tiempo, hasta que literalmente va carcomiendo el cuerpo. In childhood something happens that destroys our feeling of trust. Esta es una experiencia que jamás se olvida, v el individuo vive compadeciéndose de sí mismo y se le hace difícil cultivar y mantener durante mucho tiempo relaciones significativas. Con un sistema de creencias así, la vida se muestra como una serie de decepciones. Un sentimiento de desesperanza, desvalimiento y pérdida se adueña de nuestro pensamiento, y nada nos cuesta culpar a otros de todos nuestros problemas. La gente que tiene cáncer, además, es muy autocrítica. Para mí, la clave de la curación del cáncer está en amarse y aceptarse.

El exceso de peso representa una necesidad de protección. Tratamos de protegernos de heridas, agravios, críticas, abusos e insultos, de la sexualidad y de las insinuaciones sexuales de un miedo general a la vida, y también de miedos específicos.

Yo tengo tendencia a ser gorda, y, sin embargo, con los años me he dado cuenta de que cuando me siento insegura e incómoda suelo aumentar uno o dos kilos. Cuando la amenaza desaparece, el exceso de peso se va también, sin que yo haya hecho nada por eliminarlo.

Luchar contra la obesidad es perder tiempo y energía. Las dietas no funcionan, porque tan pronto como se las interrumpe, el peso vuelve a aumentar. Amarse y aprobarse, confiar en el proceso de la vida y depositar su segundad interna en el conocimiento del poder de su propia mente son los elementos básicos de la mejor dieta que conozco. Póngase a dieta de pensamientos negativos, y el problema del peso se resolverá solo.

Demasiados padres y madres piensan que cualquier problema que tengan sus hijos se soluciona atiborrándolos de comida. Estos niños, cuando crecen, cada vez que tienen un problema se quedan hipnotizados ante el frigorífico abierto, diciéndose: “No sé bien qué es lo que quiero”.

Para mí, cualquier clase de dolor es una indicación de culpa. La culpa siempre busca el castigo, y el castigo crea dolor. El dolor crónico proviene de una culpa crónica, con frecuencia tan profundamente sepultada que ya ni siquiera tenemos la menor conciencia de ella.

El sentimiento de culpa es una emoción totalmente inútil, que jamás hace que nadie se sienta mejor ni modifica para nada una situación.

Su “sentencia” ya se ha cumplido, de manera que déjese salir de prisión. Perdonar no es más que soltar, dejar partir…

Las embolias las provocan coágulos de sangre, una congestión en el torrente sanguíneo que al llegar al cerebro interrumpe el aprovisionamiento de sangre a una zona cerebral.

El cerebro es el ordenador del cuerpo. La sangre es júbilo. Las venas y las arterias son canales por donde circula esa alegría. Todo funciona bajo la ley y la acción del amor. Hay amor en cada chispa de inteligencia que brilla en el Universo. Es imposible trabajar y funcionar bien sin sentir amor y júbilo.

El pensamiento negativo produce atascos en el cerebro, y así no queda margen para que el amor y el júbilo fluyan libre y abiertamente.

La risa sólo puede fluir de un modo natural, y lo mismo pasa con el amor y el júbilo. La vida no es hosca y ceñuda, a menos que nosotros la hagamos así, a menos que decidamos verla así. Podemos encontrar un desastre total en una mínima molestia, y un pequeño motivo de júbilo en la mayor de las tragedias. De nosotros depende.

A veces intentamos obligar a la vida a que vaya en cierta dirección que no es la adecuada para nosotros. A veces nos creamos “ataques” para obligarnos a tomar una dirección totalmente diferente, a reevaluar nuestro estilo de vida.

La rigidez en el cuerpo representa rigidez en la mente. El miedo nos empuja a aferramos a viejas modalidades, y se nos hace difícil ser flexibles. Si creemos que no hay más que una manera de hacer algo, no será raro que nos volvamos rígidos. Siempre se puede encontrar otra manera de hacer las cosas. Recuerden que hubo alguien que enumeró unas 250 maneras distintas de fregar los platos.

Fíjese en qué lugar del cuerpo se produce la rigidez, búsquelo en la lista de patrones mentales y allí verá en qué “lugar mental” se está volviendo inflexible y rígido.

A la cirugía le corresponde su lugar. Es buena para curar huesos rotos y remediar accidentes y para estados que ya no se pueden solucionar de otro modo. En estas condiciones, puede ser más fácil operarse y concentrar todo el trabajo curativo en conseguir que la afección no vuelva a repetirse.

Abundan cada día más los profesionales médicos que están verdaderamente consagrados a ayudar a la humanidad. Cada vez más médicos se vuelven hacia las orientaciones holísticas, que buscan curar a la persona como totalidad. Y sin embargo, la mayoría de ellos no trabajan con la causa de ninguna enfermedad; se limitan a tratar los síntomas, los efectos.

Y esto lo hacen de dos maneras: envenenando o mutilando. Si acude usted a un cirujano, generalmente le recomendará que se opere. Sin embargo, si la decisión quirúrgica ya está tomada, prepárese para la experiencia de tal manera que transcurra con las menores complicaciones posibles, y que usted se cure tan rápidamente como sea posible.

Pídales al cirujano ya su equipo que colaboren con usted en este aspecto. Con frecuencia, en el quirófano, los cirujanos y sus ayudantes no se dan cuenta de que, aunque el paciente esté inconsciente, en un nivel subconsciente sigue oyendo y entendiendo todo lo que se dice.

Se de una mujer, miembro del movimiento de la Nueva Era, que necesitó una operación de emergencia y antes de someterse a ella habló con el cirujano y el anestesista para pedirles que por favor pusieran música suave durante la operación y que continuamente le hablaran y se expresaran entre ellos con afirmaciones positivas. Lo mismo le pidió a la enfermera en la sala de recuperación. La operación transcurrió sin dificultades, y la recuperación fue rápida y agradable.

A mis clientes siempre les sugiero que se formulen afirmaciones como: “Cada mano que me toca en el hospital es una mano dotada del poder de curar y que no expresa otra cosa que amor” y “La operación se realiza fácil y rápidamente, con un resultado perfecto”. También se puede decir: “Me siento perfectamente cómodo durante todo el tiempo”.

Después de la operación, procure escuchar a menudo música suave y agradable, y dígase para sí: “Estoy curándome rápida, fácil y perfectamente, y cada día me siento mejor”.

Si puede, grábese un cassette con una serie de afirmaciones positivas, llévese un grabador o un walkman al hospital y escuche una y otra vez la grabación mientras descansa y se recupera. Atienda a las sensaciones, no al dolor. Imagínese que el amor fluye de su corazón, desciende por los brazos y llega a las manos. Póngase las manos en la parte que está curándose, y dígale que la ama y que está ayudándole a que se ponga bien.

Cualquier hinchazón del cuerpo representa atascos y estancamientos en el estado emocional. Nosotros mismos nos creamos situaciones en que nos “hieren” y nos aferramos luego a su recuerdo. Con frecuencia las hinchazones representan lágrimas contenidas que sentimos como algo enquistado, o provienen de culpar a otros por nuestras propias limitaciones.

Renuncie al pasado; déjelo que se vaya y recupere su propio poder. Deje de estar pendiente de lo que quiere, y use su mente para crear lo que “sí quiere”. Déjese llevar por la marea de la vida.

Los tumores son falsos crecimientos. Si a una ostra le entra un granito de arena, para protegerse lo rodea de un revestimiento duro y brillante. Somos nosotros quienes lo llamamos “perla” y lo consideramos hermoso.

Si nos encarnizamos con una vieja herida, la cultivamos y no la dejamos cicatrizar, con el tiempo se convertirá en un tumor.

Es como pasar una vieja película. Y creo que la razón de que las mujeres tengan tantos tumores en el útero es que se centran en un golpe emocional que ha afectado a su feminidad y lo cultivan. Es lo que yo llamo el síndrome de “Él me ha dañado.”

El hecho de que una relación se acabe no significa que nada ande mal en mí, ni disminuye mi valor intrínseco.

Lo que importa no es lo que sucede, sino cómo reaccionamos ante ello. Cada uno es responsable en un ciento por ciento de sus experiencias. ¿Qué creencias sobre usted mismo necesita cambiar para atraer a su ámbito vital formas de comportamiento que expresen más amor?

In the infinity of life, where I am, everything is perfect, complete and whole.

Reconozco que mi cuerpo es un buen amigo.

Cada una de sus células contiene la Inteligencia Divina.

Yo escucho lo que me dice y sé que su consejo es válido.

Estoy siempre a salvo, bajo la guía y la protección divina, y elijo vivir en salud y ser libre.

Everything is fine in my world.

Louise L. There

Excerpt from the book: You can heal your life by Louise Hay

Capítulo 14: El cuerpo “Con amor escucho los mensajes de mi cuerpo.”

Usted puede sanar su Vida: “Con amor escucho los Mensajes de mi Cuerpo” Louise L. Hay

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