You can heal your Life: Everyday Work and Relationships by Louise L. There

  • 2014


Everyday work

“I enjoy practicing my new mental skills .:

If they left the first time they fell, the children would never learn to walk

As with any other new thing you learn, you need to practice to incorporate all this into your life. First you need a lot of concentration, and some people think that this makes it a “hard work”. I don't like to consider it that way, but rather as something new to learn.

The learning process is always the same, no matter what you learn; Whether it is driving a car, typing, playing tennis or thinking positively. First we grope and stumble while our subconscious learns, rehearsing and failing, and yet every time we go back to practice it becomes easier and we get a little better. Of course, nobody will do it "perfectly" on the first day; He will do what he can, and that, for starters, is fine.

Don't forget to tell yourself often: "I'm doing my best."

Produce all possible support

I remember very well my first conference. When I got off the podium I said immediately: “Louise, you were fantastic. Absolutely great to be the first time. When you have given five or six more conferences, you will be a professional ”

A couple of hours later, I told myself that there would be some things to change, and I scored two or three mentally, but I flatly refused to criticize myself.

If I had stepped off the podium by beating myself with phrases like: “Oh, how bad you were. You were wrong about this, you forgot about the other and you said the wrong thing from beyond, ”I would have felt terrified in my second class. As things were, the second one came out better than the first, and by the sixth I really felt like a professional.

Notice how "The Law" works in our environment

Shortly before I started writing this book, I bought a computer with a word processing program. It was something new he had decided to learn. I discovered that learning to use my “Magician, ” as I decided to call it, was very similar to learning Spiritual Laws. When I assimilated the laws of the computer and the program, I saw that it was certainly "magical" what they could do for me. But if he did not follow his laws to the letter, either the thing did not work as I wanted, or simply nothing happened. The "Magician" did not make me the least concession. I could get frustrated to my liking; he waited patiently for me to learn his laws, and then he gave me his magic. And for that I needed practice. The same goes for the work you are facing now. You must learn the Spiritual Laws and follow them to the letter. You will not be able to adapt them to your old way of thinking. You must learn and speak a new language, and when you get it, then "magic" will manifest in your life.

Reinforce your learning

The more ways you find to reinforce learning, the better. I suggest that:

o Express gratitude.

o Write affirmations.

o Practice meditation.

o Enjoy exercising.

o Improve your nutrition.

o Express affirmations aloud.

o Sing your affirmations.

o Take time for exercises to relax.

o Use visualizations and mental images.

o Read and study.

My daily work

My daily work develops approximately like this:

When I wake up, the first thing I think before opening my eyes is to say thank you for everything I can think of.

After taking a shower, I dedicate half an hour to meditation and to say my affirmations and prayers.

Then about fifteen minutes of exercises, usually with the trampoline. Sometimes I follow some morning program of aerobic gymnastics on television.

And I'm ready for breakfast: fruit or fruit juice and herbal teas. I thank Mother Earth for giving me these products, and I thank the fruits and herbs that give her life so that I can feed myself.

Before lunch I like to look in a mirror and make some affirmations out loud, or even singing them. Something like:

or Louise, you are wonderful and I love you.

o This is one of the best days of your life.

o Everything that happens, happens for your good.

o Everything you need to know is revealed to you.

o Everything you need comes to you.

o Everything is fine.

My lunch usually consists of an abundant salad, and once again I bless and thank the food.

At dusk I spend a few minutes on the slanted board, letting my body relax deeply, and sometimes I listen to music during that time.

Dinner consists of steamed vegetables and cereals. Sometimes I also eat fish or chicken. My body works best with simple foods. I like to share my dinner, and when we are several we exchange blessings in addition to blessing the food.

Sometimes, at night, I spend a while reading and studying. There is always something else to learn, but I also use this time to write ten or twenty times the statement I am working with.

When I go to bed I do a few moments of recollection. I review the events of the day and bless each activity. I affirm that I will sleep deeply and that I will wake up fresh and renewed, joyful before the new day.

It seems overwhelming, right? In the beginning, all that impresses a lot, but after a short time the new way of thinking will have become part of his life and he will do it easily, because it will be something as automatic as showering or brushing teeth.

It could be wonderful for a family that their members dedicate themselves to do some of these things together; For example, meditating in groups to start the day, or before dinner, is a source of peace and harmony for all. If they don't think they have time, they could get up half an hour earlier: the benefits are well worth the effort.

How do you start your day?

What is the first thing you say in the morning, when you wake up? We all have something that we say practically every day. Is it positive or negative? I remember the time when I woke up moaning: `` Oh, my God, another day, '' am s . And so it was exactly the days I had: everything was going wrong, one thing after another. Now, when I wake up, without even opening my eyes, I thank the bed for the restful sleep it has given me. After all, we have spent all night comfortably together. Then, with my eyes still closed, I stay for about ten minutes without doing anything other than to thank all the good things in my life. I schedule myself a little for the day, stating that everything will be fine and that I will enjoy it very much. All this, before getting up.

The meditation

Every day, give yourself a few minutes to meditate in peace. If you don't have a habit of doing it, start with five minutes. Sit quietly to observe your own breath and let the thoughts pass quietly through your mind. They did not give them importance and they will leave. The nature of the mind is to think, so do not try to free yourself from thoughts.

There are many classes where meditation is taught, and books abound in which you can study ways to meditate, but no matter how or where you start: you will end up creating your own Everything. I generally sit in silence and ask: What do I need to know? . And I let the answer come to me, if you want, and if not, I know it will come to me at another time. There are no right or wrong ways to meditate.

Another form of meditation is to sit and watch how the breath comes and goes in our body. When inhaling count one, when exhaling count two, when inhaling count three, when exhaling count four ... Continue counting until you reach ten, and start again with one. If you discover that your mind is making the shopping list, start over with one. If you find that you have continued to count to twenty-five, start over with one.

I had an extremely bright and intelligent client. With an exceptionally awake and fast mind, he had a great sense of humor, and yet he couldn't get by. He was overweight, his finances were a ruin, he was frustrated with his career and for many years he had not had a single romance. He quickly accepted all the metaphysical concepts, which seemed meaningful to him, but he was so intelligent, so fast, that he found it difficult to slow down enough to practice, for a time that served him for something, the ideas that so instantly I got.

Daily meditation helped him greatly. We started with five minutes per day, and very slowly we arrived until 15 or 20 minutes.

Exercise: Daily affirmations

Take a couple of statements and write them 10 to 20 times per day. Read them out loud, with enthusiasm. Compose a song with them, and sing it with joy. Let your mind focus all day on these statements. The affirmations that are used constantly become beliefs, and will always produce results, sometimes so that we cannot even imagine.

One of my beliefs is that I always have good relationships with my landlords. The last person who rented me a home in New York was a man who had a reputation for always putting up many difficulties, and all the tenants complained about him. In the five years that I lived there I saw it only three times. When I decided to move to California, I also decided to sell everything and start over, without any ballast from the past. Then I started making statements like:

or "Everything I have is sold easily and quickly."

or "Moving is very easy to do."

or "Everything works according to the Divine Order."

or "Everything is fine."

I didn't think about how difficult it would be to sell things, or where I would sleep the nights before the move, or anything else negative. I just insisted on my statements. Well, among customers and students they bought me very soon all the small things and most of the books. I informed my landlord by letter that I would not renew the contract, and to my great surprise, I received a phone call from him to tell me that he was very sorry for my departure. He offered to write me a letter of recommendation for the new owner, in California, and asked if I could sell him my furniture, because he had decided to rent that furnished apartment again.

My Higher Consciousness had synthesized my two beliefs, that I always have good relations with my landlords and that everything would be sold easily and quickly, in a way that would never have occurred to me. With great shock from all the other tenants, until the last night I was able to sleep in my own bed, in a comfortably furnished apartment, and they paid me to do it! I left home with a suitcase of clothes, the juicer, the blender, the hair dryer and the typewriter, in addition to a substantial check, and in no hurry I went to take the train to Los Angeles.

Do not believe in limitations.

When I arrived in California, I needed to buy a car, and since I had not bought any there before or made any other important purchase, I had no established credit. The banks didn't want to give it to me, since being a woman and working as a freelancer didn't help me much. Since I didn't want to spend all my savings on buying a new car, the credit issue became a kind of trap for me.

I refused to give in to any negative thoughts regarding the situation. I rented a car and said to myself again and again: "I have a beautiful new car, easily achieved."

At the same time, I told all the people that I knew that I wanted to buy a new car, and that so far I had not been able to get a loan. About three months later I got to know a business woman and we both liked each other. When I told him the story of the car, he said: "Oh, I'll take care of that."

He called a friend who worked in a bank and owed him favors, told him that I was an "old friend" and gave him some great references from me. Three days later I left an agency driving my beautiful new car.

The process, as such, had impressed me. I think the reason I needed three months for the car to manifest itself was that I had never promised to pay monthly fees, and the girl in me was scared and needed time to dare to take such a step.

Exercise: I love myself

I guess by now you will be almost all the time saying, "I accept and approve." It is an excellent base. Do not stop doing it for another month at least.

Now take a paper pad and write on the first page: "I love myself, so ...", and finish this sentence in as many ways as you can think of. Reread your list daily and as new things occur to you, add them.

If you can work as a couple, do it. Hold hands and raise both (or both) to say: "I love myself, so ...". The greatest benefit that is obtained from this exercise is that one learns that it is almost impossible to downplay when one is saying that one loves oneself.

Exercise: Educate yourself of the new

Visualize yourself or imagine having, doing or being what constitutes the goal of your effort. Imagine it in detail. Feel, see, touch, taste, hear, smell. Observe the reactions of other people to your new state, and, whatever they may be, accept that this is perfectly fine for you.

Exercise: Expand your knowledge

Read all you can to expand your understanding of how the mind works. There is much he can know, and this book is only one step in his path. Look for other views; Hear how others say the same thing differently. I studied with a group for a while, until I no longer need them.

This is a job for a lifetime. The more you learn, the more you know, the more you practice, the better you will feel and the more wonderful your life will be. This is a job that makes you feel good!

Start manifesting the results

By practicing as many of these methods as possible, you will begin to manifest the results of this work. You will see the little miracles that occur in your life. The things you want to eliminate from it will disappear by themselves. What you want to happen will arise in your life as if by magic, and you will reach satisfaction you would never have imagined!

I was surprised and delighted when, after a few months of having started my mental work, I began to look younger. And now I represent ten years less than I represented ten years ago!

Love yourself as it is, and love everything you do. Laugh at you and life, and nothing can affect you. After all, everything is temporary. Be that as it may, in your next life you will do everything differently, so why not start now?

I could read some of Norman Cousms' books, that laughing he was cured of a deadly disease. Unfortunately, he did not change the mental models that caused that disease, so they ended up creating another. And yet, he also cured himself laughing at the second!

There are many ways in which you can address your healing. Try them all, and then use the most attractive ones.

At night, when you lie down, close your eyes and thank all that is good in your life. Your gratitude will bring you more blessings.

Do not listen to the news on the radio or watch the news before bedtime. Don't pollute your dreams with a list of disasters. When we dream we do an important cleaning job, and you can ask the sleep mechanism to help you with anything you are working on. Frequently, the next morning you will receive an answer.

Go to bed in peace. Trust that the process of life is on your side and take care of everything for your greatest good and maximum joy.

There is no need to make anything you are doing monotonous. Everything can be a game, fun and joyful. It's up to you! Even the practice of forgiveness and renunciation of resentment can be fun, if you insist that they be. Try to make a little song with that situation or that person who is so hard to break free. If you sing a couplet, you will see how the whole procedure is lightened. When I work with my clients, I encourage them to laugh as soon as I can. The more we laugh at our problems, the easier it will be for us to free ourselves from them.

If you watched a comedy whose argument was based on your problems, it would make you laugh. Tragedy and comedy are the same thing. Seeing one or the other does not depend more than on the point of view! Oh, what fools mortals can be!

Do everything you can to make your transformation work a pleasure and a joy. Have fun!

In the infinity of life, where I am, everything is perfect, complete and whole.

I keep myself, and life keeps me.

Around me I see evidence of the Law that operates in all aspects of my life.

I reinforce everything I learn with conviction and joy.

My days begin with gratitude and joy.

With enthusiasm I anticipate the adventures of the day, because I know that in my life, everything is good.

I love and accept what I am and what I do.

I am the living, in love and jubilant expression of life.

Everything is fine in my world.


How to put these ideas into practice


The relationships

All my relationships are harmonious.

In life everything is relationships. We have relationships with everything. At this time, you have a relationship with the book you are reading, with me and with my ideas.

The relationships you have with objects, food, time, transportation and people are all reflections of the relationship you have with yourself. And the relationship you have with yourself is greatly influenced by the relationships you had with the adults around you when you were a child. The way in which, when we were little, adults reacted to us is often the way we now react, both positively and negatively.

Think for a moment about the words you use when you are being scolded. Are they not the same as his parents used when they scolded him? And what words did they use when praising him? I am sure they are the same ones you use to praise yourself.

They may never have praised you, so you have no idea how to praise yourself, and you probably believe there is nothing to praise. I am not blaming their parents, since we are all victims of victims. In no way could they have taught him something they did not know.

Sondra Ray is a great reborn who has worked a lot on this subject, and argues that all the important relationships we have are a reflection of what we had with one of our parents. In addition, he affirms that as long as we do not purify that first relationship, we will never be free to create exactly what we want in what we have now.

Our relationships are mirrors of ourselves. What we attract is always a reflection, either of our qualities or of the beliefs we profess regarding relationships. And this applies regardless of whether it is a boss, a collaborator, an employee, a friend, a (or a) lover, the spouse or a child. The things you don't like about those people are what you do or would like to do, are what you believe. He could not attract these people or have them in his life if, with his way of being, they were not in some way the complement of his own life.

Exercise: Us or them

For a moment, think of someone in your life and that bothers you. Describe three characteristics of that person that you don't like, that want to see you change.

Now, look deep within yourself and ask yourself where you are like that, and when you do those same things.

Close your eyes and give yourself time to do it.

Then ask yourself if you are willing to change. When these patterns, habits and beliefs disappear from his thoughts and behavior, that person will change or disappear from his life.

If you have a boss who is always criticizing you and is impossible to please, look inside. Either you do the same at some level, or you have the belief that "bosses are always critical and impossible to please."

If you have an employee who does not obey you or does not finish work on time, see where you do the same, and do your own cleaning. Saying goodbye to someone is very easy, but you don't clean your own house.

If there is a collaborator who does not want to cooperate and be part of the team, try to discover how you could have caused that. At what point do you not show cooperative?

If you have an unworthy friend who leaves you in the lurch, turn inward. In what aspects of your life are you unworthy of trust, and when do you leave others in the lurch? Is that what you believe?

If you have a cold and unloving lover (or), look to see if there will not be a belief inside you when you saw your parents in your childhood, and that tells you that love is cold and not very demonstrative.

If your spouse is reluctant and indifferent, re-examine your childhood beliefs. Was any of his parents scolding and indifferent? Are you like that

If you have a child whose habits irritate you, I guarantee that those habits are yours. Children only learn by imitating the adults around them. Change your habits, and you will see how your child changes automatically.

This is the only way to change others: start by changing us. Change your mental models and you will see how "they" also act differently.

It's no use blaming. With that we only squander our power. Keep your power, because without it you will not be able to make changes in your life. The helpless victim cannot see how to get out of their situation.

How love attracts

Love comes when we least expect it, when we don't go looking for it. If you hunt for love, you will never find the right partner. This only creates anxiety and misery. Love is never outside; We carry it inside.

Do not insist that love come immediately. You may not be prepared for him, or he may not be evolved enough to attract the love he craves.

Don't settle for anyone even if you just want someone to be there. Pose your demands. What kind of love do you want to attract? Make a list of the qualities you would like to have in the relationship and cultivate them in you. So you can attract a person who has them.

You could also examine what is keeping you from love. Are you a critic, or do you feel unworthy? Are your rules unreasonable? Are you following the image of a movie star? Are you afraid of privacy? Doubt you can be loved?

Be ready for love when it comes. Prepare the land, and do not forget that then you have to water it and fertilize it. If he loves, he can be loved. Feel open and receptive to love.

In the infinity of life, where I am, everything is perfect, complete and whole.

I live in harmony and balance with all the beings I know.

In the deep center of my being there is a source of infinite love.

Now I let that love flow to the surface, fill my heart, body, mind, conscience and the totality of my being, and from me radiate in all directions and return to me multiplied.

The more love I use and give, the more I have to give, because the provision is inexhaustible.

The donation of love makes me feel good, because it is an expression of my inner joy. Because I love myself, I take care of my body lovingly.

With love I feed it with healthy and beneficial products,

I take care of it and dress it with love, and my body with love responds to me vibrantly healthy and energy.

Because I love myself, I offer myself a comfortable home, which meets all my needs, and where being is a pleasure.

I fill the rooms with the vibration of love, so that all who enter them perceive that love and can feed on it.

Because I love myself, I have a job that I really enjoy doing and where I put my talent and my creative capacity at stake, working with and for people who love and who love me and earn good income.

Because I love myself, think and conduct myself affectionately with all people, because I know that what I give them returns to me multiplied.

In my world I attract only people who love me, because it is a reflection of who I am.

Because I love, forgive and totally renounce the past, all past experience, and I am free.

Because I love myself, I live totally in the now, feeling that every moment is good, and knowing that my future is bright, joyful and safe because I am a beloved creature of the Universe and the Universe lovingly takes care of me, now and forever and ever.

Everything is fine in my world.

Excerpt from the book: You can heal your life by Louise Hay

Chapter 9: Daily Work // Chapter 10: Relationships

You can heal your Life: Everyday Work and Relationships by Louise L. There

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