Alternative Therapies: Fighting Chronic Stress

  • 2015

Today, there are people who suffer from a variety of diseases, both mental and physical. One of these diseases, which has stood out in modernity , is chronic stress. Times have changed and with it the health paradigms, for this reason, society has begun to discover and apply the so-called alternative therapies, which we will talk about below, to combat this fashionable disease.

What is chronic stress?

First of all, it is necessary to define chronic stress . The chronic stress can be explained as a nuisance that arises due to situations that disturb us, in a space of time. This discomfort generates effects and alterations of psychological and physical character, which are related to one's emotions and life itself.

All of the above is undoubtedly influenced, with our well-being, because stress threatens our resistance to conditions or adversities to which we are exposed. Not only adults are affected, but children and adolescents are also being exposed to this disease, due to what today's daily life demands.

The solution to stress

With regard to this, alternative therapies that are precisely therapies applied to combat these physical and psychological discomforts, symptoms caused by diseases, progressively arise. Some symptoms of these diseases may include: constant headaches, muscle contractures, fatigue, excessive tiredness, wear, physical weakness, or even depression ; the latter being the maximum effect of chronic stress . These alternative therapies have been developed in many countries around the world, and are related to various concepts such as spiritualism and healing, which in turn are concepts that move entire cultures.

On this occasion we will meet a group of alternative therapies, which exist within a wide variety and that are applied worldwide.


The first alternative therapy is a Chinese tradition that is known as acupuncture . This consists of inserting special needles in key points of the person's skin, in order to cure the body's energy imbalance . In this way the body is stimulated and the pain disappears.


Another of the therapies is aromatherapy, whose use comes centuries ago, when different cultures manipulated herbs for healing or other purposes. The above is because there is a connection between our mood and what we can smell. This consists precisely in the extraction, application and / or inhalation of essential oils from plants, which contain inside their stems, flowers, leaves, fruits and roots; Chemicals that stimulate our body . As well as acupuncture, aromatherapy helps fight stress and what it contracts. That is, symptoms such as insomnia, pain, anxiety and inflammation . This therapy greatly influences body defenses and the rehabilitation of a sick patient.


The third therapy we are talking about today is bioenergetics, a concept that is based on the mind and body, since what happens in the mind is reflected in our body. This is why bioenergetics is about releasing muscle tension through different exercises. In this way the vital energy that has been blocked by chronic stress is recovered, in turn caused by some problem in our lives. As the energy of our body flows, we connect directly with consciousness and heart, allowing us to understand and accept what afflicts and makes us sick. A patient who goes to bioenergetics manages to forgive repressed feelings that have shaped his body and his perspective, and resulted in stress. With this alternative therapy, it is proven that pain, depression is relieved and our confidence and self-esteem is regenerated, between our body and our mind.

Music therapy

Finally we have music therapy . Given that, as in aromatherapy, smell is key, this time, what we can hear is essential to connect and stimulate our mood . Music therapy is a healing medium that involves applying music that manipulates our senses and relieves tension . In this way the release of accumulated stress is achieved, and brings harmony to our mind and body.

Music therapy is applied in two ways. The first is the active one, which consists of singing, playing an instrument, among others. The second way to use it is receptively, that is, by relaxing through the music and sounds present.

For centuries, it has been seen that music has stood out and considered positive for memory, imagination, coordination, balance and the way we express ourselves . This last ability is essential to release those feelings and conflicts that cause us chronic stress.

It is important to clarify that these are just some alternative therapies that exist in the world. There is a huge amount of techniques applied by humans today, which are being increasingly approved by traditional hospital doctors . Methods such as reflexology, reiki, homeopathy, meditation, visualization, yoga, among many more; They go for the welfare of human beings.

We must open our minds to everything that life, nature and science offer us ; in order to take care of our body, which after all is what protects and loads our soul. It is necessary to defend it against modern diseases such as chronic stress, which worries and affects even the youngest; to achieve a healthy mind and a life rich in harmony and balance with our body.

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