Complementary therapies to relieve pain

  • 2018

Complementary therapies for pain relief support conventional treatments improving patient well-being.

Generally, alternative treatments are recommended by doctors according to the condition of the person and his illness, as they can optimize the activity of the chemicals that relieve pain.

Complementary therapies that help relieve pain


Acupuncture involves inserting very fine needles into various parts of the body, which stimulates certain points called meridians releasing chemicals that relieve pain.

Generally, acupuncture treatments are used for the relief of chronic pain in various health problems such as headache, osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, low back pain, myofascial pain syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, cervicalgia, epicondylitis, dysmenorrhea, omalgia and cancer .


Meditation is a way to reduce physical pain, because much of the pain a person experiences is emotional or mental. Some types of meditation help to relax the body, which serves to reduce the sensation of pain and also helps reduce pain resistance to minimize its effects.

Experts say that emotional consequence and endurance increase physical pain . And through meditation techniques it is possible to understand that pain is unnecessary and generated by the mind.


Massage is one of the effective complementary therapies of soft tissue manipulation that does not generate side effects and provides various benefits, both in pain relief and acting as a support for conventional treatments.

The massage technique is commonly used during physical therapy and the rehabilitation of an injury, as it helps reduce inflammation, improves physical conditions and reduces pain . The effectiveness of this therapy is determined by the duration of the massage, as well as the technique used and the ability of the therapist to perform it.


Feedback is a system that uses ultra sensitive electrical equipment that helps the patient to be more aware of his body's reactions to pain. This equipment can monitor temperature, muscle tension and blood pressure.

In this way, a person can practice relaxation techniques while monitoring how he reacts to pain to learn to control these responses and reduce feelings of physical pain.


ENET (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) therapy consists of adhering electrodes to the skin and applying low intensity electric currents to relieve pain.

This technique manages to activate the underlying nerves for pain relief in various cases, such as neuropathic pain, labor, rheumatoid arthritis, pain after a limb amputation and in various types of cancer, among others.


Therapeutic ultrasound is a therapy that helps relieve pain by providing heat and energy through vibration. To do this, a device that rubs against the skin in the area of ​​pain is used.

This treatment is commonly used to relieve muscle pain, tendons, ligaments, bones, backaches, in cases of arthritis, bursitis and fibromyalgia, as well as to accelerate healing.


Aromatherapy uses essential oils that are applied to the skin or that use the sense of smell to relieve pain, especially muscle pain, since the oils penetrate deeply into the skin releasing toxins and preventing the accumulation of uric acid, one of the causes from pain.

Aromatherapy is used to relieve muscle pain, neuropathic, postoperative pain and to reduce pain in people suffering from degenerative diseases.

Seen in Spanish.Arthritis, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood espanol / treatments / therapies /

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