Massage Workshop for Babies and Massage and Relaxation Workshop for children

  • 2011


Modality: can be done in Group or Individual form.

To whom it is addressed: Mom and dad or baby up to two years.

Duration: Five meetings of approximately one hour.

Price: 225 the complete workshop 50 one session

Start: May, Wednesday in the morning or Friday morning or afternoon (open hours as requested by appointment)

It consists of learning different techniques of infant massage, you will know which one your baby prefers and will choose the right one. Gymnastics and yoga for babies and early stimulation exercises are included. You can also track evolution month by month and learn massages and exercises for each stage.


Western massages

Basic techniques such as landslides, kneading, percussion, friction, stretching.

The butterfly massage.

Shantala massage

Shantala is a baby massage technique from India. In this country there is a tradition by which mothers apply massages to their babies. And that has been transmitted from generation to generation for thousands of years. This type of massage was rediscovered by Fréderic Leboyer, a French obstetrician, on one of his visits to Calcutta in the 1950s.


The art of reflexology is to perform foot massages to calm certain ills and tensions. There are areas in the foot that represent all the organs of the body and by stimulating those areas manually we can calm the pain, facilitate the elimination of toxins, prevent diseases ... It works from reflex points, stimulating the organ and / or affected system.

Champi - Indian cranial massage

Indian cranial massages can be given simply to relax or to help the healing process of wounds, relieve psychological tension, endure pain and improve circulation.

Massages that heal and calm

Massages for common ailments, for example: colds or bronchial problems, for digestive discomfort, problems when teeth start to come out, skin problems ...

Gymnastics and Yoga

Gymnastics and yoga are included for the baby according to his evolutionary achievements. Stimulating the movement adequately stimulates your gross motor skills.

Early stimulation

At present, it has been seen the need to adequately stimulate the child during his period of growth, in order to enhance personal, social maturation and even to limit - or where appropriate, to prevent - the alterations of his development.

Benefits of baby massages:

stimulate the immune system, preventing diseases improve sleep quality generate relaxation and emotional security regulate and strengthen respiratory, circulatory and gastrointestinal functions relax and control colic, gas and constipation lead to a better development of the nervous system better process your daily impressions stimulate motor skills relieve discomfort for the first teeth.


Modality: can be done in Group or Individual form.

Who is it for: Moms and / or dads and children aged three to ten years.

Duration: Five meetings of approximately one hour.

Price: € 225 for the entire workshop or € 50 for a single session

Start: May, Wednesday morning or Friday morning or afternoon (open schedule as requested by appointment)


Western massages

Stories and games on the skin.

Draw stories on the skin.

Champi - Indian cranial massage.

Hand massages.


Various techniques of child relaxation.


It will allow children to face difficult situations more effectively and be able to manage the stress of their daily lives. Encourage empathy and communication between family members. The parents are oriented to stimulate the emotional intelligence of the child.

We will wait for you!


Telephone: 91 646 00 12 and 678 502 131


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