A Way to Heal Us: Gatuno Purr

  • 2013

It is common for cat lovers to know the ability they have to reduce stress or calm down when we feel bad. How many times do you get home and then the cats enter the room, snuggle to the side and start purring? Could it be that they effectively feel our pain and want to help us relieve it? Well, for those of us who love cats it is a fact that they do! The most surprising thing is that current scientific research shows that a cat purr can help us heal.

Based on scientific research a study conducted by Elizabeth Von Muggenthaler, Specialist in Bioacoustics at the Communications Wildlife Research Institute of the University of North Carolina He studied the purring of a cat by measuring it in a frequency range of 25 to 40 Hertz per second (Hz). Exposure to frequencies from 20 to 50 Hz increases bone density, relieves pain, muscle and heals. Another study also revealed that cats had purring frequencies between 20 Hz and 200 Hz, in particular 25 Hz, 100 Hz, 125 Hz and 150 Hz! The results indicated that despite the different size and genetics, all cats had very strong purring frequencies that fell within the range of a multitude of therapeutic frequencies.

Purring has been related to the relief of suffering in people with acute and chronic pain, the generation of new tissue growth, improving the resistance of wound tissue, improving local circulation and oxygenation, which reduces bacterial growth and inhibits swelling.

If you put a cat in the same room with a lot of bones, the bones heal, says an adage of the old veterinarian. Ask any veterinary orthopedic surgeon about how relatively easy it is to repair cat bone fractures, compared to dogs. They will tell you that cats do not suffer almost the number of orthopedic or ligament diseases and muscle traumas such as the dog's experience, even cases of non-union of fractures are rare Bone in cats. Researchers believe that the purring of a cat is the self-healing mechanism behind these facts.

There is extensive documentation that suggests that low vibrational frequencies, at low intensity, are therapeutic. These frequencies can help in bone growth, promote fracture healing and joint mobility, relieve pain, promote tendon and muscle strength and repair, and help in the reduction of swelling. These data suggest that the frequencies of 25 and 50 Hz are the best frequencies for the promotion of bone resistance, with 100 Hz and 200 Hz being the second best. Exposure to these signals increases bone resistance by approximately 30%, and increases the speed at which fractures heal.

In order to test the theory of the therapeutic benefits of a cat purr, scientists, to measure the purr of the domestic cat and how the purring vibration spreads throughout its body; They used extremely sensitive monitors for this purpose.

These monitors were mounted with adhesive, which does not need external power, they were isolated from the ground and the cats WERE NOT INJURED IN ANY WAY. Small meters were placed directly on the cat's skin. The monitors were stabilized using cosmetic washable glue and adhesive tape. Each test session lasted between 6 and 10 minutes.

During the test phase, the cats were resting comfortably on the blankets and were encouraged to purr from time to time caressing them. The data was then acquired, and analyzed.

It is well known to cat lovers who are little healers of Nature. The fact that the cats in this study produce frequencies have been shown to improve healing time, strength and mobility, one could explain how our cats somehow simply "know" when we are bad. By doing nothing more than resting comfortably with us while we recover, his purr acts as a therapeutic vibration system that helps us heal much faster, pain and discomfort and, potentially, even strengthen our bodies to prevent disease bone.

Let the cats sit or nap in our lap or stomach.

They know very well what to do to fulfill their mission, which is referred to as their "part" in our life. So if one day you don't feel well, let's just snuggle in the heat of our beds with the cats. The evidence shows that not only is this a hobby and a pleasant experience when we are wrong, but there are numerous therapeutic benefits for the body as well.

Source: http://larutadelailuminacion.blogspot.com.es/

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