A message that will transcend your duality and understand more the path of Light

  • 2011

Original message channeled by Cristina Di Martino

Received on 11/3/11

I am Padre Pio, I am here and I vibrate in the consciousness of Love

to bring a message that will transcend your duality and understand more the path of Light.

You are an ordinary being, that's what you think,

but in truth you are a Great Being who came to this Earth to manifest Unity,

for this they first go through duality, which is nothing more than the illusion of not seeing reality.

We are all one

and many wonder why diseases, vicissitudes, sudden changes and feel that you no longer want to be here.

I answer you with just one sentence:

All is love,

and of course you are thinking ... I do not understand ...,

I will explain .. everything has a reason

Every thing that happens to you you have to be able to integrate it and recognize that there is always a hidden good in it,

Then, that moment is the precious moment in which you recognize that you have come to jump fences to jump the fences of all humanity.

Everything is affordable, everything has a reason, and you are going through it, because before incarnation you asked to help and to achieve that you have to help you,

the mission is in you, in not unbalancing yourself for worldly things;

the matrix is ​​a mundane thing,

Reality is what is hidden in it.

So, from now on, every vicissitude that you pass in, Amala, Recognize it and Renácela,

think that everything is hidden behind the veil of illusion itself,

Love it, recognize it, integrate it and release it to transcend that in yourself

and thus raise the Consciousness of Unity.

Everything that happens in you

It's like a grain of sand that communicates with all the beaches on Mother Earth

and has the unit itself,

this is so

If you love what happens to you and don't get angry at each situation,

then you begin to recognize that you have to transform it,

if you achieve that transformation and the Brotherhood of your body,

then you will achieve that in you all illusion is illuminated and transformed.

Illusion is everything that doesn't make you feel good, everything that doesn't make you feel whole,

Everything that makes you stop feeling Love.

Then Bless, Love and Love,

and above all, Ama and Integra in you all knowing that, what is illusion, will leave you.

Or why do you think that someone who believes that something can make him split that is what happens?

That is the illusion that person believes in himself.

Imagine now that person just believing that this is an illusion and then transmutes it with Love, because he recognizes that it is only an illusion

and in doing so she blesses herself for the perfection she has in herself to achieve perfection in the other and to achieve Unity of One

just think ... what would happen ...?

Then from now on, all sorrow, any manifestation of non-perfection recognize it as part of the Unit, integrate it as part of God and thus it will transform

and by transforming into you, you transform it into part of humanity itself,

That is unity.

Only those who want to vibrate in this energy of Love will illuminate it.

Do not be angry, be humble, feel that you can vibrate in Light and Illuminate and begin to know that we are all a grain of sand from a great beach called God.

We love you for who you are, this and the other side of the veil.

The Unit must begin to understand

and also that you are not part of the illusion, but of God.


Upcoming Symbols of Light® seminars Taught by your channel Cristina Di Martino * Argentina Federal Capital * November 27, 2011 * Mexico City * February 11, 2012 * Chile * March 2012 consultations and registration * book in advance * If you feel in your heart to receive Messages of Love Light and elevation of Conscience, subscribe to our newsletters for free If you are sorry to distribute this message that the content is not altered, the Source is mentioned and not used for commercial purposes. Thanks for expanding Luz!

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