"A Call to Action and the Return to Love and Reason," A Channeling of Saint-Germain.

  • 2012

Solstice of December 2011 and Message of the New Year of 2012.

By Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack



I AM Saint-Germain. The Solstice of December 2011 and the New Year of 2012 will arrive with energies that are intense and sometimes chaotic. They will develop rapidly towards the March Equinox, and then continue throughout the year. Our advice for now is to expect the unexpected, but without fearing anything.

Agitation will be common in the next year, but they are reminded to remain calm. Conflicts as well as negotiations will be difficult for a while, so remember not to sink into fear or worry. Stay connected to the feeling of joy that is present in every moment of your life, and everything will be fine. Embrace these energies and use them constructively. Let your wisdom and maturity guide you. Don't fight them impulsively or react hastily.

Rushed actions will only confirm their mistaken belief that there is something wrong with the world, when fundamentally there is not. By mistake, you will seek to blame each other for your problems, instead of finding viable solutions together. The energies that are entering their lives now are those of expansion and liberation, not chaos and confusion, as they seem to be. Let them transform into this higher expression, and you will soon see that it is. Trust your Internal Guide on this.

Remember that a change of consciousness often seems destructive and chaotic in the existing order of things. For this reason, the stabilization and transmission of consciousness require patience, tolerance and care. They are asked to avoid excessive haste in this, and keep their hearts open to the Love that permeates all things.

The Wheel of Transformation.

During the December Solstice and towards the New Year of 2012, an important transformation will continue on Earth. Each phase of transformation that you have undertaken in recent years has been based on the previous ones - and what you have established this last year will certainly move to the next. But now, as they move into the New Year, there will be a strong infusion of intense and expansive energies that will help them to arouse world consciousness. This change is for everyone's benefit, although it will not always seem that way.

Remember that in addition to the personal goals you have set for yourself, your collective task now is to offer love and reason to a world that has forgotten how to do it. As they demonstrate their willingness to offer themselves, their Soul will provide them with opportunities to serve. Remember that you are always encouraged to live your life with the purpose of Soul and conviction.

In the coming times, they will be insistently called to take a position. They can no longer be left out, because the energies are changing very often and suddenly. You will have to participate in what is happening and keep your balance in this. They will be asked to declare their position, move forward with courage, and take appropriate but not impulsive action - trusting that they will see positive results while maintaining their course.

As you move through the New Year, you and many others may be tempted to act impulsively, and even relentlessly, to meet your needs and ambitions. And while it is true that restrictions on action are being lifted now, they should remain calm, present, aware, and conscientious. It is important to take one step at a time, instead of trying to do everything at once.

The wheel of transformation is spinning on Earth - and the New Year will certainly bring more of this, the December Solstice invites you to achieve a balanced and harmonious change in your life, and the wise use of power and authority that helps others, even when it benefits you. They are invited to use self-discipline and personal expertise to achieve their goals, rather than following their impulses. As I said before, a change of consciousness - as well as a change in your circumstances - can come in an instant. However, consolidation and stabilization of such changes do not happen so quickly. There is no need to rush.

Patience and tolerance is the key here. It will save them time in the end, because they won't have to start over. Why repeat history, when you can be the author of your own history, instead? That is why they are called to understand the limited but real possibilities available for transformation at this time, and then use intelligent action as they move forward - to act in the spirit of progress - but to use self-control and internal composure when necessary.

Do not get lost in activities that dissipate or waste your energy, or confuse your mind. Stay the course, and stay clear. Bring clarity to your life, when everything else is chaotic, and you can't go wrong.

Does Misery Like to Have Company?

As the year is consumed, they are invited to work with the energies of harmony and balance in the midst of change. Keep your sense of balance, even as you move towards the New Year of 2012 and remember that effective action is always born in stillness.

When the time comes to act, you will feel it from within. They will be guided by their Soul in this, and they will receive help from their guides and spiritual helpers, too. They will not have to force anything. There is no need to give way to impulse or chaos, or to fall into the apocalyptic thoughts or rumors of darkness. Until then, remember that we are supporting you, and sometimes nudging you to move forward. Remember to smile often and keep a flexible attitude, dear friends.

With the intensity of the ongoing transformations, many will fall into chaotic thinking. Yes, you will soon find many who will `` muddy the waters '' for all others. They will worry, complain, and draw attention. They will find faults in everyone and everything, however, they will not propose anything in return. They will cling to the status quo and ignore the need for change that is emerging from within. Instead, they will fear the changes they are called to make, and they will consider this as a fall into chaos, madness and misery.

As the saying goes, misery likes company and they will undoubtedly seek their company there. That is why you are encouraged to offer compassion when it feels appropriate for you, but to do so with a good dose of emotional detachment and intellectual disinterest. Avoid everything that consumes you.

His role in the coming days is to maintain his clarity of mind and will to goodness, to practice tolerance, and to trust that the changes that occur are for the greatest good of all. Stay present and move forward, without falling into the chaos that others generate. In doing so, he will offer others a benchmark that will help them find their higher level, instead of dragging them to where they are.

Therefore, in the turbulent and chaotic times that are approaching for others, remember to maintain your inner balance, your sense of compassion, and your poise. These are the best things you can offer the world and yourself right now.

A Call to Action and the Return to Love and Reason.

As the energies of the December Solstice and those of the New Year arrive, they will feel that they are beginning to go full speed again. This does not mean that you should not pause and reflect, as you begin this transition. They should. It only means that the speed they are now charging is the new freedom that is entering their life in areas where they felt restricted before.

This coming year I will ask you to find this freedom through focus and self-discipline, rather than in a hurry and in waste; as well as planning your progress in manageable steps. Do not throw away your opportunities through impulsive behavior, or by submitting to the chaos of those around you. You are here to work in a positive way with the changes that are coming. They do not fear or resist them because they are asked to do things differently.

If you feel stuck and don't know how to move forward, don't be hard on yourself now. Just remember to find harmony and balance in the changes that are coming. This attitude towards their life will make it possible for them to use much less energy as they move forward, and make decisions that favor their growth in consciousness without offering much resistance.

As they move into the New Year of 2012, the coming changes require a great deal of attention. They are not afraid of them. Simply accept what is offered, if it feels good to you. Remember that the opportunities your soul offers you are always for your greatest good. This is how the Universe works. Change is always a call to action, and a return to love and reason. Trust this, and so it will be.

Certainly, I AM Saint-Germain, and you are loved, my friends.

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Copyright © 2008-2012 Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack

Translated by Maribel González

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