You are creation

  • 2014

The universe is composed of 4% of atomic matter (normal, visible matter), 23% of dark matter, 73% of dark energy (what they previously thought was EMPTY SPACE, but it is not ...), which is like a nervous system that runs through the entire universe connecting everything.

In ancient times the teachers taught that the universe is vibration. The vibratory field is the root of all spiritual experience and of all solid and true scientific research.

This vibratory field has been given many names, such as Akasha -> the primordial OM -> Indra's jewelry network -> the music of the spheres, etc.

It is the common root of all religions, and it consists in the link between the INTERNAL and the EXTERNAL. It is the eternal sense occupied by EL EVERYTHING .

Imagine a spider web that extends in all dimensions, formed by drops of dew and each drop contains the reflection of the entire spider web, and this in turn also has drops that reflect the panorama complete thus continue to infinity, until you reach The OR GEN of all repetition, pattern and form, the ALL .

It is similar to a fractal: a fractal is a geometric shape that can be divided into parts, and each of which is a reduced copy of the entire pattern. This is called self-similarity. Each part contains the seed to recreate the whole set.

All the energy of the universe is neutral, timeless and lacks dimension. It is the raw material with which everything is created.

Observation is an act of creation through the limitations of thought. You create the illusion of solidity of things, by naming and labeling them.

A philosopher said: If you name me you deny me. By giving me a name and labeling me, you deny the other possibilities that I could be. You classify the particle in be being a thing but at the same time you are also creating it with this raw material and you define it for it to exist. With the creation of things comes time, which creates the illusion of solidity. The empty space is not empty, it has properties and incalculable amounts of energy, but it is timeless.

Every thought, every definition you have, is a creation, however small and insignificant it may seem, has a lot of energy and is expanding and repeating itself, self-replicating itself indefinitely as a fractal . Your creations sprout from the inside out and also replicate inward, reflecting in each part and that part within those that follow and follow their path indefinitely. Thus your creations will be within you, in each subatomic particle, as well as outside of you, to the macrocosm and beyond!

Therefore, every idea you have, every thought, everything you speak, the concrete, you create it, materialize it, replicate it, divide it and recreate it over and over again, until you change your mind - of thought. As you will see, only you are responsible for what happens to you, because you are the one who creates your own world, you define yourself every moment as you are, until you decide to change and define yourself in another way ... because YOU ARE YOUR CREATION!

Martina Berger

You are creation

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