We all have a wizard inside us, by Deepak Chopra

A Magician can turn fear into joy, frustration into realization. A magician can turn the temporal into eternal. A Magician can take us beyond our limitations to the unlimited.

There is a Magician within each one of us. A Magician who sees and knows everything. The Magician is beyond the opposites of light and dark, good and bad, pleasure and pain. Everything the Magician sees has its roots in the invisible world.

The body and the mind may sleep but the Magician watches permanently.

The magician possesses the secret of immortality.

Magic can only return with the return of Innocence. The Essence of the Magician is the Transformation. The Magician observes the comings and goings of the world but his Soul inhabits the realm of Light. Wizards do not believe in death. In the Light of Consciousness, everything lives. There are no beginnings or endings. For the Magician, these are nothing but fabrications of the mind. To be fully alive, you must be dead to the past. The molecules dissolve and disappear, but Consciousness survives the death of the matter in which it is housed.

The Wizard's Consciousness is an omnipresent field. The currents of knowledge present in the field are eternal and flow forever.

In the moments of revelation centuries of knowledge are contained. We live as waves of energy in the vast ocean of Energy. When we set aside the ego, we have access to the totality of memory.

When the doors of perception are cleaned, we begin to see the invisible world - the Wizard's World. There is a spring of life within each of us, where we can go in search of cleanliness and transformation. Purification consists in freeing yourself from the toxins of life: toxic emotions, toxic thoughts, toxic relationships. All living bodies, physical and subtle, are bundles of energy that can be perceived directly.

Power is a double-edged sword. The power of the ego seeks to control and dominate. The Power of the Magician is the Power of Love. The seat of Power is in the Inner Self. The ego pursues us like a dark shadow. Its power intoxicates and creates addiction, but ultimately destroys. The eternal clash of power ends in Unity.

The Magician lives in a state of knowledge. This Knowledge directs your own satisfaction. The field of Consciousness is organized around our intentions. Knowledge and Intention are forces.

What we intend to do modifies the field in our favor. Intentions compressed into Words contain a magical power. The Magician does not try to solve the mystery of Life. He is here to live it.

We all have a shadow self that is part of our total reality. The shadow self is not here to hurt us but to point to our fords. When we welcome the shadow, it heals. When it heals, it becomes Love. When we learn to live with our opposite qualities, we will live our total Self, just like the Magician.

Wisdom lives and, therefore, is always unpredictable. Order is another face of chaos, chaos is another face of order. Inner uncertainty is the door to Wisdom. The adventurer will always be accompanied by insecurity, but even if he stumbles, he never falls. The human order is made by rules. The order of the Magician has no rules, it flows with the nature of life.

The reality we experience is the reflection of our expectations. If we project the same images every day, our reality will be identical day after day. When attention is perfect, it creates order and clarity from chaos and confusion.

As we know Love, we become Love. Love is more than an emotion. It is a Force of Nature and therefore must contain the Truth. In pronouncing the word "LOVE" we may capture the sensation, but its Essence cannot be expressed in words. The purest Love is where we least expect it: in detachment.

Those who seek never go astray because the Spirit constantly calls them. Those who seek receive clues from the Spiritual World permanently. Ordinary people give these clues the name of coincidences. For the Magician the coincidences do not exist. Each event exists to reveal another layer of the Soul. The Spirit wants to find us. To accept your invitation, we must be unprotected. When searching, let's start with the Heart. The Heart is the Home of Truth.

We can live Immortality in the midst of mortality. Time and Eternity are not opposites. As Eternity encompasses everything, it has no opposite. At the ego level, we fight to solve our problems. For the Spirit that struggle is the problem. The Magician is aware of the battle between the ego and the Spirit, but knows that the two are immortal and cannot die. All aspects of our Self are Immortal, even the parts to which we judge hardest.

Wizards never condemn desire. It was following their wishes as they became Wizards. All desire is born from a previous desire. The chain of desire never ends. It is life itself. Do not consider any of your wishes useless or wrong - someday everyone will be fulfilled. Desires are seeds waiting for the season to germinate. Complete forests are born from a single seed of desire.

Appreciate each one of your Heart's desires, however trivial it may seem. One day, those trivial desires will lead you to God.

"The Greatest Good you can do to the World is to become a Magician ..."

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