A Message of Hope "and" The Factory of Fatality " Interviews with Lee Carroll [2008]


-Lastly there have been many level channels: Ramtha, Pacal Votán, Kryon, Tobias, Saruma, some Pleiadians, wingmakers and Arcturians, among others. Do you have a personal relationship with other channels? Is there a unit of speech between you?

-Since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, the abundant channels that have appeared all have a similar message: that a great change looms over us, and that we have control over our planet.

Armageddon did not arrive when planned; obviously something different is happening. For hundreds of years it was predicted that the end of time would take place between 1999 and 2001. It did not happen, and now we are living very special times.

“I personally have many channeling friends, who offer multiple channels sharing the stage with me quite often. You can see this on my DVDs and also in the photo section of my seminars. Although I am the original Kryon channel, I respect the many who now channel Kryon in Europe. In April 2008 we will offer a Kryon conference in Hamburg where we will have all the Kryon European channels on stage for a weekend.

“There are still those who have an old channeling energy characterized by an attitude of isolation and feeling of ownership, but these things are disappearing with the new energy that the new group of the last 20 years brings. Gone are the days when channelers competed with each other. This was due to what we can call 'old metaphysical energy'. With the new energy we all rejoice for each other, and we love to make presentations together. This shows a very different approach from what you might have thought. Watch carefully those who say they are channeling. Do you offer good, positive information? Can you feel the love of God in your task ... or are you trying to create fear and drama, in addition to building a satisfying database?

- Based on what would you say that these entities choose their channels?

-There are agreements on the other side of the veil between us, when we are not human, before incarnating here. We plan to whom we will channel. Then, when we are here, we are free to choose whether or not we will. It is important to realize that we are part of God when we are not here. So these entities that we channel are really brothers and sisters.

The old thoughts had God separated from Man. In fact this is not true. Most of the teachers who were on the planet taught us that God is part of us; even we were made in His image . God within is my teaching, and this recognition creates a very strong bond between all of us who integrate the family of channelers to which I belong.

- What influence do you think will reach the galactic culture and the sum of channeled messages? Are they the tip of the iceberg of a new era?

-They certainly constitute the tip of the iceberg of a new era. Even the Mayans told us about a change of energy that would begin in 2012, if we undertook it and if we had the possibility.

The entire group of channelers is shouting that we have control of a situation where we can achieve mastery and begin to create peace on Earth. There is a strong consensus around this information among those of us that we are actively channeling around the world.

- Why do almost all channeled messages come from the US?

-This has nothing to do with the country, and everything to do with the land. Most of the pipelines that take place in the United States come from the west. This has to do with prostrate lands that have not received wars or that do not have an important history, contrary to most of the rest of the Earth. Gaia (the energy of the Earth) is part of the entire process of why we channel, since it is Gaia who receives the highest vibrations of what we, as humans, create. Therefore, portals consisting of very pure lands are needed to create an energy of clarity and wisdom for the pipes. If at any time you want to experience this, go to Sedona or Shasta and feel what is there. There are few places like this on the planet, representing this kind of clear energy from a clean earth. In the future, even more channelers will come from Australia and New Zealand, since their land also retains this quality.


- What opinion does Kryon deserve the crisis of conscience that our civilization is going through, with countless wars, famines, epidemics, ecological disasters and injustices? Do you see any short or medium term solution?

-There is nothing new about the conscience of humanity, or the injustice of man against man. Although it may be difficult to see it, the era in which we are is one of those in which these things are beginning to come to light, and other parts of civilization are able to see it. This is because the light is thrown on the dark sites, which had never been examined before. Some places have been mired in darkness for centuries, so our eyes didn't reach them, but suddenly we know things about them. This creates the false feeling that things are going worse. It's the opposite; We are simply discovering what was already there. The Internet is exposing many things that were not known before, and we are in an era in which we can see these things in real time, and we can decide whether we are part of the solution or not.


“What I am saying is that all we are experiencing is an energy revolution, which is demanding that we decide if we are going to let it escape, or if we are going to try to find solutions. Lightworkers across the globe are being invited to pray and send light to places they knew nothing less than ten years ago.

We are clearly seeing the corruption and injustice of leaders around the world; None escapes this observation. A time is approaching when there can be no secrets at all ... by anyone ... and we will be invited to make our choice to be part of the solution or not. Believe it or not, this WILL CHANGE those who will lead the countries in the future, since there will come a time when the people will no longer tolerate the same old energy.

“It is very hard to see the light when all the news only gives account of the darkness, but this is the tendency of humanity, and the drama always manages to grab attention. I travel all over the planet and have seen some of the greatest hopes for health and healing, for understanding, and also the seeds of peace. It will not happen soon, but our generation is being invited to plant these seeds. We will have to let our children do the rest.

-Kryon always emphasized the importance of what is happening in the Middle East. How can one explain, from an extra-planetary perspective, military invasions and the permanent military harassment of civil societies in Iraq and Palestine?

-God does not control what men do, but rather gives us freedom of choice. We are experiencing the last, very deep sigh of the oldest energy known to man: that of brutal physical responses to disputes.

All my work has been about how the energy of consciousness is slowly being transformed, and about how those who are in an old energy feel this deeply. They know that the days in which war is always the answer are counted, and in which force always wins. This also applies to terrorists as well as non-terrorists. It serves the Jews and the Palestinians.

When we stop teaching hate to our children we will have a surprising change in these relationships ... some of which have remained that way for decades and decades. This is what Kryon teaches: that we will slowly begin to see how peace is a real response, rather than simply eliminating the enemy. Once again look at the young people in what concerns this change of consciousness, since you will not see it in any of the current leaders of the planet.

“The Middle East is where the core of hate has been suppurating for eons. Kryon has said: "As the Jews go, the Earth will go." This means that this must be our center of attention, where to send light and wisdom to those who have been locked in their struggle for years and years. I have been to Israel twice, and they are convinced that they will always be attacked. The Palestinians are convinced of the same. And the rest of the region has always felt that it deserved to be right where Israel is.

How to handle this? The answer is that they will finally see that it is an end of death, with them and their children going through the same things over and over again, and another, without any solution and with much pain and much regret. But there are also areas of light that nobody knows about. Secretly, many young Israelis and Palestinians are gathering, whenever they can. Mothers in both places are shouting at their leaders to end hatred and begin to build peace. They are like us, and they want to have schools, abundance in their food stores, and a place where their children are safe.

THERE IS A SOLUTION, and Kryon has been telling us to work on it since it came into my life in 1989. For me this means that the potential exists, and I will continue to work on it for the rest of my time.

-Kryon says that with the fall of the Soviet Union the Empire of Evil fell. Has the United States assumed the role of Evil Empire since then?

- Look at one thing. First, 'The Empire of Evil' was a name that applied to both, both the Soviet Union and the United States, depending on the country next to which you will position yourself during that time. Both rehearsed maneuvers of nuclear attacks, and feared each other. So the term 'Empire of Evil' did not belong to either country. Who then? To fear in its purest form.

“Today there is peace between these lands. Although culturally they are very different, and perhaps they will not agree on things for many years, the fact is that they negotiate with each other, and the thought of war vanished long ago. For 50 years, and through surprising distributions of their resources, these two countries were 'one for the other'. The scriptures, and Nostradamus, told us that the scenario of the end times would involve those two countries. This time has passed.

“So today they are friends. I will go to Russia this May, and there will be many light workers there to meet me (about 1, 000, I have been told). Things have changed between us in a miraculous way; this has allowed formal enemies to hug each other today and say: 'friend'.

The same has happened with the Japanese! I am going to Japan in four days. An accomplished enemy is now a business partner such that the United States could not exist without him!

“What does all this tell you about potentials? What does this tell you about what is possible to achieve if we do not teach our children to hate? These same attributes can occur in the Middle East. Be part of humanity's great choice right now.

The 'Empire of Evil' is not a country. It is a description of a tremendous fear. This 'empire' is what we are asked to control by means of the new light that we are beginning to obtain through the increased vibration of the planet.



- Is the time for the entities of other planets or other dimensions to manifest themselves unambiguously and establish a daily collaboration with humans? Why, while waiting for this connection for decades, does it not occur?

-We must bring peace to this planet before we go to the next step: to meet those who have known about our existence for some time. They are not the same, contrary to what you might think.

The Universe is in association with life, but this planet is well hidden and is going through a spiritual test. That is why many of the extraterrestrial visitors actually fear for us, and they come and go in the dark, trying to decipher why we have so much power. The irony is that we don't see this power at all.

This is GOD WITHIN US. Think about it. Why have the aliens simply not taken land at the United Nations in New York and announced themselves? They have been visiting us for about 50 years ... The answer is that they can't do it. “Kryon has said, in relation to these things:“ The day will come when you will find the same seeds of your DNA. And when they arrive, don't be surprised when they leave their ship: they will look the same as you! ”He has indicated that they could come from the Pleiades. In any case, this will not occur for at least two generations or more.

- Is there a form of government or interplanetary organization to which we remain oblivious? Are we expected to enter?

-Kryon tells us to focus on what we have here. Thinking about things that we will not see in a period of more than one hundred years will delay us in the true purpose of our existence, which is to create a peaceful planet. Then they will come ... Then we will know.


- Are you and Kryon two entities completely separate or at some level of consciousness are the same being? At the soul level: are we still separate creatures or are we collective beings?

- It is the most difficult thing imaginable for a linear creature that perceives reality in three dimensions to understand or even reflect on how interdimensionality could be. We simply cannot understand it. We are really influenced and limited by our individual existence. And we see God in human form, we speak as if God were an individuality, and also within the limits of our temporal scheme. None of this is like that. No human being can really understand something that has no beginning, and the idea of ​​present tense without past or future is not possible even for the best of minds. So we create an idea of ​​God.

“We are part of God, and we have a Higher Self, our 'divine part' that has been separated from us as we realize our existence on this planet. God is a collective, and we are part of it. Although it may be difficult to understand, this group is loving and compassionate, and is part of what is called 'the quantum hologram' ...; a quantum state where there is no time, distance or linearity. The entire Universe in which we live is linear, and God is in each atom ... in a non-linear state.

“Kryon is my brother / sister (there is no gender on the other side). We merge when we channel, which is a fusion with my Higher Self and with Kryon. It is the deepest and most loving experience that I could have. It is not something strange or strange, hidden or separated from God.

When I channel I am part of the collective; There is no separation. It is only when I return from the trance that I feel duality and separation from God again. Then I go to work, using the teachings of Kryon to create mastery in my cells, so that I can send light to the dark places of this planet.

-Kryon do you answer your personal concerns?

-Roundly yes! It is what I teach. It is not Kryon doing it; It is Kryon teaching us that we have divinity in our own DNA, and that there is no concern that cannot be handled every day. I maintain a good relationship with my soul, and I am peaceful in my life. This is the basic education of Kryon and is part of the trip that I have been doing for 18 years.

“My Kryon channeling is about how to get personal healing, wisdom and peace. There is the mistaken idea that Kryon only deals with great things: visits to the United Nations, aliens, the affairs of planet Earth ... However, these things are not those to which Kryon devotes most of his efforts . He tells us that he loves us enough to wash our feet. It tells us that we can have personal peace and that we can stop being worried; that we can eradicate the dramas of our lives.

Now, with the latest esoteric information related to the DNA I am receiving, I am stunned by what Kryon says we really have inside us. All the gurus and masters of the planet were human. They had nothing we didn't have. So now we are told to activate all this ... and be as they were. That this is what they taught us too.

- Does Kryon contribute to modeling his own personality, that of Lee Carroll? In what way?

-It is Kryon's teaching that told me that I can create the energy of peace and healing in my life that I had claimed. He teaches that all of us can do it. Years ago he told me that I could have unlimited energy and that I could also delay my aging process. I have done both. I have even had deep personal healings of my heart and my eyes. I can tell you that this is very, very real.

So the answer is that Kryon has done nothing to me. I have done it myself, through his teachings and thanks to the incredible love of God for humanity.

“So, do you see Kryon in me? No. But I hope you see God in me, and the compassion I carry for you all.

Interview by Federico Paz and Francesc Prims.


A Message of Hope

Interview with Lee Carroll

Kryon original channel



The Fatality Factory

by Lee Carroll
January 2009

"Take out your lounge chairs ... here they come again!"

There are almost four years to go, but the media are preparing to scare them to death (in case anyone did not notice). The issue is the question of 2012, and it is too hot a question to leave her alone or expect her to be closer. After all, there is Viagra, soap and cars to sell, and in this economy merchants are clamoring for this to happen.

A few months ago, in my seminars I told attendees to prepare for the avalanche of movies and documentaries about 2012 in theaters and on television, all of which will be sensationally based on fear. Well, they are here.

The History Channel has launched the “Week of Armageddon, ” a week full of new, polished, High Definition documentaries about the prophets of the end times and what they have said about 2012, the year that supposedly contains the next destruction of the planet

I spent almost 30 years doing retail advertising for radio and television. I have produced more than 4, 000 music commercials for the radio, numerous soundtracks for documentaries and some movies, all before Kryon, of course. I know perfectly well how these guys think, and I wanted to share with you some things that may not be obvious.

A great alignment is about to happen. It is called the Galactic Alignment and is the end of an astronomical cycle of approximately 26, 000 years. * Although it is an astronomical fact, the energy surrounding the alignment is based on astrology. Astrology is the oldest science on the planet. Nostradamus was an astrologer, and also an alchemist (apothecary), or pharmacist of the "hidden", of his time. (This caused him to be expelled from medical school.)

If you read about the true Nostradamus, you will find that you really did not respect him much as a prophet or as an astrologer, at least while he lived. He did quite random astrology, and often, the letters for his clients were totally wrong. He married a rich widow, had several children, and was free to write some books of his "quatrains." His relationship with the church was good (he was a devout Catholic), and in fact he obtained permission from the bishop to publish part of this work. But he always feared religious fanatics, so he camouflaged his writings with "Virgilianized" syntax (syntax of the Roman poet Publius Vergilius Maro), puns and a mixture of other languages ​​such as Greek, Italian, Latin and Provencal (a unique language of the south of France), in order to hide the true meanings. ** This made their quatrays very dark and confusing, building the capacity for almost anyone to interpret them according to their own understanding, what has happened time and again .

Today, however, he stands as the centerpiece of who's who of fate. Luckily for us, that reference book is very small, but he is the boy for our era, as well as the champion of "everything bad that will happen."

Here is my position on all this: This Galactic Alignment is coming. It has always been coming, and the ancients talked about it. Long before the time of Nostradamus, many cultures wrote about it. The Egyptians knew it, and even aligned their pyramids with the stars. Among others we know who knew them are the Hopi, the Aztecs, the Toltecs, the Druids and the Incas. The Maya developed their calendar without the help of Nostradamus and finished it on December 21, 2012 (just before 2013). So the Galactic Alignment is real, and almost every culture that wrote about it predicted a great change. By the way, "great change" is now interpreted as "the end."

I was in the same place where the Mayans worked. I was in Xochicalco, Mexico, in 2007, about 38 kilometers southwest of Cuernavaca. It is there that I met Jorge Baez, a scholar who has really doubled much of what the Maya were seeing in the same observatories they used in those archaeological excavations. On one of the walls of a small pyramid, the Maya wrote glyphs of what they had discovered and what the great change and energy cycles were referring to. Nowhere did they indicate that the earth was coming to an end. Rather, they talked about the return of one of the highest vibrations the Earth had ever seen and that it would be amplified. It was going to align with the Galactic Alignment in December 2012 (its calculations). I was there and had the glyphs translated! That's what they say.

Jorge Baez has written one of the first of many books about 2012, called The Vital Energy of the Movement: The Secret of 2012. (Only in Spanish at the moment.) But his conclusions were the same as those of the Maya: that A change is coming and it will represent a slow change of human consciousness. The other changes they predicted (according to Jorge's book) showed the ups and downs of the cycles they identified and that have now been correlated with the dark ages and the Renaissance of our past. That is the subject of his book. He can also read the faucets of the Maya (he did it for me), and his predictions refer to Gaia's vibration, not catastrophe. I think this change has already begun.

The Mayan calendar ended there. Many make a lot of fuss about it. What if that was not intentional? They should know that the Maya gave us some minor prophecies about dates that went beyond 2012 (with dates written in the style of their calendar). It is clear that they had not finished the calendar or would not have done so. The reasons for his disappearance are still unknown today, but it happened quickly. What if they hadn't finished at all? What if whatever he eliminated so quickly his civilization also stopped his calendar? But as it stops at the Galactic Alignment, it is easy to say that it is the end of time. However, we say that it is the end of an old time and it is the beginning of a new consciousness for the planet ... Mayan information.

By the way, there is something else that is not talked about: This 2012 alignment is really out of alignment by about 5.5 degrees. It has been calculated more carefully in recent years using modern computers and telescopes, and (are you ready?) It has already happened! That is due to an error in the calculations of the Maya. They said the event occurs every 25, 627 years. It actually happens every 25, 800 years, it's not bad to calculate without telescopes, eh? So the date of 2012 is not an exact alignment at all. It is close, but a bit out of alignment. The precise alignment of the solstice point (the exact central point of the sun's body, seen from Earth) with the galactic equator, was calculated to occur in 1998 (Jean Meeus, Mathematical Astronomy Snacks, 1997). Did something important happen then? I would say yes ... Something like the fall of the Soviet Union!

Will we have change? Yes! We are already experiencing it. Catastrophe and fatality? Not according to the writings of the Maya. In all fairness to the others who built Xochicalco, the Toltecs and the Aztecs also made their observations, and they also knew the stars. They contributed to what the Mayans finally got the credit: a very edifying esoteric message about 2012.

Now, they didn't see that on the History Channel or on the Discovery, right? The good news does not sell. What a pity!

I want to warn you about some of the methods of the writers of these documentaries. Notice that they are accompanied by terrifying music and most of the images they see are of storms, hunger, things of the Great Depression and great catastrophes. That is only the beginning; they are very, very selective about what they report and what they don't report.

In the Nostradamus special on the History Channel, they interviewed my good friends Gregg Braden and John Petersen (of the Arlington Institute). According to John, some of the best things he said were never seen, they were cut. Both are credible scientists / historians and the two talked about an upcoming change and provided true science. None of them said it would be the end of the Earth. But having them on the screen made the rest of the documentary credible, and this is often how this game is played.

Back in 1999, these same television companies brought out Nostradamus and gave dire predictions about the imminent Millennium Armageddon. At that time, they had the Bible to support them and they also quoted all parts of the Apocalypse about the end times. One of the Nostradamus quatrains (3.2) was cited as Because of the sun-like heat over the sea, the fish around the Negroponte will be half cooked This, of course, was interpreted as a nuclear attack.

Now, for all those who were sleeping for eight years, that did not happen. Instead, we had something that was never in any quartet: the fall of the Soviet empire, the fall of the Berlin wall and the beginning of capitalism in Russia. There was no Armageddon. Last night I could not believe that they were using the same quartet over the heat of the sun over the sea. But now it's about global warming! Did they think anyone would notice?

Here are some items that you won't find in documentaries, things that changed everything we know about the way it was supposed to be things .

(1) Where is the Nostradamus quartet for the fall of the Soviet Union?

(2) Where is the Nostradamus quartet for the fall of the Berlin Wall?

(3) Where is the Nostradamus quartet for 9/11? Important, don't you think?

(4) Where is the Nostradamus quartet for the election of a man of color for the White House? Very significant for our time, don't you think?

Each one of these things goes against all the prognostics and yet they were never mentioned by Nostradamus or the Bible. Each of these things has affected us all and will continue to do so for a long time.

Futurists talk about comod n . This is something inserted in the prophecy that either was not supposed to be there or was developed below the radar. For 20 years, Kryon has told us that this comod n was the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. That was when we began to change our mind and there was a change of awareness. This has diverted all the prophecies of the target where they were supposed to go.

One of the issues that documentaries talk about is the famine that will occur in 2012, including large-scale cannibalism. They speak of a scorched earth, supposedly because of global warming. There were recordings of comments from meteorologists who said that every summer is more solid than the previous one and they have been for several years. No one interviewed them about the cold (or they did, and they cut it)! Did you notice that every winter is also colder than the last? Notaron que las cifras que est n dando ahora para partes del Oc ano Pac fico son m s fr as que nunca? Esto no es sutil, porque de hecho est trayendo de vuelta una gran porci n de la vida microbiana que se necesita para la recuperaci n de algunos de nuestros peces.

Kryon ha hablado una y otra vez acerca de que estamos en el comienzo de una mini edad de hielo. Esto tambi n ocurri en los a os 1400s, pero no se oye que muchos hablen de eso. El mantenimiento de registros no era muy bueno entonces, y no ten amos capacidad para coordinar la informaci n mundial como lo hacemos hoy en d a. Sin embargo, pasamos por ella entonces y sobrevivimos. Kryon nos dice que hemos acelerado la vibraci n del planeta, y que los resultados son los cambios clim ticos. Es parte de un ciclo del agua que hemos visto antes, no es algo repentino ni augura el final. Ya en 1989, l nos habl claramente acerca de este cambio climático. Pero para la Semana del Armagedón es una sorpresa, y todo es parte del calentamiento global y el fin de la tierra (según los documentales que están viendo). ¿Quieren ver. lo que están diciendo algunos científicos rusos? ***

Aquí hay algo más en lo que nadie piensa nunca: ¿Y si las cuartetas de Nostradamus eran correctas, y nosotros anulamos de alguna manera todas las profecías del año 2000 (lo cual hicimos)? Eso significa que hubiéramos tenido un intercambio nuclear. Es lo que indicó Nostradamus y también lo que se dijo en el Apocalipsis (según Hal Lindsey). Pensemos en eso. ¿Dónde estaríamos ahora en el 2008? ¡La respuesta es que estaríamos en muy mala forma! Sólo habrían pasado siete u ocho años y probablemente todavía estaríamos muriéndonos por la radiación y escarbando en busca de alimento. Sólo pensarlo es aterrador. Pero ¿y si fue así?

De ser así, entonces algunas de las predicciones restantes empiezan a tener más sentido. Ellas describen una tierra vieja que atravesó una guerra nuclear. Con la confluencia de las condiciones climáticas cambiantes y otros potenciales de la Tierra, realmente habría hambruna a gran escala… ciertamente guerra, y algo que incluso podría acabar con toda vida humana. Pero NO estamos en esa condición. ¿Qué lo cambió? Nosotros lo hicimos, y es obvio que no pasamos por la profecía del 2000. Ese es el comodín.

¿Entienden lo que estoy diciendo? Los traficantes del miedo y el drama improvisan juntos el circo más catastrófico que pueden. Utilizan profecías de la vieja energía que han reinterpretado después de que la última catástrofe no se produjo, pero ahora tienen la Alineación Galáctica para que parezca más creíble aún. Incluso están utilizando buenos autores -historiadores y científicos- para apoyar sus afirmaciones, que en realidad no son lo que muchos de los autores creen en absoluto.

Por cierto, la Alineación Galáctica es un evento relativo. Es algo “tal como se observa desde la Tierra”. Es tocante a cómo vemos las cosas. Sólo quiero aclararlo para quienes no siguen la astronomía y creen que el centro de la galaxia se va a mover o desplazar repentinamente. It's not like that. Es sólo lo que se observa desde donde nos encontramos.

Ahora bien, no he terminado. Discutamos brevemente algo más que Kryon nos ha dicho, y algo que ahora tiene alguna prueba. Perdición y fatalidad, muerte y destrucción tienen una energía muy profunda. A menudo crea un cambio planetario mediante el dolor y/o la compasión. Eso lo sabemos. Pero Kryon ha indicado algo que no comprendemos mucho en realidad. Él dice que muchas veces hay un residuo del potencial que puede permanecer, incluso después que nos desviamos del curso en el que estábamos. Este residuo es tan potente que todos los videntes pueden captarlo, y de hecho “verlo” como actual. Es tan potente que puede ser medido por las mismas máquinas que armó la Universidad de Princeton, en relación con el Proyecto de Conciencia Global, que siente el cambio de la conciencia humana justo antes de un evento.

En octubre del año pasado, sonaron muchas de estas “campanas y silbatos”. Recibimos predicciones de muchas fuentes (incluso de Kryon) que nos decían que esperemos y no le tengamos miedo al mes de octubre. Grupos futuristas que comprometieron a psíquicos para la investigación, nos dijeron que algo iba a suceder. Entonces los “dispositivos” se dispararon, los de Princeton. Guau, realmente estábamos esperando algo grande. Demasiadas fuentes de demasiadas áreas no relacionadas entre sí nos decían esto. ¿Escucharon quizás también que ocurrir a un “aterrizaje galáctico”? Se suponía que finalmente seríamos visitados por extraterrestres que se identificarían a sí mismos, y así sucesivamente. ¡Había algo en el aire!

Bueno, el 13/14 de octubre vino y se fue y no pasó nada, nada en absoluto. ¿O sí pasó? Nada pareció ocurrir en la Convergencia Armónica de 1987 tampoco, pero ahora sabemos que sí. ¿Habrá sido que percibimos lo que podría haber ocurrido, pero no ocurrió? ¿De todos modos pasamos por un cambio, pero sin ningún tipo de catástrofe terrestre? Kryon dice que ambos.

No se puede negar que había algo en el aire, sin embargo, lo que haya sido no ocurrió. Fue en todo el mundo y aquellos de nosotros en el negocio metafísico lo escuchamos de muchas, pero muchas fuentes, algunas muy confiables. Sin embargo, no pasó nada.

Yo les digo que hay mucho más aquí de lo que se ve a simple vista o que puede explicarse en un documental de TV lleno de explotación e intención de crear drama intencionalmente. No crean todas esas cosas. Honren los hechos y ríanse de la evidente manipulación en total Alta Definición.

La gran noticia es que estamos cambiando poco a poco el tejido mismo de lo que ustedes y yo creímos que era inmutable. Estamos podando nuestra economía de la codicia, para hacerla más fuerte. Hemos elegido a un hombre que nunca hubiera podido ser elegido en la época de nuestros padres. Estos son los verdaderos signos de los tiempos. Nosotros somos el comodín.

¿Semana del Armagedón? Come on! ¿Qué sigue? ¿La Semana de la Lluvia de Meteoros? Entonces quizás podamos tener la “Semana de la Hambruna”, seguida por la semana de “¡El Canibalismo Se Acerca!”

¡Bostezo! Saquen sus reposeras y disfruten de la Fábrica de la Fatalidad. Habrá mucho más de esto próximamente. ¡Esperen que aparezcan las primeras películas! Habrá un montón de efectos especiales sobre el deceso de la Tierra, probablemente mucha agua y fuego, supongo. ¡Bruce Willis o Tom Cruise tienen que estar involucrados ahí en alguna parte! (Smile)

Simplemente es como el Milenio, amigos. Cuando el 2012 venga y se vaya, podremos pasar a la siguiente comprensión: Nosotros lo cambiamos todo y pasamos por algunos cambios. Todavía estamos aquí, cambiando la conciencia del planeta de maneras que eventualmente harán que casi toda predicción de fatalidad de todo profeta parezca algo que siempre pertenecerá a la portada de un periódico sensacionalista, y no algo realmente creíble otra vez.

Lee Carroll

“Trabajador de la Luz, el Espíritu nunca te traería a este lugar de alta vibración sólo para enterrarte debajo de tanta tierra. Tú estás activamente involucrado en crear una energía en este planeta que eventualmente creará sanación y paz nunca antes vistas. En dos generaciones a partir de ahora, no reconocerán este lugar, porque se hablará de “poner las cosas juntas” en lugar de desgarrarlas. Los líderes de la vieja energía habrán desaparecido y una nueva generación de pensadores conceptuales estará en su lugar.” – Kryon


* La Alineación Galáctica es la alineación del sol del solsticio de diciembre con el ecuador galáctico. Esta alineación se produce como consecuencia de la precesión de los equinoccios.

La precesión es causada por la tierra que se tambalea muy lentamente sobre su eje y cambia la posición de los equinoccios y solsticios un grado cada 71, 5 años. Debido a que el sol tiene la mitad de un grado de ancho al sol del solsticio de diciembre le tomará 36 años hacer su precesión a través del ecuador galáctico.

Este ciclo de precesión de 26.000 años cambia la posición aparente del sol, en el solsticio de diciembre, hacia atrás a través de los signos del zodíaco. Esto da origen a la observación (vista desde la Tierra) de que el sol del solsticio de diciembre se mueve “alrededor” del Centro Galáctico, entrando en alineación con éste una vez cada 26.000 años. Esta es la alineación galáctica. Es un nombre dado a una percepción relativa de las estrellas, al ser observadas desde la tierra.

** http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nostradamus

*** http://english.pravda.ru/science/earth/106922-0

“La Tierra al borde de una edad de hielo.”

La información contenida en este mensaje es gratuita y está disponible para que la impriman, copien y distribuyan como deseen. Sin embargo, sus Derechos de Autor prohíben la venta en cualquier forma excepto la que haga el editor.

Lee Carroll


Traducción Margarita López

Edición Susana Peralta

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