Alternative therapies, do you know Reiki?

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 The meaning of its name is: 2 It is a technique where vital energy (ki) is channeled and transmitted, through the hands, in order to obtain peace and balance at all levels of your life. 3 Let's vibrate in the energy of balance! 4 Let's vibrate in the energy of love!

There are many alternative therapies as options during the treatment of diseases. Most of them whose use dates back to ancient times. There is an energy- based therapy, known as Reiki .

Also known as Tikitan Usui Reiki, it owes its name in honor of Mikao Usui known as the creator, in Japan in 1858. It is an alternative therapy in which the hands are used, as a conductor and transmitter of energy, to cleanse the body and achieve inner harmony . Reiki Therapy is considered by the World Health Organization as an alternative medicine, in other cultures it is known as Chi, Ki, Orgone, Prana, among other names.

The meaning of his name is:

  • REI : universal energy
  • KI: vital energy

It is a technique where vital energy (ki) is channeled and transmitted, through the hands, in order to obtain peace and balance at all levels of your life.

  • Physical: help in suffering from diseases and discomforts, ailments, injuries, wounds, etc.
  • Emotional: emotional problems, anxiety, aggressiveness, among others.
  • Mental: harmful habits, stress, depression, insomnia, to name a few
  • Spiritual: peace, balance, harmony, improve communication with angels or ascended beings.

The advantage of this therapy is that it has no side effects, since it works with energy and vibrations. It is very useful for therapies with physical and emotional, even spiritual purposes . In addition to that it can be complemented with other treatments, from traditional medicine to other alternative therapies

Within Reiki therapy, various symbols are used, this allows the energy of the patient's body, therapist and place to flow harmoniously . The symbols used are to manage the level of depth, in addition to increasing the power to heal or heal. The symbol used in each therapy will depend on the needs of the patient, this will be evaluated by the therapist.

Reiki Therapy can be applied in specific areas of the body, according to the patient's conditions, as well as in the chakras, that is, the body's energy centers, which are 7 and are known and used since ancient times in the Hindu culture.

The duration of each therapy varies depending on each case, but the average varies between 8 and 10 sessions; So each therapy is usually different.

It is recommended that those who choose Reiki as an alternative therapy, let the energy flow throughout their body, trust their Reiki therapist, relax and believe in the healing power of energy . Combining meditation with Reiki therapy is an excellent option, because during therapy it will allow the free flow of energy in addition to freeing the mind from any thought. Be open in mind and with a relaxed body.

It is important to mention that within Reiki therapies there may be a time called Healing Crisis . This is called that because during this process, the patient may experience certain changes and discomforts, which is due to the body's release of accumulated toxins, the energy channels are unlocked, emotions are released or harmful beliefs.

In the healing crisis, the mental-emotional symptoms that can be experienced are: anger, sadness, fear, hate, anxiety; and the physical symptoms are increased sweat, urine and bowel movements, nausea, vomiting, fever, etc. This is normal, considering that the energy that moves in the patient can be from the past, so it is important to be willing to free yourself from everything.

The diseases of the body originate in emotions, they are imbalances of the main chakras and Reiki, it is an excellent therapy that helps to clean the impurities of the body, to balance the energy of the chakras, which help emotional and physical well-being.

Within Reiki Therapy, there are different systems or styles, such as Gendai reiki-ho, Komyo Reiki, Egyptian Reiki, Tibetan-Tantric Usui, Kariki Prakriti Reiki.

Reiki is an excellent alternative therapy, anyone can learn about this ancestral technique and can apply it to their own person or others. Just by placing your hands with love, it is a way of transmitting Reiki, however, it would be important to attend a course or workshop about it in order to channel the energy to be applied, in addition to knowing the fundamentals, systems and symbolics, and everything what concerns Reiki .

Let's vibrate in the energy of balance!

Let's vibrate in the energy of love!

Discover the benefits of Reiki and share it with those around you. Feel the power of energy through your hands, feel how vital energy is activated, the natural power that heals and awakens the immune system ; Experience how vital energy circulates throughout your body, travels through your veins and manages to gently remove the negative from you.


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