Use of Gandharva and Sama Veda, by Diego Herrera


Thousands of years ago in India, the land of Veda, the Rishis or seers capable of cognizing the rhythms and melodies of nature sang and performed these beautiful melodies at the appropriate times of day And at night to bring peace and harmony to their land and perfect health to all their people. However, over time the purity of knowledge and the purpose of this music were lost.

Now, under the direction of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, many of the renowned Indian musicians have joined in a global revival of this eternal nature music, fueling their power to create balance in the individual and in the environment.

By listening to Gandharva Veda Maharishi music, one can unite in the creation of a new atmosphere of peace, harmony, and joy for oneself, family, and the world.

Gandharva Veda music is the eternal music of nature, the rhythms and melodies of nature expressed as music. If you could hear the changing frequencies present in the first awakening of dawn, in the dynamics of noon, or in the deep silence of midnight, you would hear the frequencies of Gandharva Veda music.

These sublime melodies neutralize tension and disharmony in the environment, and gently restore biological rhythms by harmonizing physiology to the cycles of nature that underlie each hour of the day and each season of the year.

The knowledge of when to listen to each melody is based on three-hour cycles called Praharas that correspond to the changing qualities of nature throughout the day. Gandharva Veda Maharishi provides music to create balance in the environment throughout the eight Praharas of the day - Sunrise, Morning, Noon, Evening, Sunset, Night, Midnight and Early Morning.

"Gandharva music is the eternal music of nature, eternally the same, continuing and continuing in bliss of bliss everywhere." Maharishi Mahesh Yogy "

Sandhi Prakash Transition to the Light

4-7 am

Sweetness, Refinement of Sensory Levels, Peace, Mental Clarity, Integration of All Levels of Life, Greater Help of Nature.

7-10 am Joy, Compassion, Love & Devotion, Patience & Nutrition; Help of the Heart.


10 am -1 pm Strength in Action, Increased Energy, Success in Activity, Knowledge & Wisdom.

1-4 pm Achievements, Success, Creativity, Abundance & Prosperity, Fulfillment of Desires.

Sandhi prakash
Transition to the Night
4-7 pm Harmony, Coherent Functioning of the Nervous System, Peace, Mental Clarity, Integration of All Levels of Life, Greater Help of Nature.

7-10 pm Celebration, Expansion of Serenity, Greater Calm with the Object of Inviting the Dream

10 pm-1 am Deep Rest & Relaxation, Improves Sleep, Purification, Renewal & Rejuvenation

Last Hours of the Night

1-4 am Greater Calm Tranquility, Internal Strength, healthy mind and body.


The Sama Veda is the total sum of everything related to Samhita, which means UNION.

Everything in this three-dimensional creation is a Holy Trinity and we are not oblivious to it, in fact it is I, spirit; mind and body.

I, Diego Herrera, define that I write and type these words with the help of the mind and body. The operator is Me, it is not the mind and the body, they are the Software and the Hardware.

Being able to feel, appreciate, see, evaluate, gain knowledge, act, etc., also depend on this Trinity, and for this always an OBSERVATOR must and will be present; AN OBSERVATION PROCESS AND AN OBSERVED OBJECT. In Sanskrito, it would be Rishi, Devata and Chandas. When this structure of three is expressed at the level of physiology, they become Vatta, Pitta and Kapha.

The Sama Veda, what he does is adjust this Trinity, taking special care with the Observer, that is, Me or You, who read these lines, but You. It is not your eyes, nor is it your brain, that processes the information that comes from your retinas and the optic nervous system.

The Sama Veda represents and acts in all the sensory systems and the perceptual apparatus, including the receivers, the channels, the circuits, the structures involved in the organization, their balance, the inputs, the processes, the deciphering and Information identification. Physiology in a state of alertness or wakefulness receives all the flows of experiences through these channels and processes, which, at the same time, promote and sustain the quality of the fullness that flows through the body, mind and you. That is, the ability to allow and sustain an experience of Cosmic Consciousness. What does this mean?:

That Sama Veda helps to activate and reinforce the specific systems and laws of nature that are dedicated to promoting and reinforcing the quality of the Rishi, the observer, the quality of witnessing - within the level of the Samhita (union) of the senses-, providing a structure at the eternally silent level, which is self, self-sufficient, self-referential, self-interacting, a state completely awake of the senses, which is intimate and personal of each one, without losing the ability to act within the limits, of incessant change and antagonism, which surrounds us.

Therefore, I recommend listening to the Sama - Veda after each meditation. We already know that we should rest 5 minutes after meditating, to have a smooth transition to activity. The change we can make is, we rest 2 minutes after meditation and listen, in the same place we are, 5 minutes from Sama - Veda, You will see how you feel even more harmonized when you leave.

The other time to listen to Sama - Veda is, before bedtime, the idea is to listen to it and then silently we fall asleep, or we go to bed, everything else, we do it before.


Courtesy of
Diego Herrera
Prof. of Transcendental Meditation
Project Manager and Coordinator
03722/411820 - 15777965

Resistencia - Chaco - Argentina.

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