Oriental alternative therapies - Acupuncture

  • 2015

Acupuncture is one of the alternative therapies based on ancient Chinese medicine. The translation of the word brass means needle-prick. The technique consists of inserting needles at certain points of the body that can neutralize pain and eliminate symptoms of some diseases. Acupuncture has an established diversified procedure in multiple techniques with the same foundation. It is not an experimental technique since it is part of the alternative therapies recognized and used in the world for the results obtained in its practice. Currently, many patients with a diagnosis of pain attend acupuncture sessions to relieve and improve their conditions.

Alternative Therapies Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a therapy that is virtually free of adverse effects

Tips before performing acupuncture.

  • To go to a recognized place with experience applying acupuncture, it is necessary to know exactly the places where to introduce the needles and the precise depth inside to achieve the desired effect.
  • This therapy gives the best Long-term results . You have to be patient and invest in several acupuncture sessions to get the reward.
  • The technique is clean, the person should not bleed during the process, if this happens it is possible that the therapist is not trained.
  • There are several documented cases of people who have suffered from malpractice infections, however it is a complication that can occur in any procedure.
  • Its greatest influence is on cases of pain, especially in the back area.

How is acupuncture performed ?

  1. The needle is inserted while turning .
  2. Because the body is suffering a physical injury, it reacts by releasing "Adenosine." Adenosine is a chemical compound that together with the A1 protein alert the body to the invasion of a foreign body.
  3. The level of adenosine increases at the point applied and produces an immune response that results in a decrease in cellular activity preventing neurons from sending the pain signal .
  4. It is important to highlight that although Acupuncture is an invasive alternative therapy it does not produce pain. The needles are very thin and fail to exceed the minimum threshold to trigger pain.
  5. Acupuncture is a therapy that is virtually free of adverse effects, so the patient should not be afraid of suffering harm. The only risk is to improve.

Alternative Therapies - The energy of Qi in acupuncture.

Qi is the force or energy that moves the world, it is the way life is shown, the one that generates the thoughts and feelings of human beings. Qi is life in its purest form. Chinese medicine focuses on the movement of Qi within the body by acupuncture meridians, blood, essence and other body fluids. It is the energy Qi that acupuncture needles manipulate to improve the functioning of the body. There is also a defensive Qi that runs through the skin protecting the person from external factors that can cause a disorder and diseases in the body.

Acupuncture is widely used in western countries

When applying alternative therapies with needles, electrical stimulation, they should be familiar with the energies of Yin and Yang, the functioning of mobility, the distribution of organs and especially the location of the meridians through which Qi circulates. There are sedation points, crossing meridians, to sleep, lose weight, low back pain, constipation and anxiety.

Currently, Acupuncture is widely used in Western countries, there are even chairs that teach them to train professionals in the field. In most cases, patients go to acupuncture not to cure the disease but to relieve their symptoms , which is a mistake.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of hermandadblanca.org

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