Transforms the collective unconscious of Venezuela

  • 2014

Everything that happens on a physical level was before a thought and an emotion.
We are creators and responsible in 100% of our reality, both individual and collective.

Every negative thought and emotion that an inhabitant of Venezuela creates every day, is stored in an astral place called egregor or collective unconscious that is in the middle of the atmosphere. In the astral dimension or 4th dimension, the egregor is shaped like a dark gray cloud and every human creation of anguish, pain, stress, fear has life there.

At the moment there is a strong imbalance since we continue to contribute to that egregor grow and multiply, consciously or unconsciously, justified or unjustifiably, since the universe does not understand if a negative emotion or thought was for a reasonable cause.

The more you make judgments, talk about how bad we are, that there is no food and you have to go to three supermarkets, that you are going to leave this country, that looting, bombs, kidnappings, insecurity, more power takes that egregor because it is generated from an important mass of collective consciousness that focuses its attention on that energy, connecting to that vibrational frequency increasing it like a snowball.

Because you love Venezuela we invite you to participate actively in the transformation of this Egregor:

1.- Every time you hear a negative news in any way (even if it seems justified) on radio, TV, twitter, newspaper, or of a person, locate in your body the fear, anguish, anger or pain that this news produces you. Give it a shape and color. Accept it as yours but understand that you are not said emotion or thought. Now imagine how a violet light fills your entire body and transforms that emotion into a positive one. Repeat it as many times as necessary and return to your center in peace and love. If you wish, also wrap your loved ones in this protective and transforming light.

2.-For each negative news that you read or hear, or each person that you hear that this negative, write hate a positive phrase in relation to Venezuela, how beautiful it is, joy and solidarity
of the Venezuelan, the divine of the pavilion, whatever positive thing you can think of is perfect. Now send it by twitter or facebook with the:

#Venezuela, #coherenciaglobal and tell who you have next to you.

3.-Every time you feel that there is no hope and when you wake up, in the car, at school, at the university, at work, on the street until December 31, 2013, repeat: * That the love cover Venezuela, peace fill our hearts and reign harmony *.

Lose: Feel that emotion, transform it into something positive or just let it go, and don't multiply it.

Because we create focusing our attention on the positive and decide
.wake consciously to create a new reality for our beloved Venezuela. It is together it is neither isolated nor separated, it is creating a unified matrix of consciousness and it is now Abjini Arr iz


Transforms the collective unconscious of Venezuela

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