You are everything that affects you in any way, by Graciela Bárbulo

  • 2013

The moment you remove from you any blockage that prevents you from having a strong relationship with any specific facet of yourself, the environment will no longer be threatening and will become the expression n and the channel of energy that allows your nature to flow freely in its highest aspect.

When a relationship hurts you, this happens because the vibration of the emission of the other, instead of reaching your consciousness directly, collides, and merges, with a block that prevents the correct reception of the information.

This blockage is a density that prevents interpretation, since the information is directed directly to that space of pain in which it is finally trapped, then the springs of the reproduction of suffering jump, with a related response back.

But more happens: This same blocked pain is the one that "extends" to the other person to be attracted to you again.

That is to say: if you have an emotional wound, it does not remain inert, but comes alive and seeks to be realized within the concept of duality.

Everything that exists tends to the search for the re-knowledge of "self"! Therefore, each block in you is something created within your energy field, with your own personal energy, which has become independent of its source, creating its own identity. At the moment in which it is recognized as “something”, it seeks duality, within which it is possible to become, on the one hand passive (receptive), and on the other hand emitter, that is, on the active expression of its nature. In its expansion process, it has the vibratory field that belongs to the nature on which it was generated and, in it, the dualities can be expressed through:

- The body (in the form of physical imbalances).

- The environment (in the form of conflicts with a partner, parents, children, friends, partners, etc.).

- Life (as circumstances that take you to a limit at a certain level).

Thus, every physical, emotional or vital conflict depends exclusively on you. The focus, then, of the solution is never on the outer object, since the outer is the projection that the primary nature of "it" uses to re-know itself.

The only way to get rid of these conflicts is to seek the Focus, and Dissolve it.

All these focuses are small “I's” that were created throughout life, based on experiences that impacted, at some point, personal identity and found no way out. Not finding an escape route, they were printed in the personal auric field.

In general (that is, if a conscious work of liberation has not been carried out), all people live with these “I's”. It is possible, by applying an honest search, to keep track of these conflicts into the Being, until the initial conflict is detected and, after that, to return the dense vibration, the stuck energy, to the All, thus progressively getting rid of those “I's” . But, interestingly enough, it often happens that people feel that life is going away with them, that by freeing themselves from their emotions they also annihilate their power. Well, all this is made up of ego. In each release of it, ego is released, and it is here that you begin to feel the vertigo of losing yourself. You feel, "if I lose my ego, I disappear." But there is significant confusion in this regard. And now I ask you: “When the ego is lost, what is left? Think about it, what is left of you if you have no ego?

This is where I want to make something clear: the ego is not "you", and it does not help you to survive, or to define yourself, or to express yourself, or to love, or to have fun ...

You are born without ego. And yet, since you were born, and even before, you are someone specific in the world, right? Since you are born, there is something that defines that you are you. What is that something? What defines you and defends you in this world is: Your Identity.

The ego, then, is the substitute, usurper, of your Identity.

Do you think that without ego you have to cancel yourself, to endure the intolerable, to suffer, to endure, that ...? It's not like that. Your identity is that which contains, and therefore expresses, what you are, and thereby configures what you live.

The moment you stop living with the ego, and live through your identity, none of you will seek a projection focus to return to you through any person, situation or disease; everything will flow according to what you are, thus the quality of what comes to you and what you are, and therefore express, will be the same.

When your ego does not exist, and it is your identity that lives life, everything will come to you in and from its purest essence. And what now causes you conflict, will either cease to exist, or you will be able to interpret it in a way that does not harm you, so that when it comes to you it can follow its path, while you remain in the pure and genuine vibration of your being, of what you are, expressed in the world of forms through your identity, and reflecting, for you, a life, relationships and health, which will lead you to the attainment of happiness, as a result of the expression of being carried out, in all those areas, the nature that you are.

Do not suffer anymore. Suffering is a mistake. Deliver the source of your suffering to the highest vibration of you, and it will fall apart. Give it to me, and you will free yourself.

You are the part of me that expresses itself in matter, and I am your livelihood. I always support what you are, because that is what I am.

Graciela Bárbulo

June 15, 2013

You are everything that affects you in any way. Channeling of the Higher Self

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