Your Master of God

  • 2016

Your MasterGod

You MasterGod

Throughout history, a lot of ink has been used and great works have been written about the teachers or they have written a lot of books, as long as global illumination does not arrive, so it must continue, because that is the mission of each one of those who has found their way back home and has become a Master.

Like everything JESUS ​​did and said in Bible times, it was always outside of what the world teaches, everything seemed to contradict the status quo of that time, and it still seems. In a Course in Miracles in the book of the Teacher, he does not say: In the thought of the world, the roles of teacher and student are, in fact, inverted. This investment is typical. It seems as if the teacher and the student were separated and as if he gave something to him, instead of himself.

Even today in this statement, it seems that we have not finished understanding it, the sublime words, Love your Neighbor as yourself. They are still far from being part of our day to day.


Throughout this pilgrimage through the earth, we have manufactured all kinds of illusions, some very temporary others seemingly lasting, but that is why they cease to be illusions, when you are a child there is apparently nothing that disturbs your mind, your illusion is sustained by the presence of your loving parents, but still it is still an illusion, in our beloved planet everything is absolutely everything temporary, nothing survives the firm and constant step but apparent of what we call time, one day you realize that you no longer you are a child, your illusions are increased and now you suffer if you do not get them, you are still supported by your family, by your friends, but as time goes on, you achieve some illusions, and you feel that this is what should be done here in this apparent life, but time continues with a firm step, new illusions appear, your separate mind focuses on them, and again the struggle begins, you have to reach those temporary illusions, you strive, struggles, probably some moments were pleasant, others maybe not, some were moistened with your tears and what you call failure inevitably appeared, you felt that your world was collapsing, some brothers of special relations, as a UCDM says they appeared and comforted you, you took a strong breath, and resolutely decided that it was time to continue, new illusions appeared and again loaded with that new energy you undertook the pilgrim's path again, surrounded by many people, things and perhaps many satisfactions, but again the implacable time I take you to a new moment, you probably did not realize that you only repeated the same illusions again and again in an endless circle of repetition, only colored differently, if you are like most of the human beings of this moment, surely You asked yourself, but what do I do here? Nothing I see, nothing I want, nothing I do, manages to fill that emptiness that I hold inside me. Well, let me tell you that nothing you see, nothing you are excited about, nothing you manufacture, can fill that void. Simply because you are looking for it outside of you, yes, outside of you, in this world that we have manufactured, focused, on the lost, trapped in heartbreak, full of resentment, envy and restlessness, do you know why it is so? It is because it is not based on Love, nothing that the world gives, it really gives it to you, late that it charges you early, that is the thought separated from its source with which we manufacture this unreal and apparent world.

The House where nothing is missing.

But for you tireless seeker, for you there is a real road that can lead you back to the House, to the House where nothing is missing, to the House in which the light is not paid, in the House in which no nothing can ever be missing, but you know why, because it is centered on the Father's highest attribute, and that is Love, there you will not have to look for anything, there everything is, of course I am not talking about heaven that promises you a religion or another, no, I am talking about a full state of your mind, with which you can undertake new trips, new experiences, but together with the One who created you, together with the One who has waited for you since the beginning of time, who cries for you now, so that you join the great crusade of faith, love and hope, because the time of awakening has arrived, of course it may be now, or in a long time for you and our brothers, but this is the moment that You have been waiting, this is the moment when you have to discover that you are a Master, yes, a Master, you have never ceased to be, because the father does not manufacture, the Father creates and He created you in the likeness of his divine Love, it is time to recognize him, it is time to put it into operation, your brother awaits you, and you also wait for him, together we will have to walk the path of return that does not exist, because we never left, we just forgot it, the joyful father as always awaits you, awaits me, awaits your brother, you, me, we wait for everyone, get down to work, it is not instantaneous, the mind that separated, does not want you to return because that means it will disappear forever, but do not be afraid, nothing happened that you do not know, the light of the advanced teachers, is there to guide you, his love will cover you, and guide you, the path will be illuminated and the Faithful Companion that we have always had, can be seen by your inner eyes, he will take his form and his luminosity will not dry your eyes, he has always been there, he has never left, but he was pacien I mind you waiting for your dose of goodwill, and now HE is also filled with joy, of knowing you ready and determined to wake up. Do not delay, a course of miracles awaits you, you have to discipline the mind, set aside the thoughts of separation and give way to the principle of unity, your life will change greatly just by deciding on it.


It is time to leave your comfortable area, get up be the Master you want to be, in fact you already are, it tells us a course of miracles that there really are no teachers and students, we are all Teachers and Students, when you decide to give it that has been given to you, and you teach it, it is really when your true learning begins, believe me there will not be one left that does not wake up, in fact Jesus said it, HE was the one for whom he had lost, although he already had 99, a Once you start your course, no matter what, hold on to it, it will take you to where your soul craves, a course of miracles can be yours, do the attempt, if it is not, it does not matter you will find the one you have been Searching, even if you already have it, it can reinforce you, this can help you and you will advance even more quickly. The awakening is imminent, but that moment you decide.

Is what we see real?

Look at your world, look closely at what you see really seems meaningful to you, do you really believe that God could have created a world like the one you observe and I don't mean just how you look at humans, look at nature, look everywhere, everything contravenes the principle of Love, I am telling you that there is no perfect world, not at all, if there is but we cannot see it with the eyes of the body, because it is precisely the body and its senses that we use for attack, to make suffer, and very rarely to make someone happy, we believe that wanting is synonymous with love and we are wrong, but, the great news is that everything you see as you see it, is unreal, does not exist and the day we remember with absolute clarity will disappear, who we are, and if you ask me, then who we are, can only tell you with certainty that we are the SON, yes, the beloved SON, the only SON, t the only one, the one that GOD loves, the one that GOD e Spera for his return home.

Do not take longer, it is your moment, you the teacher of God, you must start now, to give what you have, and if you ask me what you have, I can only answer you, you have everything, and you call LOVE.

Search and find

I tell you to look for several options, my desire was always to recognize me, but many things had to happen, a lot of time, many mistakes, now I do not exist, but they took me to UCDM, and it is a course in which very Quickly if you decide so, it can take you step by step, the Master tells you, well now you are part of me, now you do your part, and our part is to be also Masters, UCDM also He calls them Ministers of God. Just as one day He did it, he sends you, only with what you have and you already know it, and so you have to start your Ministry, your Magisterium, until the last of our brothers is recognized and all together, united in Divine Love, let's continue the sacred journey, which once we seemingly interrupted.

None can force you to do it, none can tell you what to do when you have not yet decided for yourself, give a small dose of goodwill to the Holy Spirit and he will take care of everything that remains He tells us a course of miracles, that he will take the last step, it does not concern you, he has reserved it for Him who has taken everything, He himself wishes to receive you in His Glory.

There you will realize that there is not one, called Teacher, called Student, or called devotee who cannot identify fully with Divine Love. And that he cannot recognize the unity of all Those who came, of those who are and of those who will be.

If you don't know what to do, if you think you can't, if you don't even believe in your Master, it doesn't matter, it just starts, He will do the rest, the miracle will now be presented more intensely, more s clearly and I will recognize it wherever you go, your vision will change, and never again can I be the same person.

The return has begun and your heart will experience a joy like you have never felt, your being will be filled with happiness at every moment and even if the storm arrives, it will leave soon, because for you no longer exist more.

From the book of the Master

In a course of miracles, we are told a very nice decree, thus says: I will accept the role that corresponds to me in God's plan for salvation . If you don't like the word salvation, you can change it as for example, for awakening, or for enlightenment. Do not let religiosity limit you, these words are synonymous, finally every course, or if you prefer every spiritual technique, it has as its sole purpose the awakening of humanity, that we recognize our Divine nature, and that we see our brothers As part of ourselves. Your role, like mine is to be Masters, or if you prefer Ministers of God, when you wake up, many wake up with you, if you had the patience to read here it is because you already gave the Lord your dose of good will and rejoice, there is no turning back now.

From the exercise book

In lesson 100 LEUCDM , he tells us the following: You are certainly essential in God's plan.

In the same way that your light increases the brightness of the lights that shine in Heaven, so your joy on earth also exhorts all minds to abandon their sorrows and take their place with you in God's plan.

You, me and all sentient beings, because we all are, we have a Divine inheritance, that is precisely your mastery and mine and that of all, we just have to pass from the mind in error to the Right mind, our mind dwells in His, that condition is not the only one we need to know, Masters, it is time to start, if you have not yet done so, because your mind still feels separated, because you still do not feel worthy, because you still do not know that You are impeccable. Do it brother and your decision will push many of us to do the same. And as said before, the end of time will be closer and closer, the supreme moment of awakening for all has arrived.

Author. Carlos EFR, editor of the great family of


Channeled by: Helen Schucman

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